Jennifer Damiano is a sophomore in highschool I think.
Such an amazing shsow. I loved it.
"Jennifer Damiano is a sophomore in highschool I think."
,I forgot about her. I believe she is 15.
Updated On: 12/30/06 at 10:39 PM
so i saw this thread on the message board and kept passing over it.. but i gave in.
i could not be more excited about this show. i'm going mid-january and i am literally counting down the days.
i feel like it's going to be one of those shows that really makes me think, and that will really.. for lack of better words.. change my life.. so to speak. reading back over that, it sounds lame, but i'm serious. and as a teenager it's geared towards me anyway. i just feel like i'm really going to take a lot from this show. eeek! =)
could not be happier with the soundtrack, too.. i'm listening to it like it's my job. it's kind of pathetic. but it happens, i'm in theatre.. i obsess. end of story.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/17/06
Random question, How Old is everyone in the show. The oldest is only like 25 right? Just wondering out-loud, no response nessacary.
The oldest is Phoebe Strole who is 23. Dang, I feel like a stalker.
Updated On: 12/30/06 at 10:45 PM
Phoebe looks very young! Don't feel like a stalker, I actually knew that too.
My hubby thought Lea Michele looked too mature next to everyone else. But she is supposed to be the "blossoming one."
I saw the show a second time today and I am still in love with it. I'm going back Monday! Can't wait! The cast is so nice. I told them to look out for me Monday. I can't wait to see if they remember me. I'm sure they will. I keep telling myself, "Broadway people have just as good memories as you do."
I SWEAR i'm not a stalker, but this is what a couple people told me:
Phoebe - 23
Johnny - 22
Jon Groff - 21
Jon Wright - 19
Lauren - 18
Skylar - 20
Lea - 20
Gideon - 18
Remy -18
Krysta - 18 (I think)
& I thought Jennifer was almost 16? So, technically 15.
Updated On: 12/31/06 at 12:37 AM
Is Krysta really that young? I thought she was in her 20's, cause she's been in Good Vibrations and The Boyfriend.
That's why i'm not sure on that one.
But all the others i'm pretty sure on because you can find that info in some of the Playbill interviews and on their websites/myspaces.
And when Krysta goes on - does she wear her hair the same way or do they put her in a wig? That cute cut looks pretty modern.....
This is turning into Annie!
She wears the same haircut. I was pretty surprised when she came on because I thought she was going to wear a wig, but it was fine, since Ilse is supposed to be an "artsy" type anyway.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/05
So I totally saw the show yesterday (from front row- WOAH), and all I have to say is. Holy SH*T. I cant even get into it now becase I'm not at home and I'm on my friend's computer, but I shall write a full review later But I will say right now that I'm just a lil bit madly in love with Jonathan Groff (both in the show and at the stagedoor). I will also say that this is hands down THE nicest, most incredibly sweet cast I have ever met. Every single one of them (well Lea didn't really sg cause it sounded like she had somewhere to go and she kinda came out and left really quick, but everyone else) was SO INCREDIBLY NICE. And again... Jonathan... I was like... can I have you? please? *sigh* (and no, I didn't actually say that too him hehe. But I WAS *this* close to being like "um, you're REALLY REALLY cute." but stopped myself)
But yeah. I cannot stress enough how much I loved this show. I felt physically sick in the end, but I like that I did. Because thats how good the show and the performances really were. And just... yeah. This was one of those theater experiences I will never, ever forget. It is SO well crafted and brilliant- in all aspects.
edit: Phoebe's 23!?! jeeeeez I was SURE she was like.. my age (i'm 17)! she looks SO young. (and again with the being AMAZINGLY nice. She is suuuch a sweetheart)
Great advertising!
Stand-by Joined: 8/29/06
if you want to get technical....remy is still 17.
and jennifer is only 15?!!!!!!!!!!!! I sat in front of her when I saw it onstage and she defintitely seems a lot older than that.
You're right. I just looked up the article I read about Remy. It says she's a seventeen year old senior.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
I've been a DUncan Sheik fan since I was 17 or so (nearly ten years back--ack!) and his album with Steven as lyricist--Phantom Moon was prob my fave--so of course I love the score.
My question, on Duncan's website it mentions a children's musical he did with Steven of the fairytale Emperor's Nightingale--any info?
It's just that so many of the reviews were like, "NUDITY NUDITY!" and then I saw it and I was like, yeah don't think so.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/05
*WARNING: this is an absolutely insanely long, repetitive review with SPOILERS. I apologize in advance- this is how I get when I get obsessed with shows haha*
First of all, the show in general is just brilliantly crafted. There's such a mixture of different styles of music, all of which draw you in to different parts of the show. I was especially impressed by HOW well all the really modern songs, like Bitch of Living and Totally F*CKed, worked. There's just something about how uptight everything is for so much of the show, and then all of a sudden them breaking out and singing those songs is just so... liberating, I guess? I cant really describe it, but just the feeling you get when that heavy rock music starts in the middle of an intense scene is so incredible. The music really, really makes you feel. I mean I've loved the music for a while, but now even the slower songs which I sometimes skipped before because I didn't really understand them enough to fully appreciate them, I now love.
I also have to say that I honestly did not feel it was too over the top. Yes, its a very explicit show, but I think its SO important for people, especially teenagers, to see. Its so incredibly open and honest, and i just feel like there really wasnt a single part that was being too racy just for the sake of being racy. Everything had a purpose for being in there. If anything was more over the top than it should have been, i'd probably say the sex scene only because they didn't necasserily HAVE to show them having sex that much to get the point across, but I also thought that Lea and Jon did a great job with it. Sure, it was a little uncomfortable to watch, but even so, why shouldn't they show it? its honest and its real. Its what really happens. And the same goes for all the other racy elements of the show. Even all together, all of the things that happen, I thought at least, were completely realistic.
Its funny, because it seems like some people are left a little cold by the show, and obviously theres nothing wrong with that, its just I was surprised how many people mentioned it considering how much I wasn't left cold by it.
I just have to preface by saying that I felt EVERY single person in the cast was fantastic. It blows my mind that people that young could be SO GOOD.
Lea Michele- I was basically blown away. First of all, she really is gorgeous. But also, she is such a seasoned pro in all aspects, and I def believe that if she was a featured actress she should have a shot at the tony. I could listen to her voice all day, it is so amazingly gorgeous. But even more so, the girl can ACT her butt off. I think that most of her brilliance comes in how incredibly innocent she plays Wendla. The entire time you just cant help but love her, because she is so sweet and child-like and hopefull about everything. And when she's sad or scared or hurt, she's so GENUINE about it. And so that makes the ending SO incredibly sickening. That something that HORRIBLE could happen to someone so innocent just rips you to shreds inside. (the other part of why the ending's so effective comes with Jonathan's performance, but I'll get to that in a minute)
Jonathan Groff- Well i've said it already, I'm madly in love with him He's unbelievably beautiful, but there's so much more too. He's an AMAZING actor and ooooh man that voice *dies* (when he hits those high notes and stuff, I basically turn to mush. its ridiculous). I'm not even quite sure what it is about him, but he just makes you root for him. Like Lea, I think he's just very genuine. I mean its partially the way the role is written, because obviously as a character you're supposed to like him for the fact that he's so willing to go against the grain and do what he knows in his heart is right, but Jonathan just carrys that sooo well. And you also just get this sense of his... tenseness.. throughout the show. Its like you can feel how anxious he is to get out and do more with his life and learn the things he's never been taught and everything. Its amazing. And he's clearly the second part of the reason the ending is so sickening. As if what happens to Wendla isn't horrible enough on its own, the fact that he's just laying there sobbing to the point where it actually sounds like he's laughing really loud... oy. You know Ewan McGregor in the end of Moulin Rouge? yeah. its kinda like that. Thats how good he really is.
John Gallagher Jr.- I felt he needed his own special mention because he really was SO good. First off, his voice is fantastic and sooo perfect for the music!! I was incredibly surprised to hear him mention at the stagedoor that he never imagined he'd ever be doing a musical and never really sang much before this. But he also just did the role really really well. He's SO incredibly totured the whole time and you just feel so bad for him. I just love how on edge he is the WHOLE time. (oh and by the way, the way they handled his suicide- SO brilliant. The lighting on his face was completely effective and perfect and just gave you chills)
Krysta Rodriguez (Lauren Pritchard's understudy)- So obviously I dont really have too much to compare to since I didn't see Lauren, but Krysta was sooooo good as Ilse! I really, really loved her. She has an incredibly gorgeous, smooth voice (I thiink I even like it a little more than Lauren's voice on the cast recording, not that I dont like Lauren's voice because I really do). Its not a huge part or anything, but she really stood out to me. She had great emotion in everything and I would never have guessed she was an understudy or anything.
Ok, since I dont want to make this even LONGER than it needs to be, I'm basically going to just conclude by once again saying how much i loved EVERYONE in the cast. They were all fantastic. I'm being so repetitive here but really, its true. You can tell they all really love being a part of the show and that they really care about it.
um, like I said, hands down nicest cast I have ever met. EVER.
I'm not really sure what else there is to say, because they were all just extremely lovely and made you feel sooooo comfortable talking to them.
One memorable one was that when Pheobe came out, she was like "heyy, I'm sorry you guys I was like right on top of you durring curtain call!" because we were were on the very left of the front row, so we were litterally RIGHT up against the stage, and she was the person to the furthest left at curtain call, so whenever she bowed we had to like lean back (since obviously we were standing) so she'd have room to bow! So yeah, we felt bad because we felt like we were in her space and she felt bad because she was like leaning into us haha. So she was like "I apologize for like.. practically kissing you!" hahaha. And then we asked if we could get a pic and Lilli (who's also really nice) was right there, so she was like "Hey Lilli wanna take a pic for us?" and we were like "oh its okay I'm sure we can find someone else!" and Pheobe was like "oh its okay she does whatever I ask her to do!" So yeah, Lilli took our pic with Pheobe and Pheobe took our pic with Lilli :P
John Gallagher Jr is basically just as much of a sweetheart as Jonathan, and he's actually really quite adorable in person, (without the crazy red hair wig *g*)! And he was like hugging my sis and I in our pic
ummm, I cant rememer if I mentioned this already or not haha, but Lea came out for a sec but left pretty much right away, so i'm guessing she had somewhere to go. So I was a lil sad about that cause she didn't sign or take pics or anything, but from the little bit she was there she seemed perfectly nice! and shes like, really little in person! like, I dont know why but I kind of figured she was fairly tall, but I dont think she really is. She's so cute!
And I've already explained all about Jon Groff, so yeah. hehe. I want him. Really, really, really badly. (and aparantly so do all the other girls who were there that day hehe. I think he was basically sorrounded by them from the time he came out to the time he left, which was after everyone else!)
Gahh, I want to comment a lot on your fantastic review, but I don't feel like typing so much. But I will say this, yes, Johnny Gallagher doesn't do musicals, but he is a musician so he does have experience in that area.
Snl, I personally know that you're a big fan of music so I think you should check out his band, Old Springs Pike. I will admit I only started listening to them once I heard Johnny was in the band, but every since I started listening they've become one of my favorite bands. If you check out their site,, you can hear some songs and watch some videos but most of it's cover material, but still it's great! My personal favorite is their rendition of "I Shall Be Released" by Bob Dylan.
Okay, shutting up. I already wrote more than I should've.