Oh, Excellent, BENKY!!! Go nuts. Got our camera?
Got your hidden mic?
Got your binocs?
Got your hidden camcorder?
If PS wins any good awards and Stew is accepting and it's all quiet, you gotta yell out really loud, I LOVE YOU STEWWWW!!!!!! Loud enough that he hears you and can respond.
I dare you, BenK! It would be ****ing incredible.
Oh, please DON'T do that... it's disrespectful and rude to do that during someone's acceptance speech. I hope you guys are kidding.
Double Dare, but do it at an "appropriate" point, so that Jade doesn't get embarassed. Jade, please don't be mad at Benky. I met him and he's a REALLY nice guy, with a slightly British accent and altogether delightful, and well mannered.
I am not kidding. It's not rude if it's funny! Nobody would be offended, except you, apparently. It's a nice sentiment.
Tiny what happened to your food post? Why did it get deleted?
Updated On: 6/15/08 at 02:20 AM
I stepped away...didn't notice. Probably because I'm a psycho spammer?!! Off Topic, probably.
Thanks Tiny, nice to know you care.
Benky, if you feel like being obnoxious, no one can stop you. Would you scream at someone during an oscar acceptance? The Tonys are an award ceremony, not a high school graduation.
Jade, I've been to the Tony's a couple of times in the past, and EVERYBODY there screams things out - yes, rich people in tuxedos, and theater people, and regular people, even though you might not hear it that much on TV. (the sound people can edit stuff out LIVE)
Ah, so if the rich folk in their tux's jumped off a bridge naked, would you? :)
no, no, no, joking, of course. It's just SUCH a tense, New Yorky kind of theater geek neurotic atmosphere, and so much dough is on the line, that people there get kinda kooky, that's all. BTW, I am a NYer, so I say these things with the utmost of love. The audience behaves 95% of the time.
Good nite!
Ah, so if the rich folk in their tux's jumped off a bridge naked, would you? :)
That was clearly not her point. She meant everybody as in all types of people cheer. It's something that some people do at award shows.
It's theatre! and it's Passing Strange! It's fun and unconventional. I don't see what the problem is.
and apparently I am now obnoxious.
BenKaye, do it, don't do it, obviously it is up to you. I vote do it!
Enjoy yourself tonight.
Just wanted to pop in and wish the whole gang good luck, since apparently they wander into this thread every once in a while.
Should be an interesting night, and hopefully a good one for PASSING STRANGE!
*Sigh* You mistake my sarcasm for seriousness. You shouldn't!
I guess I'm in the minority here, but Ben, I think you're in a no-win situation. If you do it in a way that people can actually hear you, I think that people might find it disruptive. If you, as a member of the lay public, are doing something that might need to get edited out, I might re-consider doing that thing. If you're doing it at a time when everybody's doing it or at a time when no one can hear (like during applause), then not much is gained by doing it.
The last thing you want is for people affiliated with the show to think, "Who's that weird guy in the balcony who keeps shouting, "Scaryotypes"?"
Stand-by Joined: 5/8/08
Just saw the PS segment rehearsed for tonight, from the live stream mentioned on another thread. Similar lighting to the View appearance, but had some semblance of the pods for the band.
Rocked Keys, then Stew at the end says "Welcome to Amsterdam" "it's too f***'in early to be here".
Just sending digital 'good vibes' to the cast and crew for tonight.
Amazing show. Even though I'm also an In The Heights fan, I'm secretly hoping Passing Strange gets the big award.
Break a leg everyone!!
Break-A Leg to the cast of my 'favorite' musical this year!
SUPRISE ME....please!
I'll also throw in my good vibes for the cast and crew!!!!
Can't wait to watch tonight... although the one thing that sucks about being in CA is that I get the show 3 hours later and have to stay away from anything that might spoil the awards.
And I'm still hoping for a PS upset for best musical and especially a Daniel Breaker upset for featured actor!
On the red carpet coverage Stew just said he was also nominated for "Best Chocolateer, but it's something that nobody is talking about"
Next time I see Passing Strange I'm bringing Stew a bag of M & Ms.
Congratulations Stew for winning the Best book!
Well they did their best! I am proud of the cast!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
Farewell, most unfortunately, I assume.
I ain't no cockeyed optimist. I feel the real. Unfortunately.
Sadly, I agree. I wonder when the proverbial ax will fall.