Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/05
it seems like a lot of people are seeing it today!
if anyone feels the urge, I'm always up for reading some reviews but only if you feel like it!
and um. dudes. check the site which must not be named ("spring awakening" and "date added"). thatsallimsayin
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/8/04
Marlene - Ha, nope!
By the way, did I see you at the stage door for the matinee? I walked by, but wasn't quite sure...
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
The show was incredible.
After the show I ran to the box office and got a seat onstage for May 6th.
I am in love... with Spring Awakening. Thank you.
You probably did. If I was wearing a black vest, was holding a shoe box. I street team, so I'm there every Saturday... because stagedooring is apparently a must every week. Left early actually, slipped away a little while after Lea came out, and passed the box of street team cookies on. Had to get home for Chinese New Year's. But yea, I totally work the corners of 49th Street. See I didn't get to shove a flyer in front of your face because they sent me downtown this week.
I am officially oblivious to your presence. I sat in front of you at Bernarda, and now this. Oy. Bring Idina sometime, that may change.
Updated On: 2/18/07 at 08:14 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/8/04
Thought it was you.
I ran into a whole bunch of street people (sounds like prostitution) I think by the Palace.
Betcha they weren't singing, we they? I'm always in the group with the overzealous street teamers that sing. Very amusing, except there was beef over how we were supposed to promote between two of the members. One of the girls was like NO SINGING! We're going to talk to people. Oh I <3 NYU kids...
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/8/04
I don't know if they were singing.
I thought the show was good. The score is great (with a few weak songs), but as a rock score, it was extremely well done.
The concept for the show was excellent, though the execution was often flawed.
The performers were all fantastic, especially Pritchard, Gallagher, Jr., and Wright. Groff has a wonderfully clear voice, his acting was good, but often overshadowed by Gallagher. But I agree about the lack of character development in the script.
Lea Michele also has a great voice and I thought she did a great job.
Everyone was in, which is always nice for this type of tight cast show.
There was a full cast today too. I definitely agree with BSo about John Gallagher overshadowing Jon Groff at some points.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/05
yayy I'm glad you guys liked it!!
and its nice to hear lauren's back, she seemed like she was out sick for quite a while!
and I can see where you guys are coming from with the Groff/Gallagher thing, though I think part of it is also kind of in the fact that Moritz is more fleshed out and probably a little more relatable than Melchior :) I lurve them both though, as I think everyone one here probably has realized by now *g*
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/8/04
Well, I wouldn't say that. I don't think I can relate to Moritz as I've neither shot myself in the mouth nor read an essay on sex, with pictures in the margins.
I have been hit in the face with flowers, though...
Updated On: 2/18/07 at 11:07 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/05
hahaha, well ok, I cant really say I've done any of those either.
but as far as the whole being under a lot of stress with school/parents and such- and just being a generally really confused teenager Being a junior this year, and it being one of the worst/most stressful school years I've ever had, I can DEF personally relate to the school aspect imparticular right now.
definitely not undermining the fact that gallagher's amazing though. because he is.
I ran into a group of singing street-teamers once... on the West side of Broadway 47th or 48th. I'm sorry, but they frightened me. Then again, I just don't like street teams.
I think Moritz is definitely the best developed character. He's my favorite, I think. While still written somewhat cliché, I think he's the least so of the three leads -- plus, Gallagher transcends the underdeveloped material, IMO.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/8/04
I think the show did an overall good job of avoiding clichés.
I mean, have you seen MEAN CREEK? That wannabe STAND BY ME.
Has anybody seen the movie Pieces of April? It's like an indie film. It first played at the Sundance. Johnny Gallagher is in it. His role is kinda small. He is the little brother of the main character, April (Katie Holmes). It's a movie about a girl named April who invites her family over to her apartment in NYC for Thanksgiving. Things go wrong, & her family is reluctant to actually go & have dinner w/ her. It's got a great message. And Johnny is in it!
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/05
^OMG. Johnny is in Pieces of April!?! I saw it a while ago but def dont really remember him in it (most likely just because I had no idea who he was at the time lol). I definitely need to rent it again now! :P
Johnny is going to be SO huge one day. He just has that star quality factor- plus he's probably one of the best actors I've ever seen on stage
I'm rooting for John to win the Tony in the featured category. I really think he could win this year. Emcee, your post made me laugh out loud.
Hopefully SA will taking some of those Tonys home. People have been saying for Best Musical! *crosses fingers*
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/8/04
This is probably not the place to post this, but:
My thoughts are that Act II of GREY GARDENS is better than SPRING AWAKENING. The problem is that Act I, while enjoyable, isn't as much up to par.
SPRING AWAKENING has more potential for appeal anyway.
I would like to see it again. I wasn't in the mood to see it because I was anxiously awaiting EVIL DEAD!
Emcee, if that was two Saturdays ago, I was probably there, or by the corner of the block by the train station getting away from Mama Who Bore Me for the 10th time...and feeling inadequate as a street teamer with only flyer distribution skills. The singing is a real sort of iffy thing, it attracts attention at the very least, sometimes really negative attention. But it's really nice when people stop by and I can actually talk up the show and have a conversation.
Perhaps I just have entirely messed up people as friends, but I absolutely see Melchior and Moritz as aspects of my friends—right down the to completely intense stuff.
I just feel that Moritz is to an extent more developed because the teenage suicide story is more prevalent in his character. It’s not portrayed in anyway that is totally cliché, but you definitely see his character building, and it’s sort of a logical train until the inevitable breaking point. And I personally have a greater sense of commiseration for him. Gallegher just plays the character so well with that sense of anticipation and nervous energy—and Moritz just rocks harder during the songs. And his interaction with Ilsa—gold.
I have an undying adoration of Groff’s face. It’s just so pretty. Yes, it just sort of goes back to the principal of 1920s Chicago and not sending people off to jail who are pretty. He just channels that sense of self-assured, rebellious, I’m not even trying cool—but yet I kick ass in every single way. I mean after “Totally F-ed” happens, I’m just a little too amused of how kick ass that number is, which unfortunately overshadows Moritz’s death and takes some of the weight off. If I went by Wedkind’s play I wouldn’t really like Melchior, in regards to his relationship with Wendla, as I do in the musical. The issue of consent vs. rape comes up, but the latter isn’t presented in the musical.
I guess I am sort of muddled in my interpretations because I read the source material shortly after seeing the musical.
Wendla’s character frustrates me because it’s so period. It’s the innocent, naïve; I don’t know where babies come from, until that confrontation scene with her mother. Lea Michele does a wonderful job with it, and gives a stunning performance but there’s just this sense of oh god, if the book and the acting weren’t compelling and honest we’d fall into a giant wormhole of full-fledged portrayal of a female stereotype.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/05
WOW, marlene, I basically agree 100% with everything you said :)
and yeah, see thats the thing. I really DO think Groff does an amazing job-it's just... in a different way. I think that with Moritz, even if you *dont* relate to him, you at least commiserate with him. I think I've said this before, but basically, I feel like Moritz is a very challenging character to do right, but when it IS done right (which it obviously very much is by Johnny), you're going to feel more for him. With Melchior, the tricky part in that character is more just being able to pull it off at all. And Groff does- he DOES exude that "very cool but not actively trying to be" air. Now, I probably would say that Gallagher's the stronger actor of the two. In fact, I definitely would- again, Johnny's one of the best actors I've ever seen. But I do feel like Groff has just as much charisma and spark. Thats why I kind of get annoyed when people assume that people like him ONLY for his looks. Because for me, yes, I think he's gorgeous, but much more than that, its that he just has a really strong stage precense. And that's not so much to do with looks as it is to do with the confidence he has on stage.
woah, okay, I'm majorly rambling and not even quite sure of the point I'm trying to make lol. Your post just got me thinking :P
oh, and I totally agree about the character of Wendla too- it's a very good thing Lea's amazing/captivating, or else it would be like... boring because she IS very stereotyped. haha
I don't think it was a Saturday? And they were singing The Song of Purple Summer. And I don't think I saw you.
I'm glad I'm good for a laugh... but really, I just don't like being accosted when I have somewhere to be. Call me cynical New Yorker, but it gets old.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/8/04
Swing Joined: 2/17/07