The first time I got $25 seats ($26.50 with fees), was front row left orchestra. The second time was SRO, so I think it's whatever the theatre has available, which is great. None of that partial view lottery rear mezz crap.
Congrats on a great week. I prefer a medley that rocks Radio City. Go PS...........Yeah!!!!!
Updated On: 3/25/08 at 08:31 AM
Just finalized my ticket for the matinee on Saturday, April 5.
So excited!
I'm in the front row, so it should be an interesting experience.
I'll let you guys know!
watch out! Front row is going to be a roller coaster!
John Gallagher Jr. is also a new PS fan according to his myspace blog...yay!
Please drop by aisle 4 orch and say hi (fellow PS fans), and POTENTIAL fans. I'd like a chance to meet some of the the fanatics of BWW (PS) in person. ~Tiny
Tiny, I'll be by to say hello in May.
Shucks tinymagic, I wish I had read your post before I went to the matinee this afternoon, I would have said Hi. That being said, I'll probably be back really soon. The show was fantastic. (Aside from the audience that decided to arrive at various points for the first 35 minutes of the performance.) I'm working on collecting my thoughts for a review, which I'll probably write tomorrow afternoon. I actually took notes at intermission that's how much I enjoyed it and wanted to remember particular details.
Really great that you enjoyed the show, frogs_fan. Great idea of taking notes at intermission.
The last time I saw it, there were a bunch of late seaters too, as well as some who decided to get up and leave half way through Act 1.
Also, there's like traffic behind the orchestra, I don't know what that's people walking throughout the show, opening doors, closing doors, keys jingling in their pockets.
There's also construction going on in front of Cafe 123 and the other places closer to the Belasco and I could hear it sitting in the left side of the orchestra. It was a loud hum that sounded like an air compressor. Seriously though at 2:35 a group of four women who had seats in the middle of the third row came wandering in.
that's ridiculous!
anyway, i hope the grosses keep going up like they did this week!
There's also construction going on in front of Cafe 123 and the other places closer to the Belasco and I could hear it sitting in the left side of the orchestra. It was a loud hum that sounded like an air compressor.
Now they have a reason to make the show louder than it already is!
What merchandise, if any, do they sell at the show? The last time I went, in previews, I don't remember any. Has this changed?
Two t-shirts (one of the logo and one that says "Welcome to Amsterdam", two of Stew's albums, coffee mugs, magnets, and the show poster. I think I'm missing at least one other item... maybe a baseball cap, but I'm not sure.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
The Naked Dutch Painter is the one that has the original version of Arlington Hill - it's part 3 of The Drug Suite.
Something Deeper Than These Changes is pretty good, as well. I especially love the bonus tracks, Silence and Silence.
I saw the show last week and really enjoyed it. The story is particularly touching, and I'm still thinking about the themes and some of the songs today.
I found it rather loud, but I was sitting by a speaker. It actually hurt to listen to the show, and if I saw it again I would bring earplugs.
The best NEW show I saw during my trip and JUST $25!!!
Hi VERYC...just so you know, the Belasco is 100 years old, has not been renovated since the prehistoric age, and unfortunately has very "noisy" floor boards under the carpets, and the entire theatre is "creaky." It's also practically ON the street, so every street noise, including talking permeates the theater. The A/C DOES hum..ancient, also. You can imagine how horrific it is during the really quiet shows, such as Journey's End, etc. The staff has to tiptoe all over the place! Honest. As for latecomers, we all hate them, and each shows' director determines WHEN latecomers may be seated.
Sorry, I missed you today, FROGS_, glad you liked the show.
Understudy Joined: 2/1/08
After all of this good press you guys are giving Passing Strange I might see it tomorrow.
Random question. What time do the 8pm shows usually let out at, cause I want to know if i'll have time to catch a 10:40 train back to NJ.
It ends about 10:20, 25. Then, there's 5 minutes of BC/EFA. cutting it too close, I think. Don't miss the curtain calls!
Understudy Joined: 2/1/08
Thats what I thought. I cant wait until Im 18 and can drive after midnight. Oh well I might just go anyway and risk it because this show looks like its so much fun.
Tiny, I was talking about inside the theatre. People traffic.
Glad you enjoyed the show Frog. I think they need to pump up the volume.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
Life is a movie, too, starring you. Holy family, cast and crew.
tiny- Do you know if there are any plans to renovate or better insulate the theatre soon? I noticed the outside interference (sirens. honking, etc.) as you said, more than in other shows- especially when I saw Julius Caesar there a few years ago- it was insane. But otherwise, it's a beautiful theatre.
I agree about pumping up the volume, although everyone who was sitting around me would have disagreed with me. Maybe its because I grew up listening to really loud rock music and I was even more particularly jaded because I saw Bruce Springsteen a few week ago!