I LOVE SPELLING BEE! It is such a great show, I can't believe they are closing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
i have not read through all of the pages so it may have already been posted, but has anyone seen the blogs from andrew keenan bolger?
I love this show when I saw it in Chicago.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/17/06
Hehe, I totally love AKB's video-blog. I sort of just discovered them, so I'm watching them backwards (as in from newest to oldest, not literally backwards). He's really adorable.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
i too just discovered them. he and the cast are very funny!
BUMP because this is adorable (if a little awkward). And it's nice to hear them sing as grownups.
I interviewed Andrew and Jared for my Broadway Interview site (upgrading soon so don't make fun of me having it as a freewebs)
Swing Joined: 1/3/08
I thought so too...
I saw it about a month ago in Providence and I thought it was a fantastic show. I really liked him in it too.
and SpellingBeeFan4Ever, I just read the interview with Andrew and it said:
"What's the farthest you have seen a guest speller get right before "Prayer of a Comfort Counsler" ?
We've had some pretty amazing spellers. There was once this high school student who seemed as though she wasn't a good speller but just kept spelling the words right by accident. She kept shrugging and rambling off letters, but they all happened to be right."
Well... When I saw it, there was this guy who kept spelling the words right so by the end, they gave him this hard word and he (of course) spelled it correctly. As he went back to the bench with all the other "contestants," they say "Wait, come back" and give him another, super hard word. Needless to say he got that wrong. =) It was quite funny.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/06
I saw the tour this past weekend in Sarasota and really enjoyed it! I'd basically not seen anyone other than the OBC in the roles, so it was nice to see new takes. :o)
xerofthemiolgoy (NO CLUE how to spell that)
xerofthemiolgoy (NO CLUE how to spell that)
Thanks, now if I am ever picked to be in the Bee and get that word, I'll know how to spell it.
Just thought the Bee Fans might wanna know.
I saw the show for my second time yesterday (A sunday Matinee) I rushed for tickets, got thier 2 hours early, which I thought would be more than enough. I froze my arse off, but it's a good thing I did because They only give out those 14 tickets, and I got number 13.
The first time I saw the show was right after the Tony win, so it was with the full OBC. Of course I loved it, or I wouldn't be posting in this thread . I got standing room tickets, and had a real special experience.
So it was with trepidation that I went into this show, even though I went for a friend who is in it, and I wanted to support him. But I thought my good memories of the OBC may be tainted after this viewing, becuase IMO, the OBC was perfection.
Glad to report, it only made me love the show more. The Actors were still committed 100% to thier roles, but approached them in a different way, which I thought was interesting to see. This new cast Looks alot more age appropriate than the Original cast, and they seem to have more quirks than the originals, but are less subtle with them. That opinion could also be from the fact that this time, I was 2 feet away from them, as opposed to my Standing room experience.
Anyway, The first time, I teared up once, but this time, I cried twice. Once when Chip was begging for a second chance, and the second was during the I love you song.
So I just wanted to post and let you all know that the show is in great shape still, the audience loved the show, and I am so happy that I got to see it once more before it closed, and I hope that in the future, we can have shows on broadway that are as unique, funny, quirky, touching, and ultimately fulfilling as The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.
Final week...
Who's going to closing night?
Who's going to closing night?
I am!
Who is *rushing* closing night, and what time are y'all planning on getting there, that's my question.
I did hate it, the first time I saw it.
Then I saw it again during the strike and loved it.
IMHO it was cause of the cast. Current > OBC.
I don't like the current cast at all just because I saw the OBC. Nothing compares to the OBC.
My school did the I Love You Song in our scene recital last week and I thought people would like to see it. =]
I'm going to miss Spelling Bee. I saw it twice, once with OBC and once with the current cast. Honestly, I like the current cast better. Stanley Bahorek is SO adorable.
Leading Actor Joined: 7/12/07
I'm going to closing. Not rushing, though, I'm in the right orch.
A good a time as any to bump this, right? :)
Interview with Greta Lee
Awwww guys the tour ends tomorrow. =[
Did I mention that this last national tour cast was amazing? MUCH better than when I saw the show last year. And not just because of Andrew Keenan-Bolger, either - the cast as a WHOLE, which seems to be a rarity nowadays... definitely worth the ten-hour drive to Virginia. =]
LOVE IT. =) Seeing it at North Shore in MA in August!!!!!
Stand-by Joined: 2/11/05
I put together a group of 72 people to see Spelling Bee in March in Sacramento. We had great seats, and every one of them loved it and none had seen it before. I wish the tour hadn't ended. I agree with bwaychae, the tour cast was really terrific. I had seen the show previously in NYC and in SF, and I have loved it each time. Each cast that I saw has made me love the show more, because the characters lend themselves to different interpretations that make the show stronger. It is such a fantastic show, and I hope it gets lots of revivals and plays a lot in local theaters.
Updated On: 7/2/08 at 05:24 PM
I am in LOVE with this hilarious show. It is just pure fun!