Sad, but not surprising. Between the announcement of the filming date and last week's 37.5% attendance....
Saturday for the taping or Sunday for the final show... I'm not sure which I'll go to. That'll depend on how other things end up, but I'll be there for at least one of those.
I feel silly asking this but I was looking forward to it...will they still be performing at Broadway in Bryant park?
Well, it looks like I'll be seeing it two days in a row. I already got my tix for the taping but I HAVE to go to the finale too. Bittersweet...
le sigh.
this news makes me sad.
BUT the good news is I might be able to make it to the final performance! I was going to go next sunday, anyway! Do you think i'll be able to Rush the show?
Caroline-Q, I wanted to PM you but it says you don't accept PM's. Can you turn your PM's on? Thanks.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
My sister and I will be there on the 20th.....I tried to convince her that we should get seats in row A.....but she wasn't ready to deal with Stew running up and down the aisles and Mr. Venus up close and personal
it might be crazy for the last show caroline..
Caroline, please PM me re Sunday. Your PM doesn't work.
Your PM is not working. Please PM me re: Drinks after the show 7/20 Sunday (get together). Thank.s
In reply to: PASSING STRANGE -- all those raves meant nothing. - vrylrg 07:22 pm EDT 07/11/08
Passing Strange was never a show for the masses.
It played 5 months on Broadway, won a Tony and introduced thousands of theatergoers to an original songwriter they never would have heard of.
A show doesn't have to run for 10 years and make millions of dollars to be a success.
Many shows that DO run forever do nothing to advance or stimulate theatre in any way.
I'll be sorry to see it end next weekend but so happy it got the chance to be seen.
That was very well put. Was that from ATC, Tiny?
Yes, verynyc...and this one below also makes me think, We're MAY NOT BE THE MOST HATED SHOW ON BWAY ANYMORE!?!? Yay!
LOL !!
The new guy in town {TOS} has incurred the WRATH of one R_SPANG of ATC!!!
(Now, I haven't seen TOS yet, so I have NO opinion yet).
Terrible "Title of Show"
"Posted by: r_spang 03:20 am EDT 07/12/08
I was prepared for a fun evening."
"I am, I'm sure part of their target audience.
My career began by submitting and winning a musical theater competition/festival sponsored by the SSD&C. While that was 20 years ago, and it was with Lincoln Center, my musical won top prize; getting a full workshop and production in their library theater. The musical I submitted took place at an eastern communications college, and followed a dozen students through their senior year as BFA majors.
Once winning the competition an amazing creative team was put together; David Loud; Musical Director, Hinton Battle Choreographer, Ray Larsen producer and Howard Fine director.
We were given 12 weeks. In that time I had to write a Brand New Musical; the book, music and lyrics. The show had to be cast, rehearsed and ready to go. And all along our producer is trying to raise additional funds to move the damn thing. I'm 23 years old, I wrote the book, music and lyrics and the damn thing might be going to Broadway? My head was spinning so fast, - I'm sure I caused permanent damage.
Thank fully it didn't move. I was of course disappointed at the time, but in retrospect, the show was not . ready. I was not ready. And thankfully we had a producer who was old and wise and I think just a tiny bit sadistic. He enjoyed crushing dreams but he was awfully rich and loved the theater and invested in my show liberally but wisely. This smart man said no to the move, there was no convincing him the move to Broadway was not to be. (Unless I slept with Morton Gotlieb) Did I say that????????
What I witnessed tonight was only in fairly decent shape for a festival. With no plot, or characters, no arcs, no tension or conflict; therefore no resolution. No catharsis. Nothing. Just a bunch of jokes it appears most people knew before entering the theater.
The score is so simple minded I was able to come home and play through most of the melodies after a single hearing and that's not because their great melodies; they're not, just easy. The music is so thin, harmonically entirely uninteresting and the lyrics except for the insightful final number are all text. No subtext. How boring. How unfunny.
This was a very aggravating evening. Franky I felt like I was at a festival performance with audience members screaming, howling at what? did someone tell a joke? What did I miss? I kept staring around the audience watching their raucous response and was dumbfounded. What were they laughing at? I got every joke, every last one 'em. But I did not laugh once. Not once. And I went it to this needing a few laughs. I left a lot sadder than when I arrived.
But while this is suppose to be a musical about writing a musical about writing a musical for a festival. Writing a musical is not funny business. It is hard work. After watching "Title of Show" many will imagine that all it takes to put on a Broadway musical is to put together two gay men a couple of fag hags and jokes: Everything Drag Queen. If I were a drag queen in that audience I would've stood up from my seat, walked up on that stage and punched each one em right in the face. I am a butch faggot, but brothers where's the respect for our brothers... our drag queen brothers.
This isn't much different than GLORY DAYS. Four actors, singing inane songs of little consequence, - to little consequence.
And finally, it was so annoying; sitting next to people that begin screaming and howling out of nowhere... right in your face. I'm holding my ears and shaking my head. Who's the idiot?"
thetiny's opinion: STEW = Plot, Characters, Arc, Conflict,
Tension, Resolution, Big ("grown-up")
Consequences, Ironic, funny "jokes",
A Butch Berlin Lesbian, Folky-HardRocky
LOUD Music! A Light Wall variously
depicting an
entire city's ambience or the state of
mind of entire Genres.
Tongue-in-cheek Mockery.
Tears. Renewal.
Spike Lee. Amen.
Love it or hate it. That's art.
Updated On: 7/12/08 at 04:47 AM
That's funny you should post that because I've been listening to the music and trying to see what it is about this show that had at least 100 people screaming at the stagedoor...I don't get it. It seems like one big inside joke. The music is so bland and the plot seems to be summarized in about one sentence.
"I would've punched everyone one of em in the face" hahaha. I like this guy.
Swing Joined: 2/11/08
Since this is a Passing Strange thread I won't go on about my love for [title of show] but that Glory Days comparison hurts. I looooathe that show, it didn't make any sense. This show however? makes complete sense and it's very much meant to do what they did for themselves - gives you a positive outlook when trying to reach your dreams. (And at least the 4 friends in [tos] make sense.) I think this R_SPANG (not familiar with ATC, someone explain?) did indeed miss the point and paid attention to all the wrong things. This show does for me on Broadway what Buffy did for me on television. It takes a certain approach to something very real. As does Passing Strange. And R_SPANG definitely missed quite a lot if he felt that all songs were all text. Couldn't be further from the truth. Then again, as I brought up Buffy earlier, a lot of people think that show is about vampires. Simply put - it's not. And I've heard people say that they get the jokes but don't laugh at them. Well, this doesn't mean it's any less brilliant now does it?
Like Buffy, this show is not for everyone. Not everyone will get it and be inspired. I'll agree that some of the music is thin, I couldn't get into it at first. But if any musical with some thin qualities deserves to be on Broadway, it's [title of show].
Everyone's going to have their opinion. That's fine. :)
And that's all I'll say on the matter.
As for the fans, it upsets me a bit that people were screaming, but at least it's not because "whoo, big hit show I'm obsessed over!" like Rent, etc... I think it was more of a "yay, congrats for getting on Broadway!" I'm certain the screaming won't be an every day occurrence.
Updated On: 7/12/08 at 12:59 PM
The back story of [tos] and Glory Days is probably not that different from one another. I liked [tos] okay, and I went along with the screaming fans, but if I didn't walk after 2 glasses of wine, I probably would've looked at the screaming/clapping fan next to me and thought, What the ****?
I agree with StateOfJade that it was like "one big inside joke." If you know nothing about [tos] and haven't seen the episodes on YouTube, the chances of you enjoying it on Broadway is very slim. I've also said this in another post, but it's got tons of references. As someone still pretty new to the theatre, almost half of it went over my head. They even made a reference to Episode 6.
It's funny because [tos] has the one keyboard (and an answering machine) as the orchestra, but when Sunday in the Park with George had a 5-piece orchestra, people were complaining about how weak it sounded. I hope [tos] does succeed, though it is hard to see.
and back to Passing Strange..
Swing Joined: 2/11/08
I had no idea they changed the show to reference the online episodes, I do find that a bit odd. But then again, they've changed the last 1/3 of the show to reflect their journey to Broadway now, so that's expected. Overall though, the main story is very easy to relate to, I'd think. And the Broadway and [tos] references shouldn't mess with your enjoyment of the show itself. But regardless, I suppose I can KIND of agree with the "one big inside joke".
And I too hope it succeeds. It certainly deserves to more than a lot of stuff on Broadway right now. As did Passing Strange (yes, it was successful but I believe it deserved much more). I've found Broadway to be a lot like television... you lose all the good, truthful, well-meaning stories far too soon.
But yes, back to Passing Strange!! I know this is kind of pointless to say but - I cannot wait for the film. I was so upset I couldn't make my NY trip next week, especially when I found out it'd be their last week and what a wonderful time it would have been to go. You know they'll go out with a bang and I'm sad I'll miss it. Live, anyway. Gah, can't wait to own it on dvd. It'll be on 24/7 in my room, no doubt...
Updated On: 7/12/08 at 02:09 PM
I was on YouTube searching for Passing Strange and came across this interview on NY1. No, it's not from On Stage, which I've come to realize that a lot of their interviews suck. It's from NY Times on NY1. Really great interview. They should have this guy conduct the interviews on On Stage instead of Donna Karger and Patrick Pacheco. Shout out to the person who posted it.
Stand-by Joined: 5/8/08
My kids (8 & 5) cried when they heard our favorite show was closing. They don't read the grosses (not yet, at least), so couldn't see the inevitable end in sight. But it has been great to introduce them to some music and performers they otherwise would likely have never seen, and learn about the cutting edge and the traditional in Broadway theater. And that the cast has been so friendly to them has made it all the better.
We are managing to see the show several more times before the 20th, including the last performance. They'll be the ones in the booster seats, screaming "Rock show at the Belasco! Rock show at the Belasco!"
Tiny told me how adorable they were. I will look for you and your daughters 7/20.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
I agree with Tiny. Although I wish PS had really found a broader audience, it opens the door for something else new....and who knows what that might be.
I hope that Stew gives theater another go. However, I am optimistic that he will have learned a lot from this production to enable the producers to make better decisions in certain places --
So here's my Monday Morning Quarterback.
Song choice for Tonys -- I know that Amsterdam/Keys is the best moment of the whole show....but out of context it didn't work. Might they have been better served by Baptist Fashion Show....or better ...Mr. Venus. I know that neither highlights the entire cast -- or the nominees --- but what is most likely to grab the audience?
Marketing --- Somehow the show never really found it's soundbite.
Venue -- The show did lose something between the Anspacher and the Belasco. The same unfortunate fate (and many others) happened to Taboo between London and NY. I wonder if the show would have played better at Circle in the Square?
Wow I really should start doing something productive today. It's almost 8PM and I haven't left my apartment since I got home yesterday at 5PM.
Regarding the TONY performance, if they skipped the prologue, and went with the same format as the performance on The View (Amsterdam/Keys Medley), with Keys performed to its entirety, it would have been a hell of a performance. Keys should never ever be cut down. The longer the better.
Coulda, shoulda, woulda, right? What's done is done.
I doubt CBS would have allowed them to have a longer performance. "Mom Song" is beautiful and worked effectively on the Tony Preview Concert, but doesn't truly reflect the music of the show. "Work the Wound" I think would have been a good choice. "Keys" in a truncated form looked awkward and just did not work out of context, as others have said.
Stand-by Joined: 5/8/08
I agree that the Tony's song choice may not have been the best, but realistically how much of an impact would something better have had? Could another song choice increase attendance last week from 37% to 60-70%? Don't think so. Perhaps it would have helped by a couple of points, but not by the big increase they needed for long-term sustainability.
Mass-appeal marketing, winning Best Musical, more talk-show appearances, toning down the volume and language, "name actor" casting (Terence Howard as Youth, Lenny Kravitz as Stew) and other gimmicks might have increased the show's lifespan. But then it wouldn't be the same Passing Strange we know and love. And this was never a mass appeal show, and never tried to be. It ran almost 6 months on Disneyfied Broadway, which is a remarkable feat, in my opinion.
That's right, Greg. I thought Grey Gardens had a great TONY performance, and that closed, so..
Tony Award viewers can be such typical American consumers. The decision of seeing a show based on just one performance, and not on the reviews or word-of-mouth. They really don't know what they're missing.
A brief overview of some of the subtext of PS, Re: "Mr. Middle Passage" (Act II).