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Spelling Bee love!

BroadwayChica Profile Photo
#425re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/5/06 at 10:15pm

Do tell! It was the only adults only show I didn't go to.

By the way, liotte, I've never met you, but for some reason I dreamt about you last night. Seriously. I dreamt I was at some Joe's Pub gig, and you were there, and I was like: "Oh, you're liotte? Nice to meet you!"

eta: It wasn't actually you, by the way. It was some lady my mind made up. I think it's cause Lisa Howard was performing at that gig in my dream, and I associated her with your general Spelling Bee awesomeness. Updated On: 3/5/06 at 10:15 PM

liotte Profile Photo
#426re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/5/06 at 10:22pm

LOL, I was probably there in real life too!

"Ms. Lopkey is the most popular girl in school, but I just think she's a slut." She then proceeded to grab her chest, and when she got out, grabbed Mitch Mahoneys butt and give a squeeze.
I don't remember the other spellers names or sentences, but I'll post them as I think of them!

And I couldn't even give you some of the words given to the audience members (besides the usual Mexican, Finger, Cenacle, Palaestra, etc.), they were ridiculous and the first 2 spellers got out immediately.

BroadwayChica Profile Photo
#427re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/5/06 at 10:23pm

lol!! Sounds great!

liotte Profile Photo
#428re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/5/06 at 10:33pm

A lot of the funnier moments are physical humor, people's hand motions, body movements, etc. So it's hard to describe.

BroadwayChica Profile Photo
#429re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/5/06 at 10:35pm

I'm sorry I missed it re: Spelling Bee love! Oh well!!

Musical_nerd Profile Photo
#430re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/5/06 at 10:38pm

Liotte, can you come and kidnap me and take me to Spelling Bee?


liotte Profile Photo
#431re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/5/06 at 10:40pm

Of course, where do you live again?

liotte Profile Photo
#432re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/5/06 at 11:00pm

Oh, I remembered something else that was funny- Jesus's final line after the usual, "And when you start having sex, use contraceptives, but don't tell them I told you to", Jose said something about, "And in case you want to know, Memoirs of a Geisha just won for scenic design." (or something like that)

#433re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/5/06 at 11:15pm

I can now share in the Spelling Bee love...

Just got back from Adults Night. Hysterical.

Of course, there was the requisite Academy Awards/Brokeback Mtn/Bush joke.... but I wasn't expecting the pandas.

Man, they need to keep those 2 on leashes. :)

I loved it.

liotte Profile Photo
#434re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/6/06 at 1:35am

There have been Brokeback Mountain/Bush jokes going on for a couple months now... It was still very appropriate for tonight though.

BroadwayChica Profile Photo
#435re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/6/06 at 1:40am

I love those Pandas. They make me giddy

liotte Profile Photo
#436re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/6/06 at 12:17pm

They have stuffed animal pandas at Toys R Us in Times Square that have a tshirt that says "I Love NY Pandemonium". It's so perfect!

fishergirl819 Profile Photo
#437re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/6/06 at 1:04pm

I was there last night as well...thoroughly enjoyed myself. There were some jokes that I wish I hadn't read about on here from previous adult nights, as I feel they would've been much funnier if they were unexpected, but it was still great stuff.

Ms. Lopkey was actually sitting directly behind me. That was quite fun, getting the cast to be standing directly behind you during Prayer of the Comfort Counselor, heh. I laughed, because Jesse sat down on her lap, and Sarah started screaming "SHE IS A CHILD!!! THAT IS INAPPROPRIATE!!" at him, but her mic wasn't on, so only the people around us heard it.

I personally loved this one - "Mr. So and So's parents are always up at the school complaining. They're such assholes." Heh.

I wish more people would've realized that Lisa was an understudy though, because I laughed really hard at the "Half Chinese understudy/half panda" joke, but no one else around me got it.

I was out at dinner before the show with some friends, and a performer friend of mine mentioned that his roommate had just been cast as Marcy. I asked for which cast, thinking he maybe meant SF, and he said NY. He told us Deborah had hurt herself really badly, and had to leave the show for good, so they had to cast a replacement. :-/ I trust him and what he said, but of course, everything is just heresay until there's some kind of official press release. Anyway, I hope she's okay! I'm sad I never got the chance to see her (saw Lisa both times I saw the show). Really hope she has a speedy recovery...

mint0621 Profile Photo
#438re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/6/06 at 1:50pm

I was there last night too! Can I tell you...I loved it when they broke into "Seasons of Love" ... and added "Schadenfreude" as the last spelling word.

Seasons of Love definitely took me off guard! Hilarious!

liotte Profile Photo
#439re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/6/06 at 2:05pm

I hope that's not true about Deborah!!!

I will try to find out. When I talked to Lisa Y yesterday, she said she didn't know how long she would be going on as Marcy for, just waiting day by day to see how Deb is doing and when she'll be back.

On a different note- anyone going to any of the Bee performers stuff tonight? Celia at Broadway by the Year, Jesse and Deborah (supposedly) at Caberet Gourmet, and Lisa Howard's ArsNova show.

Pinaud Profile Photo
#440re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/6/06 at 2:10pm

A friend of a friend(I know how that sounds) who works at the Bee says that Deborah is only out temporarily.

My Strongest Suit Profile Photo
My Strongest Suit
#441re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/6/06 at 3:42pm

i just saw "bee" saturday at the open-ended production in san francisco. it was great! i'm definately going beck to see it again. :)


bigrab1018 Profile Photo
#442re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/6/06 at 4:32pm

there's no way Deborah is leaving the show for good just because of a pulled muscle...
you're most definitely wrong

"Billy, put down that phylactery...we're Episcopalian." - Spelling Bee

bigrab1018 Profile Photo
#443re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/6/06 at 5:43pm

my friend told me that deborah recently e-mailed her and told her that she didn't know when she would be back in

she never siad that she was out for good

"Billy, put down that phylactery...we're Episcopalian." - Spelling Bee

liotte Profile Photo
#444re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/6/06 at 9:43pm

Just got home from Lisa's show at ArsNova. It was great, I love her voice and it was a nice mixture of songs. Indigo Girls, Dolly Parton, Spelling Bee, some new NYU student work, Carpenters, and some other stuff. I took lots of pics and videos. She is definitely going to be a huge star someday.

liotte Profile Photo
#445re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/6/06 at 9:46pm

Oh, and Deborah is definitely coming back any day now. She's still healing from her injury, but will be back in Bee for sure.

Jud Faginsky
#446re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/6/06 at 9:52pm

You changed the title! Change it back please - it was harder to find.
That's awesome that you saw Lisa's show. I would have loved to have seen it. Do you think she might be releasing an album?

liotte Profile Photo
#447re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/6/06 at 9:57pm

Sorry Jud! I was trying to give people more info, I will change it back probably tomorrow...

I hope she releases an album, that would be great!

liotte Profile Photo
#448re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/6/06 at 11:32pm

From Deborah's website: (

Hey Guys,

I'm going to be back soon. I just don't have an exact date but it won't be long. Who's starting that silly rumor anyhoo. I love the Bee. Can't wait to be back!!!!!

MyMeredithMonster Profile Photo
#449re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 3/7/06 at 4:47am

Poor Deborah. It least she's going back though.

I've gotta say, after hearing all this talk about the adult's only show, I really do hope they do one here in SF. The cast is absolutely amazing and I'd love to see their take on the 'adult's only' Bee.

"Yeah, Clarissa, explain it all."
