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Sunset BLVD Tour in U.S.

Sho-Tunes-R-Us Profile Photo
#1Sunset BLVD Tour in U.S.
Posted: 1/12/25 at 8:14pm

I'm rather surprised that.there have been no rumblings about a touring Sunset.  Did.I.miss.something?  I attended on Broadway last November and surprised.myself for.enjoying.this revival so much, but am hoping for.some input, if not concrete facts re the.viability of a tour.  Since the.production IMO is quite avant garde, will something be mounted for only major cities, or.will the.hinterlands be considered also?  Would a major name[s] be considered?  Staging remain the same?  So many questions.

Pee ess ... San Francisco [my location] audiences might be divided on the concept, but the curiosity factor alone (along with a season subscribers slot assuring attendance) should pump.up the box office.  

sbflyfan Profile Photo
#2Sunset BLVD Tour in U.S.
Posted: 1/12/25 at 8:29pm

They'd certainly have to re-work the beginning of Act 2.

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Trying to choreograph an outdoor walk in each city would be a logistical and security nightmare.  A more feasible strategy would be to have him walk indoors from backstage to the lobby area, or just through the auditorium. But again, this would have to be re-worked in every city, and I'm not sure there would be time to plan and rehearse it all during load-in.


"I'm seeing the LuPone in Key West later this week. I'm hoping for great vocals and some sort of insane breakdown..." - BenjaminNicholas2

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#3Sunset BLVD Tour in U.S.
Posted: 1/12/25 at 8:40pm

I don't know if plans have shifted in the wake of the devastating wildfires, but it was initially rumored to close on Broadway in July, transfer to LA for a brief run, and get filmed there for a proshot. 

Well, I'll be. That bird really did it.

Sho-Tunes-R-Us Profile Photo
#4Sunset BLVD Tour in U.S.
Posted: 1/12/25 at 8:43pm

sbflyfan said: "They'd certainly have to re-work the beginning of Act 2.



Perhaps do.a.generic tape for beginning of act two and play it back as "live"?



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Trying to choreograph an outdoor walk in each city would be a logistical and security nightmare. A more feasible strategy would be to have him walk indoors from backstage to the lobby area, or just through the auditorium. But again, this would have to be re-worked in every city, and I'm not sure there would be time to plan and rehearse it all during load-in.



#5Sunset BLVD Tour in U.S.
Posted: 1/12/25 at 8:48pm

Has there been any Jamie Lloyd Co. production that toured?  

Sho-Tunes-R-Us Profile Photo
#6Sunset BLVD Tour in U.S.
Posted: 1/12/25 at 8:49pm

EDSOSLO858 said: "I don't know if plans have shifted in the wake of the devastating wildfires, but it was initially rumored to close on Broadway in July,transfer to LA for a brief run, and get filmed there for a proshot."

That sounds reasonable as an alternative, but I'm still.hoping for limited runs in major markets.

Don't believe it would be received as disastrously as the OKLAHOMA revival.  That was just sad IMHO.


CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#7Sunset BLVD Tour in U.S.
Posted: 1/12/25 at 9:28pm

If they were going to film the show it seems more likely it would have been filmed in London.

As for a tour, I agree it would be a nightmare to stage the title song on tour the same way, but it could always be reworked or reconceived for a tour.

#8Sunset BLVD Tour in U.S.
Posted: 1/12/25 at 10:08pm

Isn’t it a bit early for those conversations?   Don’t most shows announce tours post-Tony’s or post-recoupment?  

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#9Sunset BLVD Tour in U.S.
Posted: 1/12/25 at 10:09pm

yyys said: "Has there been any Jamie Lloyd Co. production that toured?"

No, but there also hasn't been a prior Jamie Lloyd Co. Broadway production that was remotely appropriate for touring.

I could see this touring assuming they can figure out the technical elements.

One other reason why I bet it will tour: ATG is a lead producer of it. They operate touring houses in about a dozen prime touring markets. Which means that when they produce a tour and it plays one of their venues, they collect a lot of money. PARADE appears to be playing at least five ATG venues on its tour.

ALW's name also still means something on the road, it hasn't toured in 25 years, and that + the positive response to the show in New York should make it an attractive title for subscriptions. Even without a star.

Updated On: 1/12/25 at 10:09 PM

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#10Sunset BLVD Tour in U.S.
Posted: 1/12/25 at 10:18pm

jakethesnake said: "Isn’t it a bit early for those conversations? Don’t most shows announce tours post-Tony’s or post-recoupment?"

It is early for it to be announced, but tour planning often begins prior to a Broadway production's opening because the planning/booking/routing process can take 18-24+ months. Usually tours reach an "open secret" stage prior to being officially announced around the time of the Broadway League's Spring Road Conference.

Updated On: 1/12/25 at 10:18 PM

Sho-Tunes-R-Us Profile Photo
#11Sunset BLVD Tour in U.S.
Posted: 1/12/25 at 11:14pm

ATG has all three major San Francisco theatres and the.PARADE tour is landing here, so I'll await word with semi-bated breath.  Since I organise groups thru my ATG group sales connections, I really shouldn't eager ... but I am.

#12Sunset BLVD Tour in U.S.
Posted: 1/13/25 at 6:39am

So in the title number, is he actually walking through Times Square in real time?  I assumed it was prerecorded, but I haven’t seen it. How does the audience know it’s not prerecorded?  What if it’s raining or snowing?  Sorry, I’m sure these questions have been answered elsewhere. 

WldKingdomHM Profile Photo
#13Sunset BLVD Tour in U.S.
Posted: 1/13/25 at 7:02am

I tour would never work without a star Norma

Lot666 Profile Photo
#14Sunset BLVD Tour in U.S.
Posted: 1/13/25 at 8:16am

Rentaholic2 said: "So in the title number, is he actually walking through Times Square in real time? I assumed it was prerecorded, but I haven’t seen it. How does the audience know it’s not prerecorded? What if it’s raining or snowing? Sorry, I’m sure these questions have been answered elsewhere."

Yes, he is actually walking through Times Square in real time, and there is a contingency plan (I believe it's a rooftop route) for extenuating circumstances. Back in November, the New York Times did a whole piece about how this number is executed:

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"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage
Updated On: 1/13/25 at 08:16 AM

#15Sunset BLVD Tour in U.S.
Posted: 1/13/25 at 8:23am

Has anyone been at a performance where they filmed the title number on the roof?

ChairinMain Profile Photo
#16Sunset BLVD Tour in U.S.
Posted: 1/13/25 at 11:41am

it hasn't happened yet; though with January looking to be very cold, I would be unsurprised if they end up using an alternate route at some point this month.
