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Spelling Bee love!

Jud Faginsky
#375re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/22/06 at 6:37pm

Thanks, liotte. I am proud to be a member of the club!

Creative Lunatic
#376re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/22/06 at 7:07pm

Maybe to some people loving Broadway is like having a sea anemone circus in your basement(like William Barfee)----You know how much joy it gives you--but some people don't get your passion and just think your hobbies are weird.... In that case--you've come to the right place..Feel free to express the love and welcome aboard!!! We totally get it here and in fact can't get enough of it...I KNOW!!

Jud Faginsky
#377re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/22/06 at 7:12pm

Thanks, CL. It is nice to share this passion with all of you. Does anybody post any messages about BWW message board addiction getting in the way of things like work? I constantly have BWW radio on my computer too.

#378re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/22/06 at 7:24pm

well, broadwayworld is getting in the way of my homework right now if that is an example...

but i have another window open that has to do with school stuff so its all cool... :)

Creative Lunatic
#379re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/22/06 at 7:28pm

There have been messages alluding to this board becoming all consuming. To date, we have not heard of posters losing jobs or destroying relationships because they were out of control.
Best advice----Exercise restraint and resist the urge to get up in the middle of the night to check for new posts...
It's more fun when there are lots of new messages although being in the middle of active exchanges does provide a rush...
I guess there are worse addictions....

Jud Faginsky
#380re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/22/06 at 7:28pm

If it makes you feel any better, I'm a teacher and it's getting in the way of me correcting homework. LOL.

Creative Lunatic
#381re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/22/06 at 7:30pm

I KNOW!!!!

Creative Lunatic
#382re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/22/06 at 7:36pm

Grade the students' papers, spend time with your family, and check back about 11 PM. Liotte should have some Spelling Bee updates and highlights.

Jud Faginsky
#383re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/22/06 at 7:39pm

This is the first active exchange I've been in. All of the other things I have posted have gotten almost no response. re: Spelling Bee love! But I really enjoy reading what other people have said. Especially when the discussion gets very detailed and interesting and we talk about themes of shows, and meanings of plots, and how Broadway relates so much to life. Like Spelling Bee. But you're right, I need to go home and spend time with my family. I'm so jealous of all of you who live in NYC and can go see these shows all the time. I don't know how you afford it, but it must be awesome.

Harpo Profile Photo
#384re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/22/06 at 8:12pm

Hi Jud, Liotte, CL. Just checking in. Liotte maybe one day we can do the lotto togehter?
Jud, I have only seen Bee once and am totally in love with the show. How great you heard back from Lisa Howard. She is so wonderful!!! She is performing a solo gig in NY but alas, since I am in the DC area I won't get to see her. re: Spelling Bee love!

#385re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/22/06 at 8:32pm

"I guess there are worse addictions...."

yeah, I personally would rather be addicted to broadwayworld more than being addicted to drugs, or even worse... Hilary Duff

broadwayworld is good

Jud Faginsky
#386re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/22/06 at 9:42pm

Thanks for the welcome Harpo. Yes, I was really stoked to get a response from Lisa Howard. I saw on this site that she is doing that concert. I bet it will be great. I lobbied her to come out to California to do a show at Sacramento Music Circus. I hope she comes sometime. I have also only seen Spelling Bee once. The experience was really terrific and is a great memory. Which brings up a question I have. liotte may have a different perspective on this than everyone else. I was thinking about whether I should go see Bee in SF. It just started there, and I think it is an open ended run, but I'm not sure. My question is, do you think I will spoil the memory of the OBC in NYC if I go see 25APCSB in SF. (Boy, that was a lot of initials in one sentence.) The memory is so great right now, but I kind of want to take my kids to see it, so I'm not sure what to do.

Harpo Profile Photo
#387re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/22/06 at 10:15pm

Jud, I know what you mean, I am even concerned about seeing it again without the original cast. So I understand your concern about seeing the tour. But I would say go see it in SF and give it a shot. You may get something different out of it and discover some other great talents.

By the way, I am from Calif. Grew up in San Jose and lived in San Francisco for a decade, and have lived in Mill Valley, Vacaville and Orangevale (for a short period of time).

liotte Profile Photo
#388re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/22/06 at 10:54pm

Finally! I got to see Willis go on as Mitch Mahoney tonight. I have now seen all the of the understudies in every role they play. I liked Willis better as Mitch than I did as Chip, though he told me that his Chip was better by the end of the week (and I only saw him Sunday and Wednesday).
Deborah is hurt again, didn't do the splits in Six Languages.
Everything else was as usual.
I really have such a respect for broadway casts. How they get up there and sing their hearts out 8 shows a week is beyond me. They are fabulous each time, and I have such an appreciation for them.
I want to go see Lisa's show, I am thinking about selling my ticket to Nothing Like A Dame and going to that. But also, Deborah and Jesse have another caberet thing they are doing that night, and Celia is doing Broadway by the Year. Tough call!!!
Harpo, we definitely need to do the lotto together, let me know when you are in NYC!
Jud, honestly, when I first saw understudies or new cast members come into the show, I thought it was weird and I missed the originals. But having seen everyone and so many times, it is fun to see the changes and see what each person does differently. I would check it out in SF if I were you. I am planning on seeing the show in Chicago this spring, and in SF this summer if I go home to visit my parents. Let us know what you think!

lite2shine Profile Photo
#389re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/23/06 at 7:36pm

Hi Jud! Great to hear that Lisa replied to you.

As for SF run, if you go, I don't think it will ruin your Broadway experience, but rather you'll appreciate OBC more. My friend and I felt the same way, not SF cast is not good, but it's tough to compete with the actors who actually created the roles you know. I'd suspect they will have half price tix after it opened so you can wait for a while too.

#390re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/23/06 at 10:39pm

Does anyone know if there is any significance to the show's title?

Creative Lunatic
#391re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/24/06 at 6:16am

The original title Crepuscule which signified --possible twilight and elimination for final speller was deemed inappropriate as improv show morphed into more legitimate musical. although I personally loved the original title which hinted at shows delightful quirkiness
Rebecca Feldman has said in interviews her dad thought county's starting with P were funny and most states had putnam counties.
It is a mouthful

Jud Faginsky
#392re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/24/06 at 2:09pm

I just found out yesterday my son (a senior in HS) is going to get to go to the SF production on a field trip with his choir. He's really stoked! That will probably help me decide if I should go too. I probably can't go until summer, so that may make the decision for me if the show leaves before then.

Creative Lunatic
#393re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/24/06 at 3:04pm

Seniors in high school should love this piece. It is a great introduction to theater for those who have not been previously exposed. They are not that far removed from middle school angst so they will definitely relate and recognize these spellers.
I admit at the onset that I have a deep love and bias for the original Spelling Bee cast. Their entire journey was magical and they will always inhabit the characters and be the gold standard for any other actors' portrayals. That being said, I think if I were in one of the touring cities,I would definitely be excited to revisit The Bee and delight in the joy that this show was bringing to fresh audiences. I don't doubt that the new casts would be endearing in their own unique way. Please report back about your son's experience...

Jud Faginsky
#394re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/24/06 at 7:11pm

I will. I think he goes in March sometime. He actually has quite a bit of musical theater experience. He has played in the pit orchestras for four shows that his high school did. He has seen several professional shows, including the Lion King, Big River, and Les Mis. So he probably isn't your typical teenager. But I definitely agree with you that Bee would appeal to teenagers that haven't seen any Broadway shows. (And adults too for that matter.) I would love it if more people had seen Broadway shows beyond Phantom and Mamma Mia. (See my comments in some other threads - 'First Visit to NYC' for example.) I think Bee is a great show for people who don't know anything about current Broadway shows. It is a great example of a different kind of musical. I hope it has a long run in SF.

liotte Profile Photo
#395re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/24/06 at 7:45pm

I would love to see the SF production. Please let us know how it is if you go, or what your son thinks of it!

I will see the show again tomorrow night, I think. I have a friend visiting NYC, so of course I'll take him to see it (amongst others as well).

liotte Profile Photo
#396re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/25/06 at 11:50pm

Deborah is still out with a pulled muscle, so Lisa went on yesterday and today as Marcy. She did a great job, as always!
Great show tonight, the audience was really into it which makes it even more fun.

spellingbee_ROCKS007 Profile Photo
#397re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/26/06 at 10:01am

I heard that Jesse was leaving the 7th of March?
true or not?

I can finally afford to see a Broadway show! -Norbert Leo Butz

liotte Profile Photo
#398re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/26/06 at 11:28am

Not. He will be on vacation for most of march beginning the 9th.

#399re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 2/27/06 at 12:43am

I saw Spelling Bee for the first time last night here in SF. The cast was wonderful. I loved the show!
