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Starshines Unite! The official HAIR love thread...- Page 77

Starshines Unite! The official HAIR love thread...

#1900Let it in.
Posted: 8/22/09 at 4:10pm

Paris is definitely Claude today.

aliciag Profile Photo
#1901Let it in.
Posted: 8/22/09 at 4:12pm

Yeah, I went by the box office to pick up my tickets for tomorrow's matinee and there were understudies on for Chrissy, Gavin (both expected), Dionne and Abe Lincoln. Then under that there was a list of maybe 4 or 5 tribe members that would be on. I'm sorry I can't remember who exactly all the understudied were but Paris was definitely on as Claude with Jay as a tribe member.

yay_gerb Profile Photo
#1902Let it in.
Posted: 8/22/09 at 9:02pm

did Will make it back from the Mets game in time for the show? he sang the national anthem at like 7:10. chasten!dionne/michael!nun sounds like some fun!


#1903Let it in.
Posted: 8/22/09 at 9:14pm

Gosh...I wish I'd known about the baseball thing beforehand.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

#1904Let it in.
Posted: 8/22/09 at 9:17pm

My friend's at the show tonight, so here's the cast board:

Nope, Will didn't make it back. My friend's supposed to let me know who was on for which tribe tracks, but I think her phone just died.

Am doing SRO for the show tomorrow, am definitely hoping for crazy u/s again. I adore Paris' Claude, so I'm really happy he's on, I missed Gavin's vacation week.

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#1905Let it in.
Posted: 8/22/09 at 10:27pm

Paris and Steel!!!!!

#1906Let it in.
Posted: 8/22/09 at 10:30pm

Our little Leia was at tonights performance. I'll beg her for some thoughts.

ETA: Typos...

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.
Updated On: 8/23/09 at 10:30 PM

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#1907Let it in.
Posted: 8/22/09 at 11:19pm

Yes I saw that on twitter or fb. COME HOME LEIA!!

rwlevin Profile Photo
#1908Let it in.
Posted: 8/22/09 at 11:59pm

Here is who was out:
Hannah was playing Katie, Charmen was playing Lauren, Ato was played by Arbender, Ryan Link was playing Steel except for Clark Gable-that was Michael Scott, Matt DeAngelis played Paris, and I forget who played Anthony Hollock, I think Michael was doubling that part too.

leads replaced were just Claude, Berger and Crissy

If I got anything wrong, please feel free to correct me. I do have to say it was a funny night. Something like half of the front row came in after Aquarius so of course Steel made fun of them. And then when he chose his mother, a guy said he was the woman's father so he went "grandpa!" and of course the guy next to grandpa was his uncle, who asked money from. I have to say Steel's Berger is so different from Will's. He's a lot more subdued. I totally miss Will but it's kind of cool I know who these different actors are and compare their versions of the roles. I still totally and unabashedly am madly in love with Paris!Claude. And as awesome as Gavin is, I'm afraid it's only like with him. Oh, and yes, I wish a speedy recovery please to all of the fallen members of the tribe.

Waiting for tickets to Hair August 2008
Updated On: 8/23/09 at 11:59 PM

#1909Let it in.
Posted: 8/23/09 at 1:49am

Awww guys!! Feeling the love while I was gone!!! <3<3<3 Sorry I was late! Will try and get as much down before I pass out.

Can I say SRO is f**king awesome. Awesome.

Okay, So I was crazy excited to see Steel on as Berger. Him and Paris together were great! They had a totally different vibe together than Gavin and Will. rwlevin is right, Steel is a bit more subdued, but just as good. It looked as if the whole front row came in late and Steel called them on it, doing the whole miming that they were smoking up during the show. And then the older man on near the end leaned forward and reached out to give Steel a high five, as in like, "Hell yeah I was!" LMFAO Then, after he picked his "mom", he goes, "OMG! My grandfather is here too!" to the guy who gave him the high-five. SO. AWESOME.

Paris was excellent as Claude. Though unlike rwlevin, I'm still in love with Gavin's Claude and in like with Paris'. But I will certainly not complain if I see him on! Like I was saying, to me Paris and Steel have a totally different vibe... the totally play everything younger and it doesn't seem quite as sexual and Will and Gavin. Was very interest to see how they played it and I wasn't disappointed in anything. Though I do remember saying that Paris didn't have as good of chemistry with Caissie Levy and I agree with that. I didn't really believe Claude was in love with her. Only complaint!

Jazzy, Krystal rocked Abraham Lincoln. She has a great voice! I wish I could have seen her play Mimi!

I liked Brianna a lot more tonight than I did last time. She seems to be settling in a bit more. And she came and played with us down my SRO as did the awesome Mr. Kober Let it in.

Ummm.... I know there's lots more to tell, but I am sooo tired. Been up for 20 hours on 5 hours of sleep. Am ded. Will try to add more tomorrow.

<3 to all!!

"And I'm a grown up....I don't go on vacations....I go to Broadway." - dramamama611

"Even I think that's hot, and I'm a straight guy. If I ever become gay he is the reason." - Drunk Chita Rivera on Gavin Creel

"Leia947 is my theatre mamma, and I love her for it." - AndAllThatJazz22

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#1910Let it in.
Posted: 8/23/09 at 1:50am

And she came and played with us down my SRO as did the awesome Mr. Kober

THIS is my favorite <333

#1911Let it in.
Posted: 8/23/09 at 2:24am

I'm glad the show was good tonight! I love Briana's Crissy and I'm glad she's growing on you :)

My friend just told me the full understudy list was:
Paris as Claude
Steel as Berger
Briana as Crissy
Matt in Paris' Track
Michael in Steel's Track
Hannah in Katie's Track
Arbender in Ato's Track
Jay in John's Track
Ryan in Anthony's Track
Chasten in Lauren's Track

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#1912Let it in.
Posted: 8/23/09 at 2:25am

So Chasten was only Dionne for the mat? Interested to hear about that.

maxximumvolume Profile Photo
#1913Let it in.
Posted: 8/23/09 at 10:00am

Seeing the show today for my 5th time, and I'm thrilled I'll finally get to see someone else as Claude. Obviously Gavin Creel is incredible, but seeing how another Claude does may just hint at the potential longevity of this revival and I do hope it runs for a long, long time. This will be my parents first time seeing the show, so hopefully they don't notice the difference. It isn't as if they know who Gavin is. Hopefully Will is back in, though. I can't imagine why he wouldn't be.

iflitifloat Profile Photo
#1914Let it in.
Posted: 8/23/09 at 10:29am

No matter how wonderful each actor is in any given role, I'd be totally freaked out if I bought a ticket to a recently opened show and ten white slips fell out of the Playbill...including the two leads. Wow.

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#1915Let it in.
Posted: 8/23/09 at 10:30am

Freaked out? Things happen

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#1916Let it in.
Posted: 8/23/09 at 10:35am

They do, and two of the three leads missing are legitimately injured, plus in a show whose cast is structured like this, you get the ripple effect. But still, that's an alarming number of slips. She said "freaked out," not disappointed.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

wendilin622 Profile Photo
#1917Let it in.
Posted: 8/23/09 at 11:00am

Sounds like great nights all around! I'm super jealous! And to think, I just heard Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In on the radio by Fifth Dimension and got excited.

Any word on Gavin's ankle? Will he be back in on Tuesday?

#1918Let it in.
Posted: 8/23/09 at 11:43am

No matter how wonderful each actor is in any given role, I'd be totally freaked out if I bought a ticket to a recently opened show and ten white slips fell out of the Playbill...including the two leads. Wow.

If it makes you feel any better, the other night there were only three slips and one of the large sheets that lists the entire cast, and the three slips were the bios of the three new cast members.

#1919Let it in.
Posted: 8/23/09 at 11:54am

And it's not like WSS here, where people are out left and right. Gavin and Allison are hurt and Will sang the National Anthem at the Mets game last night. He should be back in tonight.

And with this cast, I would never be freaked or disappointed if those little white papers fell out of the Playbill. Paris and Steel were awesome last night. I would love to see them again.

"And I'm a grown up....I don't go on vacations....I go to Broadway." - dramamama611

"Even I think that's hot, and I'm a straight guy. If I ever become gay he is the reason." - Drunk Chita Rivera on Gavin Creel

"Leia947 is my theatre mamma, and I love her for it." - AndAllThatJazz22

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#1920Let it in.
Posted: 8/23/09 at 12:06pm


#1921Let it in.
Posted: 8/23/09 at 12:29pm

WITH YOU taylor!!! Let it in.

"And I'm a grown up....I don't go on vacations....I go to Broadway." - dramamama611

"Even I think that's hot, and I'm a straight guy. If I ever become gay he is the reason." - Drunk Chita Rivera on Gavin Creel

"Leia947 is my theatre mamma, and I love her for it." - AndAllThatJazz22

#1922Let it in.
Posted: 8/23/09 at 1:35pm

Sorry for the double post, but I forgot to add about my review.... Josh Lamon is the sweetest, nicest person ever. I officially love him.

"And I'm a grown up....I don't go on vacations....I go to Broadway." - dramamama611

"Even I think that's hot, and I'm a straight guy. If I ever become gay he is the reason." - Drunk Chita Rivera on Gavin Creel

"Leia947 is my theatre mamma, and I love her for it." - AndAllThatJazz22

rwlevin Profile Photo
#1923Let it in.
Posted: 8/23/09 at 1:39pm

It is true that this show isn't like West Side Story where people call out for no reason. Everyone who's out has legitimate reasons. Except for Will, they're all injured and man just the fact that Will was at a Mets game, well that gives him brownie points from me. Now, if it had been a Yankee game, he'd have to be strung up by his toenails and be subjected to the Lincoln Center recording of the latest Guys and Dolls revival. What? My grandparents are from Brooklyn. The only thing worse than rooting for the yanks is voting republican.

Anyway, I can't believe how many times I've seen this show. And as opposed to some where I refused to go again after the original cast left, I don't feel that way with Hair. I don't think I've been this much of a fangirl since I was first exposed to theatre and Les Mis when I was 10.

Waiting for tickets to Hair August 2008

wendilin622 Profile Photo
#1924Let it in.
Posted: 8/23/09 at 2:03pm

rwlevin you're treading some dangerous territory... I love me some yankees Let it in. but I never vote republican so at least were on the same page with that.

I think that the difference between this and WSS (among many many other things) is that the WHOLE ensemble is so strong that each understudy etc is just like a different perspective on fantastic source material. While I love Gavin, and Will and Allison, I can't say that I would be terribly disappointed to see any of their understudies in. I am just so in love with the production--it doesn't matter who is playing what.
