Broadway Star Joined: 11/29/06
The only girls that seem genuinely sweet and nice are Rhiannon, Natalie, and Autumn, who also happen to be my favorites performance-wise as well. The rest seem like they could rip each other apart at any second, especially Emma, Cassie S, and Bailey. I think Cassie S is talented, but she's got to get over herself.
Jackson 922, I think you should think about the network that the show is on and then rethink your statement.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/25/04
haha touche. But the things she said had to have been said. I can't even think of it being funny taken out of context.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
I think Lauren seems pretty nice too. It was very nice of her to take Cassie S. with her to meet Orfeh.
Even if she doesn't smile much.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/29/06
Oh I forgot Lauren! That was really nice of her to take Cassie S. She a great singer too, her belting on the bike was incredible! I wish I could belt like that....
yeah I think with the way they edit its totally obvious who won.
And I think thats odd that the winner doesn't start until later...well it's not really odd except that wasn't there an article on that stated she would start July 23?
ugh watching mondays full performances and bailey's was painful. why is she playing elle like Belle from Batb
Broadway Star Joined: 12/25/04
ok so having watched the full performances Autumn, Cassie and Natalie were the best. Bailey and Emma were the worst. Celina is a great performer but completely wrong for Elle.
a good friend and i watch this show every monday, it's our guilty pleasure. i have to say, that some of the girls have really improved so far and i'm excited to see what their potential will add up to in a month. it's just a little strange how the show is edited to make certain people look better/worse than what they are i take it they do that b/c they want the winner to look great and the other's not too, but by the looks of it, bailey will win or Rhiannan will be the underdog.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
My cousins saw LB yesterday and said that after waiting for LBB at the stagedoor for about 40 minutes (security old them she had already left. Truth? I don't now), a girl came out of the stage door. She tried to cover her face by looking down, but someone screamed "It's Natalie from the MTV show!" They said she quickly ran into her car before anyone else noticed her.
So maybe she is the winner, but I feel like MTV would try a little harder to conceal the winner of the show.
if she wins i'll be really pissed... but w-e i just want get tickets for when i'm in NYC... i'll just wait for the tour to come to cleveland in nov. (but if bailey wins i'm so getting tickets... i love bailey!!!)
i've heard people claiming a couple different winners. I've heard Bailey, i've heard autumn and now I've heard natalie. Whcih means i still have no clue. And it could be none of those three.
I'm sure Natalie was just there to see the show because she probably got awesome seats and a great deal and such for being on the show.
Is it sad I already forgot who I decided that I liked?
Maybe my gilmore girls marathon had something to do with the name drop
"OMG I can't belive they think I threw them under the bus"
Umm because you DID?
I love Emma's words of wisdom- "in order to be on Broadway, you have to be a team player."
that can be taken so out of context.
Leading Actor Joined: 12/18/05
Off Topic, but nice avatar defyingravity07. I was feeling kind of sad today, until my brother pointed out that in one of his books, he said he hopes that when he dies people won't be all "Aww, he died. I'm sad." So, instead I'm happily looking back on all the times he made me laugh.
Stand-by Joined: 1/19/08
I try not to think about it but to remember him. I've been watching his specials all day. Back on topic yeah Emma is an IDIOT.
I thought Celina was going to physically attack Cassie S.
Stand-by Joined: 1/19/08
shh282, I love that show. (Gilmore Girls)
Who will win this weeks beyotch showdown: Cassie, Emma, or Celina? Let's find out.