I saw this a week ago and I STILL cannot get over how amazing this production was. This was without a doubt the best thing I have ever seen. It is a flawless production. For those of you still going, prepare to be blown away.
"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "
HeyMrMusic! Can we meet you after the show?! We'll definitely see you on stage. We're sitting in orchestra center row M. I love meeting BWW posters in person! Like I said- we can't wait to see the show!
I saw the new tour tonight and I loved it. The seats I had this time around were amazing (orchestra row A, can't get much better than that :). My location definitely added to the experience. Back in 2009 I saw the Equity tour in Chicago, I enjoyed it too though I felt the girls in that tour didn't have the vocal skill for their principle roles. I was far more impressed with the girls in the new tour. Ilse (Courtney Markowitz) was especially fantastic I thought. Wendla's (Elizabeth Judd) belted high notes in Mama Reprise were stunning as well. Melchior played by Christopher Wood, had voice I really loved. There were a few short points in a couple of numbers where I felt it didn't really fit, but I still adored his voice (and good looks) the entire time. The whole cast was great, I really couldn't say anything negative about it other than I missed the swinging platform the other productions used at the end of act one. Never the less, I understand the logic behind not having it. It is certainly worth seeing even if you’ve seen previous casts.
Just got back from seeing the tour in Akron, Ohio.
Having seen the first national tour, I can say that this production is scaled down a bit physically, as mentioned by others in earlier posts, but nothing that detracts from the performance at all. I did find it odd that the stage crew removed part (or all, I couldn't see from my seat) of the center "raised" portion of the stage during intermission.
That being said, what a great group of actors and musicians!! Everyone was completely together and in top form. I was a bit hesitant going in, thinking the performances might be a bit toned down due to the tour schedule, but MANY kudos to everyone for being so energetic and sincere, and having to travel city-to-city practically every night.
It was great to see a fresh take on these roles... I was pleased to see these actors and actresses taking risks with their roles and adding little nuances that made the characters their own. There were some slight orchestration changes as well that added some extra flair and seemed to give the musicians a chance to try something new, too.
I definitely recommend this production!
"I'm seeing the LuPone in Key West later this week. I'm hoping for great vocals and some sort of insane breakdown..." - BenjaminNicholas2
I did find it odd that the stage crew removed part (or all, I couldn't see from my seat) of the center "raised" portion of the stage during intermission.
They did this on the first national tour too. So glad you enjoyed the show. It truly is a wonderful cast and production. I thought it was the best production I have ever seen in my life.
"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "
sbflyfan, to my knowledge, we are playing the original Broadway orchestration. I'm not sure what you're referring to, but I'm glad you enjoyed! The audience in Akron was incredible!
And yes, the schedule is grueling. We get a lot of energy from the audiences, and it kind of rejuvenates us to play a new theatre with new audiences nearly every night. But the long bus rides (like the one I'm on now) can really take it out of you.
Saw the show in Buffalo tonight and the cast was amazing. Ilse (Courtney Markowitz) was a standout-really stunning and phenomenal. Her duet with Coby Getzug stopped the show with its heartbreaking vulnerability.
I will say it was a disappointment that Chris Wood was out as Melchoir and no disrespect but Tim Hogan reads as really old on stage next to the really young looking cast. His voice was beautiful, but he looked way to old for Wendla and many people in the audience made mention of it. It changed the dynamic of the show in some ways.
"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal
"I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello
Courtney Markowitz is out of this world. She is seriously the perfect Ilse, and gave one of the best live performances I have seen by an actress in a long time. It is too bad Chris Wood was out. He had a great chemistry with Elizabeth Judd.
"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "
^ The mascara running down her face added so much. She already had such a striking and eccentric appearance that was perfect for Ilse, but the smeared mascara was probably the most simple, but effective thing I have seen on stage. I cannot even begin to explain how much I love this touring production.
"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "
While I don't normally attend a lot of national tours, and since it is so close to my home here in central Jersey, I was intrigued by this thread last night, and I was at today's matinee at the State Theatre. There was a long line at the will call. I'm just wondering how many others like me were there. All in all I enjoyed the show very much, the cast was wonderful, especially Courney Markowitz as Ilse as has been mentioned a few times here. The band sounded great, especially the guitarist, oh and that viola guy hiding in the right corner!
Im going to be seeing the show tonight in Stony Brook, I have stage seats I haven't seen it since it closed on Broadway, Im excited to finally see the show again
I'm going to be honest. I didn't like it. I don't know if it was the acoustics at the State Theatre, the production/story itself, or the fact the performers sounded like they swallowed their mics while singing, but I didn't really enjoy it. It was a Christmas present so not worth waiting for.
Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!
My daughter and I saw the show on March 24th and loved it! (I meant to post earlier but have been out of the country with no access to the Internet). We saw it in Jacksonville and it was funny seeing the reactions of the older church ladies as they gasped at certain parts. Personally- I don't think it's necessary to be that graphic on stage and I'm a pretty liberal person. Anyway, we both thought "Ilse" was phenomenal. Her voice was definitely the standout- so beautiful! We got to meet HeyMrMusic at the stage door and let me tell you all- he is ADORABLE! We had a great experience!