I've been listening to the cast recording non-stop, and I'm heartbroken it has to go 2 days before I was planning on seeing it.
Have fun at the final show everyone!
I'm in awe of the above comments! Today will be insane, and tomorrow, the cast has to perform again for Spike, without an audience. They must be exhausted from yesterday.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/19/08
And how would someone be able to sneak into Monday's performance...
impossible. Very tight security. Don't even try.
I'm in awe of the above comments!
Me too, Tiny. Where were these long lost Scaryotypes before?
I was looking through old threads, and I found one of my posts saying how I wasn't really looking forward to seeing Passing Strange, but that I will walk in with an open mind. Who knew that I would walk out having seen my favorite show?
Stand-by Joined: 5/8/08
No one has posted about today's show, I assume because you're all still drowning your sorrows at the after-party. So I'll be first to post about my own experience. It simply could not have been any better for me and my daughters.
It started great when we were going to our orchestra seats on the 7th row, when someone approached and asked if we were a party of 3, and if so would we like to trade seats with them. One of them was concerned they were too close. Their seats were front row center. Took about a nanosecond to say YES.
Packed house. huge applause as the band walked out and stood in the front of the stage and played the prologue, rather than in their pods. A nice rock 'n roll touch. Some minor changes, likely because of the filming, as others have noted. Keys was as great as I expected. Whole crowd was quickly on its feet, singing and dancing. Stew ran out into the audience; I couldn't see where he went. Colman Domingo reached out and grabbed my daughter's hand at one point. The music and dancing went on and on, and was fantastic. The cast pulled Eisa Davis onto the stage to dance, though she's not normally in that scene. I overheard people commenting during intermission they had never seen anything like that in a Broadway theater.
The band again stood at the beginning of the second act, giving Berlin a real rock concert feel. All of the cast and band were definitely "on", and gave great performances. Big laughs at every laugh line, and dead quiet during the poignant moments. The screams and applause were deafening as everyone took their bows, and the entire cast (except Stew) were in tears as they clearly enjoyed the love and appreciation the audience were giving them. Spike Lee and his son, and the camera crew came up right in front of us at the bows, shooting footage of everything, and Stew tried to pull Spike up onstage, but he declined. The music and applause went on a long, long time until the house lights finally came up.
Everyone eventually came out the stage door, to the roar of the large crowd that was waiting, and of course there were many Scaryotypes there. Lots of autographs and photos, everyone expressing their love for the show and cast.
All in all, a fantastic experience, one that we will always remember, for a show that we will never forget.
Thank you so much for that, gregj63, I just posted on another thread that I had been waiting to hear all the details of the show. It must have been mind blowing!! I want to hear more!
Thanks for your thoughts Gregj. That must have been awesome for you and your daughters to score front row center seats for a performance like this. I had to listen to my recording earlier in honor of the last show... nothing but love to the talented cast and crew of a show that will be missed!
Double posted to this and the other PS thread:
I wrote some (okay, a LOT) of thoughts/reviews on my livejournal. Which is friends only, but I made this entry public for the occasion :). Disregard the personal stuff, it is my LJ after all :)
Whoops, here's the real link: http://cheaperfumes.livejournal.com/
Swing Joined: 7/11/08
I echo what gregj63 said. I was there today for the fourth time and it was the best I've seen it! The energy was just electric! It certainly looked like Eisa didn't expect Daniel to run off and drag her on stage during "Keys" because she wasn't wearing any shoes! After "Keys" while Daniel was strumming on his guitar and echoing the lines from "Keys," someone in the audience yelled out his line and he said "Thank you!"
The curtain call was just amazing and went on and on for 10 minutes! There were 2 cameramen on stage and several in the front row. Some people brought bouquets of flowers out for the ladies. Somehow Daniel's red shirt ended up on Stew's head! It was a great big party up there and everyone was hugging. When the curtain call ended initially, the audience kept on cheering and clapping and eventually the cast came back out on stage, this time with Annie Dorsen.
It really was a mind blowing experience...one to remember for a long time!
Thanks for that, StateofJade. I was there yesterday (and it was explosive as always), but you were at THE show to be at!
This show was too big for Broadway. It dwarfed everything over the past season. It was completey robbed at the Tonys. Years from now, it will be taught in college campuses as one of the greatest examples of early 21st century American art.
Could someone who is not drunk please post the group photo with Heidi from the tour? :). Or email-jandreams2much@hotmail.com Gratzi!
Yeah, Jade, when we sober up! I don't think the Scaryotypes are home yet!! They're coming, they're coming!!
I just got home...bus came late, Jade sent the pics to ya.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/23/06
Any chance there will be rush for Monday's show?
Any chance of a revival of "the real" or a concert verison?
Monday is not open to the public.
Coolkid, there's good orchestra seats for
Tuesday. Call Telecharge.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/23/06
I know the show closed 2day. But I heard something about a Monday Performance.
Any chance of a revival in a couple of years?
This was truly an amazing piece of theater that will be missed
"The Universe is a toy in the mind of a boy"
Repeat, monday is NOT open to the public. There is no audience.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/23/06
So whats the point of doing the show?
Also can they Legally still perform it since it Closed on Broadway 2day?
they are doing a performance tomorrow without an audience that will be filmed, mainly so there isn't any hooting/hollering where there shouldn't be (or so I assume)