Moving back to the love, I LOVED seeing my favorite Bway show on TV. Congrats to the cast, and thanks to Tony for having them on. Especially big yay for Deborah!
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
I watched. I love I Speak Six Languages and think it is a real showstopper. I'm also happy for Deborah, who is phenomenal. Yet, I'm disappointed that the show didn't give more time to Spelling Bee. This could have been accomplished with interviewing the cast to set up the number or also doing more of an ensemble piece in addition.
It just reminds me how disappointed I was when Spelling Bee was on The Today Show. The good news was they were on televison, the bad news was that they didn't do justice to show casing this show properly.
And as everyone on this thread knows---I love this show...
What do the rest of you think? Should we just be thrilled that it got exposure?
I'm glad that it got exposure, but I definitely wish they had at least some interview time, or a song like Pandemonium or the opening song in which everyone got to have their turn to be in the spotlight. Then again, Jesse, Celia, Lisa, and Derrick were on Breakfast with the Arts on A&E, so it's someone else's turn for a solo. And they all performed together at Broadway on Broadway. I love Deborah though and am so glad she got to do this, she was awesome.
Anyone find it online yet?
So frustrated! Lisa Howard has her ArsNova debut on March 6, Jesse and Deborah are both performing in the Caberet Gourmet thing that night, and I already have tickets to BCEFA Nothing Like a Dame concert!
Why can't they all be on different nights?
Bumping up the love in honor of the tour starting in Atlanta soon!
Re: Atlanta run of the national tour, playbill says:
"Casting for the tour will begin this spring. The original Broadway creative team will return for the Atlanta production and national tour. "
I thought SF company will go on a national tour as Chicago company is a sit-down production, but this national tour company is a completely different from those two? I mean there will be four (including Broadway) companies of SP in the states at the same time?
Speaking of SF company, I saw the show yesterday. It's interesting as for some reason, the actors in this company is small/short physically (I noticed when I saw the clip on Broadway presents), it gives a different dynamic to the show (I'd say this you'd feel like it if you see OBC first; if you see this show for the first time, I don't think you'd get the same feeling that I had).
The tallest person in the contestants is Leaf(Stanley Bahorek ), and Chip (Aaron J. Albano) and William (Jared Gertner) are short. So Leaf doesn't look as vulnerable, and Chip doesn't seem to be "alpha male." I thought Logainne (Sara Inbar) was just as good as Sarah Saltzberg (but Inbar didn't say about "speech therapy" at the ending, is it omitted or she forgot?) but the actress who played Marcy was flat (off key) often during "six Languages" and I was wondering if she was having a cold.
The audience loved the show. I have a feeling that this show will be a hit in SF too.
Updated On: 2/20/06 at 12:34 AM
I just saw the show tonight in San Francisco, and it was Hilarious!!! I don't think I've laughed that hard since I saw Spamalot!
Overthemoon6, did you see SP on Broadway too? What do you think about two companies?
Nope, I've only seen the cast in San Francisco.
I wish I'd seen the Broadway cast.
Anyway, I loved the Rona, Mitch, Doug, William, Loggaine, Leaf, and Chip.
The Olive was good, but a bit screechy, and for some reason, Marcy was singing off key; whether that was intended or not, I don't know.
Overall, I loved the show.
I need to go to SF to see the show!
Overthemoon, love your quotes, though the wording is off on a few of them...
Which ones?
I saw the SF cast yesterday, they were amazing.
Yes, they were.
They are close:
In the cenacle, Jesus said "I am a Jew, but tonight, one of you will betray me so I'm ordering the shrimp."
Billy, quick, duck behind this Western Wall. I think I see a jihad coming!
Jesus! You're Asian!
The 3rd one changes every night, so that's ok :)
Broadway Star Joined: 5/25/04
all these quotes are making me even more excited!
I'm seeing it March 8th!!!!
I just hope it didn't get too hyped up for me and that maybe I'll be let down...somehow I seriously doubt that.
-Feste from "Twelfth Night"
Actually, on the Jesus being Asian one, that was how she said it. At least in my show.
At the adult show? Or did they use that line in the regular show elsewhere?
Broadway Star Joined: 5/25/04
una pregunta
I hate to be a pest, cause I know how many times people ask this kind of stupid thing...but..I gotta know...
Does anyone know if for some random reason if Celia won't be at the Bee on Wednesday, March 8th?
-Feste from "Twelfth Night"
Broadway Star Joined: 6/14/05
I really don't like this cast breaking up. They all worked perfectly together. Is that the 9th of April?
Broadway Star Joined: 5/25/04
I agree, I JUST found out that Jay Reiss is gone...I'm pretty upset about that...
-Feste from "Twelfth Night"
Oh sorry. Just vacation for Jesse for a few weeks, he'll be back.
They used that line in the production in San Francisco.
Stand-by Joined: 2/11/05
I had to join in to the Bee love. I just read through all 15 pages of love. My wife and I saw the show in January in our first visit to NYC. (We live in California.) We also saw DRS, Wicked, and Piazza. Bee was definitely the best, although our opinion was definitely colored because we won the Bee lottery, got a cool button, and sat in the second row. We also got a chance to meet most of the cast afterwards, which was terrific. We had seen Jose Llana in Sacramento in Flower Drum Song. We talked a long time to Lisa Howard, and after we got home I went to her website and emailed her. She replied! I asked her about the intros, and she said that she and Greg write them every night during the show, so they are constantly writing things down while other action is going on. I'm sure they recycle several of them, as we heard head lice and doctor growing up to be a lawyer on the night we went, and other posters mentioned these lines from back in December. But I bet every night has a few new things. Anyway, it was a great show! I appreciate all the little tidbits that have been posted here. The post about how we all relate to the show because it reminds us of how we were treated in junior high is so true. In some ways our love of Broadway is kind of like being back in junior high. Most people don't understand why I like Broadway so much. Most people don't know anything about Broadway. They don't get it. So in some sense loving Broadway is sort of like being a junior high outcast. Or is that way too much of a stretch?
Thanks for joining in the love!
I am seeing the show tonight, it's been awhile since I last went.