Yesterday Gavin ran all the way up to the last row in the mezz.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
to my understanding, the cast goes all over that theatre.
Understudy Joined: 1/16/09
CS: "Yesterday Gavin ran all the way up to the last row in the mezz."
Yep, he always does during "Ain't Got No".
^ummm...WHAT is so inspiring?
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
I believe the video that was posted on the page before of the rally they held on the same day as the Conan show.
Yeah, sorry the link didn't work! I meant the rally which yaygerb already posted
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
**sigh* You guys are killing me. The devil on my shoulder, you are!! Must resist and do work.... but there's pretty pretty Gavin...... Must resist!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
...pst, today is Pianolin's birthday...
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
After much deliberation, I have decided to stay home on Sunday. I know, I know, BOOOOO! LOL But I'm gonna go in on Aug. 2 and try for SRO or lotto, I already have tix on Aug. 6 and am gonna go in early for SRO or lotto on Aug. 22. Also don't have anything planned for the weekend of Aug. 29-30, so I might take a trip in then too. Who knows? LOL
I'll just have to get my Gavin fix at Joe's Pub on the 27. Maybe some of the cast will show up to support him......
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Pianolin! Again, have a great time today!
Leading Actor Joined: 6/26/09
Okay, so I've sucked it up and bought my very first ticket for my Broadway trip in September - to Hair! I have paid full price ($136, eek!) for Row D, Seat 105. Ahhhh expensive, but should be a great seat. I'm happy to pay full-price for this and Rock Of Ages, the other thing I really want to see, but will be discounting like whoa for anything else!
good choice frap. thats an amazing seat! you're gunna have fun.
i find it very werid that the same seats always pop up for most performances such as that one...D 105 and row c seat 8 and row e seat 8.
Leading Actor Joined: 6/26/09
Aw, thanks, Gerb. I'm really excited (though am going to have to work like a mofo all summer to afford it all!). Hm, that is weird! I couldn't believe how amazing it is, tbh, it's for a Saturday night too!
My first trip to Broadway coming up soon too! How will I ever decide between Hair and Rock of Ages? I really want to see both! Already got tickets for A Steady Rain so I figure I'll need some *rock* to balance out all that drama!
NO contest. See Hair.
And perhaps they released a bunch of house seats recently.
I saw both HAIR and Rock of Ages and both were AMAZING but if you have to choose one...go with HAIR. You'll have an awesome time at both but HAIR is both a CRAZY good time and an emotional journey/experience (the end is heart wrenching). While ROA is pretty much a GREAT time without any serious story.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
PLEASE go see Hair. Hair all the way...just skip ROA.
Good morning my starshines : )
Haha. I just wanted to say that.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
The eath says hello, CSonBroadway. Is that going to be our new name, the 'Starshines'...because I really like it!!!! It's better than 'HAIR-balls'.
Oh wow. I think we have ourselves a new nickname for us Hair fans!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
YES!!!!!! Someone shold start a FaceBook group for this.
PS, can anyone think of a good name for us Gavin Creel fans?
Leading Actor Joined: 6/26/09
I am going to do both Hair and ROA, can't conscion the idea of missing either during my trip.
That is a hard one.
I'm spreading the HAIR love...