Swing Joined: 4/24/07
According to the back of the pink pages in today's Sunday SF Chronicle, the entire cast of Jersey Boys will perform holiday songs at the Macy's Tree Lighting Ceremony on Nov. 23 6-7pm at Union Square.
PS. How about another "Awww" for the couples article =)
Updated On: 11/11/07 at 01:41 PM
I just checked the website and it doesn't appear to be on there yet. But I trust the ads. :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
Thanks for posting up the info for the tree lighting ceremony.
And I'll add on another "Aww" for the couples article.
Stand-by Joined: 3/25/07
Does this tour have a rush?
You mean the SF return engagement? I sure hope so -- they had for the previous (2) runs. Haven't heard otherwise.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/05
Eric was GREAT as Crewe. You would have never thought that he was an understudy. He had the role down to the t.
Stand-by Joined: 3/25/07
[i]You mean the SF return engagement? I sure hope so -- they had for the previous (2) runs. Haven't heard otherwise.[/i]
No I ment the national tour
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
[i]You mean the SF return engagement? I sure hope so -- they had for the previous (2) runs. Haven't heard otherwise.[/i]
No I ment the national tour
It probably will vary from city to city. You should call the boxoffice to find out.
San Francisco had rush, Sacramento didn't. Dunno about the other stops, but I imagine that is controlled by the venue.
Understudy Joined: 3/13/07
Hey guys, I went to the last show today (as well as on Thursday) and the show is awesome. It IS so wierd how Melissa is still in the program and everything after so long. But anyway, the show was great.
I have to give a shoutout to Courter Simmons who completely blew the audience away on Thursday as Frankie. He's got a voice... and it's good. It's like there was no break between the "normal" and "falsetto" registers. Also, on Thursday, Chris DeAngelis played Crewe and got plenty of laughs. And today, Gutman was on for Bergen. He was great. It was nice to see different actors' portrayals. And I have to say, this company does a damned good job of keeping the energy level at it's maximum every performance.
I would give a detailed review, but I'm tired. I live 2 1/2 hours away from SD, so yeah. If anyone wants a review, I'd be glad to write one. I probably will for another forum later.
AND!!! More importantly, SOMEONE in the cast told me who is confirmed for Vegas Crewe. SOMEONE also said that the executives were planning on the Vegas show being 100 minutes long with no intermission. They would most likely cut most of the girls, including Boyfriend's Back and I'm guessing the Angels car ride scene, along with possibly the entire character of Lorraine. Juicy, eh?
Erich Bergen was out yesterday, too (heard from a friend who went). I hope he's all right and just out of town or something.
100 minutes! Jersey Boys! HAHAHA, sounds like a recipe for disaster, but I guess you never know. And I'll probably see it anyway. I guess in more ways than just the cast now, the SFers get to see a production that will never exist outside the Curran. Street cred?
Chorus Member Joined: 7/17/07
Yeah, the tour itself has no rush policy. It's whatever is set up by each venue.
Eric was GREAT as Crewe. You would have never thought that he was an understudy. He had the role down to the t.
This would be so fun to watch. John's Crewe is always a highlight for me. After watching the Broadway cast, I could really see how much he brings to that role. Eric must have been hilarious too.
SOMEONE also said that the executives were planning on the Vegas show being 100 minutes long with no intermission.
Nooo! They're so going to cut my favorite song. I wonder, if they do get rid of Lorraine, how they'll deal with Frankie's hostility toward Tommy. That broken rule-you-never-break was central to the falling-out, no?
And would they be able to premiere the revised version in SF during the holiday engagement? Seems like it's still in progress. But if they continue tweaking while they're there, perhaps audiences will be seeing a few different versions?
Updated On: 11/12/07 at 12:35 AM
Nooo! They're so going to cut my favorite song. I wonder, if they do get rid of Lorraine, how they'll deal with Frankie's hostility toward Tommy. That broken rule-you-never-break was central to the falling-out, no?
That part was overthemoonboy's speculation.
I don't know why they'd bother doing the hypothetical 100 minute show here (besides the fact that the running time remains the same on the shn.com site) considering the same group is not entirely going to be in Vegas. They have plenty of time between SF closing and Vegas opening to re-learn and un-learn the show.
The show just wouldn't make sense without the women. Mary, Francine and Lorraine are all important to developing the other characters and the plot. I would assume the cuts would be made carefully, but still.
Understudy Joined: 3/13/07
Only the car ride scene was my speculation, but everything else came right out of SOMEONE'S mouth.
What do you want, a BNF badge for all that all-capsing you're doing?
Understudy Joined: 3/13/07
Hahaha! Oh wow, I almost just choked! Lol!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/05
I think they might cut the whole I Go Ape part. Also what about Bye Bye Baby?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
If they actually do it I wonder what will be cut from the show. But I don't really see how it would work if they shorten the show, well a few scenes I can picture but I don't know if it would get it to 100 mintues. But anyway, thanks overthemoonboy for the possible changes that might happen to the vegas produciton.
Updated On: 11/12/07 at 01:55 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
Great news for the touring company. They won the LA ovation award for best touring production. Congrats to them.
Playbill article
Chorus Member Joined: 8/23/07
Congrats to the Sherry tour on the Ovation Award. Well-deserved!
And there is a really cute gallery from last week of Jersey Boys meets Altar Boyz (in Chicago) on the latter's MySpace...
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
Speaking of the Ovation Awards, Erich, Jackie, Chris, and his wife Jenna were at the ceremenony. There are some photos of them at the event in the link below.
And on an unrelated note. 6 days left until Jersey Boys starts in SF, again. With this being the 3rd new cast that's had a run in SF, does anyone else think that the folks behind the show just decided to make the city the testing/training ground for all new JB cast?
Photo Coverage: 2007 LA Ovation Awards Ceremony
They can keep the set here as long as they want until Spring Awakening comes in.
Chorus Member Joined: 7/17/07
The official tour site has been updated with bios of the new cast members. Both Melissa and Sarah Darling are listed for Francine. Anyone know if Melissa has a return date? I think someone said it'd be after Costa Mesa.