Stand-by Joined: 5/8/08
De'adre was hysterical, with her performance of what they do backstage while Stew sings Work the Wound. As she explained, they came up with the background vocals for the song as a way to cheer Stew up, what with "Mama dead" and all. And Stew explained he had never heard it before, as was obvious when he had to walk away from the mic because he was laughing so hard.
What was great about the whole evening was that every cast member got a chance to be featured improvising and demonstrating their personality and talent.
Stand-by Joined: 5/8/08
Someone has already posted a video of one of the songs from last night.
More, please.
"Half black power!" LOL. Such good memories.
Yay Colman
I can't believe a video is already posted. That is great.
Remember during Amsterdam, they did the 2, 3, 4..2, 3, 4. I don't know the term for that. It was very funny.
Not only are they the coolest cast on Broadway, they are all so damn talented.
I finally saw Passing Strange yesterday. It was amazing. I loved it, as did my daughter. I was looking around for any Scaryotype t-shirts to approach and introduce myself but I didnt see any. But I feel very lucky to have seen this show before it closed!
verynewyorkcurious, they were doing their dance counts :)
Right, dance counts! It was hilarious.
Hey, Scaryos, just found out that we're getting (Belasco) Speed the Plow in Oct. I guess I'll see friendly faces again.
(I don't know, though, when I saw this thing 20 yrs. ago, it was pretty good Mamet, but the idiocy surrounding Madonna and bad, bad, audience behavior made it hard to watch. Maybe it will be better this time around.) Love Raul in anything, and Piven seems perfect for Mamet.
Updated On: 7/14/08 at 04:45 PM
Colman is awesome in that video. And yes tiny, you'll definitely be seeing me a handful of time this fall.
You'll see me this fall. Say, October 3rd.
Well, what with your avatar and everything (luvtheMC)!
Frogs_; There might be a new thread , I hope: The Official SPEED THE PLOW Love Thread (Esparzites Unite!)
tiny, your PM's still aren't working. Did you get the e-mail I sent you yesterday? If not, can you PM me your e-mail address? (Also, try turning off your PM's then turning them on again -- maybe that will do the trick.)
It was working yesterday, Mike. I think this website is in the twilight zone. I'll check it again, but I've been getting everyone's PMs.
Hey, guys.
I'm planning on rushing PS tomorrow for two tickets.
I'm wondering whether you think the box office will give me better seats if I show up first thing in the morning, or if I wait until a couple hours before curtain, when they know that they won't be selling any of the good seats they have left for regular price?
I don't think you'll have a problem, except if you wait for the weekend.
The last week of a show is always "iffy".
tiny, do you accidentally have me blocked?
yeah speaking of...does anyone plan on rushing on Sunday? is there rush for Sunday?? sorry if this has been brought up before
I'm planning on rushing on Sunday.
WBaF, I think if you went two hours before curtain you might stand a better chance of getting a ticket. I've rushed on two different days and gotten radically different results. I rushed a Wednesday matinee and got Orchestra Row L house left after getting there a few minutes after the box office opened. For a Sunday matinee I got there about an hour or so before curtain and got front row orchestra house right. Granted those were different days in different months, but my point is that you're more likely to get a good house seat closer to curtain.
Try my PM again, Mike. It was unintentionally blocked.
Thanks for the advice, frogs_fan85. I appreciate it.
Here ya go:
great! although I wish the audio was better...anything else?
Haha sorry my camera can only do so much