fakeblue, Logan looks GORGEOUS in that second picture!
I can't wait to see this play... I love Logan and I totally worship Michael Arden.
Hey does anyone know the performance schedule? It was so good that I sort of want to go back and see the show again!
bwaybaby4966,Yesss!it's Michael!!I've got him after the Pippin concert!lol thanks!
anyway scheldule is here
also check this...
so it's seems like opening night has been changed.I'm so confuse.Does anyone know what's happen?
More Cowbell,Logan looks so HOT!I can' wait too.
Updated On: 6/24/05 at 07:14 PM
(Your links aren't working. Delete the first half of them... they're two times too long.)
What's your confusion?
luvtheEmcee,thanks! I fixed link.
I really confusing,cuz,Theate Mania say,Opening night is June 28.
and Secondtheater calender say show will be open June 29 PM8:00
but when I saw online ticket,they haven't sold untill June 30th. I wonder if opening night is 29th or not?
Updated On: 6/24/05 at 07:27 PM
Well, it's in previews now. You should certainly be able to buy tickets.
Do you guys think it's better to go during previews or during the actual run? I have the opportunity to see it this weekend, but I can also see it next week when it "officially" opens. Does it not matter either way?
Like with any show, there might be some changes, but that's to be expected. Because the show's run is short to begin with, the preview period is only something like a week, so I wouldn't be too concerned.
See It NOW!
Some tech stuff might change but I hear the script is staying intact, which it should.
I'm pretty sure Opening night is Tuesday the 28th.
But see it now and then again.
It is a GEM!
CurtainPullDowner,thanks for your information!!I've already got June 30th ticket!!but a little bit sad.cuz my first plan was 29th....
Hey Fake
Don't worry, it is an Off broadway opening and is being played down, just go and enjoy.
and wait for Arden outside, he is a sweetheart and u can get a better pic!
CurtainPullDowner,How sweet!you made my day.and If there was something change after the opening night,let us know!
I've also loved Trip Cullman's work,since I saw Last Sunday in June.I'm still so exicted!
Updated On: 6/25/05 at 08:02 AM
This is also a great show for PRIDE Weekend.
Lesbians will love it
and straights
Something for Everyone
If there was something change after the opening night,let us know!
Shows can't change after they open. Once a show opens, the director is no longer allowed to make changes, and it becomes "frozen." In long-running productions, there are rehearsals when new cast members come in, etc, but no more cuts and other such things are made. That's what it means when a show opens.
And yeah, Trip's done a great job with Swimming as well.
Sorry,maybe my question was wrong.
I mean,if you found a point change from preview.I'd like to know that.cuz,When I saw Zanna Don't!after the preview(actually,I saw this show 23times include 5times preview)I was pretty dissapinted.they deletede my favorite part;word...etc so many changed.so I just curious,How this show changed after the preview.
uh,I wish I could be clearer
I'm seeing it tonight... I can let you know if there have been any major changes since earlier this week.
Wow, I was excited about this play but even more so after those pics!!
There is a special Performance of
this Monday
It's in great shape... I caught some teeny, tiny costume changes and one line change, but as a whole, the play's gotten a lot better, even in a few days. Go check it out!
I think Mister Arden got new sneaks
I can't get those pics, can anyone help?
The photos are from Second Stage's website.
The chemistry between the girls is getting a LOT better - I think that was my favorite major improvement. They needed to be hotter.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/03
You guys aren't going to believe this, but info on this show is right here on BWW!
Here are some pictures from opening night -
They're ver cute!
I love Michael to death
but the broadway.com pics screamed out to me
put him in the cancer coffin for a while
he looks like he spen the last 4 months in a cave
he's so pail
however I love his hair now, its cute again
its so good to see him in another show
however I wont get to see him
cause I arrive in NYC on the 22nd
and the show closes the 17th
The whole cast is womderful!
Mary Shultz is amazing
and see Arden before u have to pay $100 to see him in the Twyla/Dylan show next year on Broadway
What a Talent