West Side Story
Sunday in the Park with George
Into the Woods
The Life
Caroline or Change
The Light in the Piazza
Grey Gardens
Welcome Passing Strange to the list!
I love BLAXX! And don't count us out too soon... I've heard different...
I sorta wished that PS performed "The Black One", or "We just had sex", because they sound more Bway-ish..
The very truncated "version" of Amsterdam/Keys tonight just didn't translate well (for me) on TV, unfortunately
Did any of you guys think that the "pig mask thing"
was just downright FUNNY!? I think Stew and his creators are just basically "rebels reveling in fun, art and creation". i
Who hated Pacheco on the Red Carpet? ME! And he lives in my bldg!
And last of all, we SCARYOTYPES still love our show! As Peggy Lee once sang "Is that all there is?"
Special greetings to J*, Greg, VeryCurious and Benky!
Updated On: 6/16/08 at 12:11 AM
Well one is better then none. We still love them
Greetings to you too, Tiny. Hope the party went well.
Patrick Pacheco seemed nervous, or hopped up on something. He's usually much more calm during his interviews on On Stage. The guy behind the camera kept going CUE, CUE, LIVE LIVE!
Pig glasses thing was funny to me, but let's wait and see what StateOfJade has to say about it. Oh I am just kidding. That was not nice.
The show will be talked about years from now, and we can tell people that we saw one of the greatest shows ever
Yeah, my party people are starting to leave now......so, here's an interesting article on Playbill now:
Kindly blow it out your bum, m'dear :). If you have a problem with me, I would love to hear it.
I don't think it's a big loss for PS...they only won 1 Tony but look at all the other awards the show/actors have won. I'd say it's done pretty nice for itself :).
And contrary to Curiousnewyork thinking I'm some kind of uptight bitch, I found Stew's glasses hysterical. He's a nominee. He can do whatever the eff he wants. As long as his clothes stay on.
Ha Ha! I love Jade. We're all just playin' here! Curious likes you too because you're an official Scaryotype! Only the asses on ATC are uptight bitches.
Forgive my ignorance but what it ATC?
Theatermania.com (All That Chat). If you think THIS board is bitchy, then don't.......
Ahh...ATC=All Those C*nts? Hehehehe.
Whoopi came out dressed as a friggin crab. Stew can do whatever he wants haha
I thought Stew was nothing short of charming throughout the entire night. The glasses were hysterical. Obviously these awards are wonderful to have but the whole ceremony and competition is taken wayyy to seriously. Good for him for lightening the mood... although Whoopi was doing a good job by herself =)
I don't know if the performance translated well to TV, but they ****ing rocked Radio City tonight.
Well, I made it through tonight without spoiling the winners... darn three hour delay of being on the west coast.
But yeah, I'm so glad Stew won for best book and seriously they have gotten so many other awards that the cast and crew should feel nothing but proud for all they have achieved!
And I was cracking up when I saw Stew in the glasses... priceless!
HI, ALICIA! You are sooo right.
Stand-by Joined: 5/8/08
Disappointed, but not surprised. Glad Stew won at least one. They've won many other awards this season, and we the SCARYOTYPES will always know our Best Musical, regardless of the opinions of 796 Tony voters.
My only worry now is how much longer will we have to bring friends to the show, so they can feel the real?
I still love u guys!!!!! You gave it the best shot you could. So I guess one is better than none. Congrads on your Tony Stew, and those nose glasses didn't bother me.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/21/07
I'm glad Stew got to show his personality. as much as I despise the Tonys and its power over the success of shows on B'way, the only time I felt let down was when Daniel Breaker lost out to Boyd Gaines. I really felt (and still feel) this is a star-making turn for him.
So, last night was AWESOME!! I mean, apart from Passing Strange not getting so many awards, but whatever. I'm glad that Stew won for Best Book, so the show is, technically, a Tony-Winning Show. The glasses, HYSTERICAL. And the performance was just phenomenal.
I really hope the show is able to survive, since well, it's amazing. Hopefully, people who saw the performance on TV will come and see the "real." Best Wishes to everyone at the show.
And remember, the best show usually isn't the one that wins. Not saying that In the Heights is bad.
Onward, Scaryotypes, Onward!
GLORIOUS. I'm bummed for the Passing Strange team, they deserved much more. MUCH MORE. But, c'est la vie and I believe Passing Strange will be remembered far after the revival of South Pacific has faded from our minds and the fun In The Heights has as well (I enjoyed both shows, but neither was nearly as enjoyable, thought provoking, or breathtaking as PS)...
I was rocking out to the CD this morning. Wonderful. But the more I think about it, the more I think the trunctuated version of "Keys" was a really poor choice. I mean, DUH, it was awesome to see Stew and the cast rocking out but taken out of context the number's a bet weird. Perhaps M. Goddard? or Freight Train? (I was thinking during the instrumental guitar bit during Freight Train, Stew could've delivered a little monologue all about the show and such... I've thought this out heh)
Anyway, just my two cents. LOVELY to see them win and I hope the show can stick around!
Broadway Star Joined: 4/21/07
when whats-his-name was introducing the show and they were playing "Arlington Hill," I thought that would be the number. Looking back, maybe that would have been a good idea. it's an absolutely gorgeous song, and maybe the most "poppy" of the whole score. regardless, I thought "Keys" was great. :P
also: I think the reactions they get every night at the Belasco mean more to them than whatever little trophies they won or didn't win.
Updated On: 6/16/08 at 01:06 PM
Adam Duritz of Counting Crows.
Updated On: 6/16/08 at 01:09 PM
I really thought Duritz did a great job introducing Stew and the gang. He had some great things to say about his love for Stew's band The Negro Problem and his appreciation for the musical.
Yeah Alicia, it was rather kind of sweet. How he mentioned that how he was first introduced to his favorite brand, The Negro Problem, by a record store in London a decade ago. Great story.
I've mentioned this in another thread, but I'll say it again. "Keys" should never be edited for time. It loses so so much of the song. M. Godard and into Amsterdam would've been a perfect choice..but ehh..already happened.