Hi! I have to come to you guys again with a lyric question. You have helped me out in the past and this again is driving me crazy: In Come Down Now, she says I've been thinking about leaving my fingerprints on your being this night.. and then what? It sounds like church now. ??? What is she saying? It's driving me crazy!! HELP. again.
Another great show last night -- bravo to all. After the show was over, the woman sitting next to me looked at me and said, "I can not believe how amazing this show is, and I can not believe I won't have the chance to see it again." (She was visiting from out of town and knew very little about the show beforehand.)
The line in Come Down Now is, "It's like church now." All of the lyrics are in the CD package, and it's been really interesting reading them. I was very impressed with listening to the lyrics in performance, but reading them divorced from the music reinforces how well-written they are.
Oh mikem THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! wow, she really IS saying church now. It's the first part I had wrong. And I totally agree, the lyrics are amazing. A-MAZ-ING.
Hey guys,
Anyone want to make any bets as to how long Keys is going to be on Sunday? I'm prepared to get blown out of the water.
And we have to get people to STAND UP and rock out during that song! If we all stand up, maybe we'll start something...
I wanted to get people to stand up last night, but I was already standing, so I couldn't set an example!
I'd like to see the group pic as well, por favor :). And any other pics you guys took. The only decent one I have is just of me with the wall.
Hey Scaryos!
What a difference a day makes! Wish you were all here tonight!!!
It wasn't SRO, but nearly sold out. Saturday and Sunday are going to be "awesome"!)
As the famous Fats Waller lyric goes: "THE JOINT WAS JUMPIN'!!!"
Holy Cow!! The singular most spectacular performance since Feb 8!
The audience was BRILLIANT.
And of course, when Stew got the vibe, right from before he walked out, the RIOT began!!
EVERYTHING got laughs, even Chad with his Amsterdam scene. He was shocked! The aud. went wild. (very intelligent group tonight)
Keys/Amsterdam was at least 10-15 minutes long, and all the understudies were maniacally rockin' out in the back of the house.
Stew went nuts with the first 2 rows!
Spike and some of his (family, I think) were there.
All in all, I have a hell of a headache right now. Decibel level: 1,000,000.
Posted by: playrite 08:34 pm EDT 07/17/08
In reply to: re: Just saw Passing Strange last night - Daniel Breaker should have won the Tony - mikem 02:47 pm EDT 07/17/08
I couldn't agree with you more. Gaines was great in Gypsy, but Breaker's performance was truly amazing and unforgettable. I thought his energy, stage presence, and the depth of his characterization were all essential to what made the show so powerful and moving. I liked it a lot off-Broadway, but I thought it was awesome at the Belasco.
(above from ATC...)
Updated On: 7/17/08 at 09:53 PM
not too many since my camera died but heres what i have
Beautifully lighted pix of Heidi, (thehardpart).
You got a pix of the sign in sheet?? Ha! Cool.
Hmm, Jon Spurney's been out the whole week. I hope he's there on Saturday and Sunday...
Stand-by Joined: 5/8/08
I've heard that Spurney's on vacation, and I noticed that in one of the photos posted of the sign in sheet, his substitute Matt has a space to sign in at the bottom only through Thursday.
Hope Spurney's back for the last weekend's shows. The substitute guy is good, but doesn't add the extra guitar that Spurney does on some songs, or play some of the keyboard fillers that Spurney adds.
Updated On: 7/17/08 at 10:35 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/23/06
Is there ANY way to STOP This closing? To Keep it open at least thru the end of the summer? I saw the show for the 2nd time on Wednesday and cried bc I knew I would "NEVER see it again".
Stand-by Joined: 5/8/08
Well, you could call the producers and offer to buy out every performance through the end of the summer, that might convince them. But unless you're Mike Bloomberg, probably couldn't afford that option.
With two weeks in a row of attendance in the 38% range, and August still to come, I can understand why the producers would close the show. If only the quality of art correlated with financial performance! But if that were true, Broadway would be a very different place.
Updated On: 7/17/08 at 11:44 PM
Where's everyone sitting Sunday afternoon?
I'll be in ORCH A 7.
There was a sign above the sign-in sheet about Spurney. I think it said he'd be out through Thursday, so he should be back in tonight.
I don't have a ticket yet for Sunday, I have a feeling I'll be standing, which is totally fine with me.
Hey guys,
I just wanted to share. I ended up catching PASSING STRANGE for my second and final time at this past Wednesday's matinée. I got a balcony seat, and the view was actually great from up there. I had never been in the Belasco balcony before.
The show was incredible. You never would have guessed it was a Wednesday matinée by the level of energy and commitment of the cast and band members.
I am so moved by this show, and I consider myself so lucky to have seen it twice.
I chatted with the cast afterward, and they were so gracious and friendly. The only ones who didn't come out were Rebecca and Stew, so I came back after the evening show, because I wanted to speak with them about what the show meant to me.
Rebecca is the kindest, most sweet, intelligent woman, and she was such a joy to speak with. I was telling her that I thought "Come Down Now" was such a gift of a song, and she agreed. She considered herself so lucky to be able to deliver that song every night. She was saying how she was just beginning to mourn the loss of these characters, and that it's so saddening that a show like PS cannot survive in today's Broadway atmosphere. Stew was very gracious as well.
I truly hope PS has a life beyond Broadway in some form. This show deserves to be seen, and experienced by as many people as possible. This cast recording deserves to be listened to by theatre fans and mainstream music lovers alike for years to come, and I hope they get some much deserved recognition for the Best Show Album Grammy Award.
Just thought I'd share some thoughts on my final live experience with PS.
Lots of love to the cast and the incredible band who give their all at every performance. I wish them all MUCH success in the future. The level of each of their talents is immeasurable.
Stand-by Joined: 5/8/08
WBAF, thanks for sharing that. I knew you liked the show, just never knew how much. Glad it's a lot!
I decided to see the show tonight, and am I glad I did. Tonight's Keys was the absolute best I've heard it. I wanted to tell Stew that at the stage door, but instead I said "it was the best show you guys put on," and he was like, "No it wasn't."
There are a couple of changes for the taping. Stew and Youth now have red Chuck Taylors. In the European Avant Garde cinema part, Youth actually smokes a cigarette now. In Sole Brother, the guitar is heard a lot more clearly, which changes the song quite a bit. Oh, and in Keys, there are actual Keys now. I liked it better without.
In Act 2, May Day sounds a little bit different. Come Down Now sounds even better now with the minor changes.
The curtain calls is Keys now, and not We Might Play All Night.
Really great crowd tonight. Mostly everyone loved it. Tiny said it was the best, and if anyone would know, it'd be her.
Daniel Breaker is an awesome guy. I've only stage doored PS once, and didn't talk to him the last time. So is Chad Goodridge, and once again, a shout out to Heidi Rodewald, who is the sweetest person I've met at the stage door.
I forgot to mention that Spurney is back.
Susan wrote:
Life is funny when it comes to expectations, here I was excitedly planning a trip to NYC back in April (after a 15-year absence) motivated by a chance to see performances of the Kirov Ballet. I planned on taking tap classes during the day and thought I would get tickets for some evening Broadway shows while there. “Rock’n'roll” seemed like an interesting choice but was no longer playing on my chosen dates and at the last minute, with one evening left to fill, I ordered a ticket to “Passing Strange”. It sounded cool, plus I was curious.
Well, what an experience! I went to see Passing on the first night I was there, and I was absolutely blown away. What an unexpected discovery, the most memorable of this mini-trip. I came home raving to my friends about “Passing Strange”, one said “but Sue, I thought you didn’t like musicals” and my only thought was of wanting to go back, hoping for a chance again in November, so you can imagine my disappointment when I heard about the closing. What to do? Simple, just go!
So, as of yesterday, I’ve ordered my ticket for the 20th, thrilled no doubt. Dad is giving me his airmiles as a birthday present to fly in and back from Montreal for Sunday’s show. I long to hear the music live again, the band play, and dance in the aisle to “yeah, it’s alright” (hope I don’t get thrown out) and have the music in my head for the flight home.
Next challenge for Stew and company - I suggest “Passing Strange” come to Montreal, an opportuninity for a vibrant and unique audience to embrace you and rock with you!
Merci Stew, merci Heidi, et merci à tous.
Posted on 17-Jul-08 at 10:15 am | Permalink
I wanted to briefly express my love for PS, since I may not be around on the closing date. As saddened as I am at Passing Strange's closing (which wasn't unexpected, although I still hoped it'd last through August), I'm glad I was able to see the show twice. I was very touched by this piece. Its lyrical and musical poetry, its story (which hits very close to home), its performances, its overall heart and balls of steel. It was a much needed shot of energy, and soul, and *life*. My biggest regret was never speaking to the cast, just to let them know how much I appreciated and was moved by the work they did. I don't usually go to the stagedoor after shows, but now wish I had for this one. But in the end, all that matters is the work itself, and, as corny as it sounds, art always finds a way to live on through the people who love it.
Updated On: 7/19/08 at 01:40 AM
That's not corny, BwayChica, that's actually very nice.