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Tony Moments "Drunk Dorothy" Offensive and Insulting Headline- Page 2

Tony Moments "Drunk Dorothy" Offensive and Insulting Headline

#25Tony Moments 'Drunk Dorothy' Offensive and Insulting Headline
Posted: 6/12/10 at 3:04pm

Lets take a stroll down a few blocks to Avenue Q where Gary Coleman is mocked nightly. Go to Google & look up Michael Jackson, Courtney Love, & Britney Spears.

The fact that a lot of people do something doesn't make it justified. Even if I made fun of Lindsay Lohan or any of those people mentioned above with every breath (which I don't), it wouldn't make the "Drunk Dorothy" headline any less insulting, nor would it make me any less qualified to point out that it's such.

perpetualanticipatio Profile Photo
#26Tony Moments 'Drunk Dorothy' Offensive and Insulting Headline
Posted: 6/12/10 at 3:29pm

As as a site whose primary concern is to promote theater and sell tickets, the headline is less that professional and caters to the purient nature of many visitors here. A much better headline would be Legendary Tony Performance by Loudon or some such eye grabber which celebrates her charisma and verve.

#27Tony Moments 'Drunk Dorothy' Offensive and Insulting Headline
Posted: 6/12/10 at 3:35pm

I knew and worked with Dorothy many times - she was a dear friend and a wonderful person, not to mention an extraordinary performer. And I can only tell you that in the seven years I knew her, worked with her, dined with her, she never once took a drink on any occasion and we were in places where she certainly could have. She never came to a session having had a drink EVER. She was a consummate professional. Period.

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#28Tony Moments 'Drunk Dorothy' Offensive and Insulting Headline
Posted: 6/12/10 at 3:53pm

"Lets take a stroll down a few blocks to Avenue Q where Gary Coleman is mocked nightly. Go to Google & look up Michael Jackson, Courtney Love, & Britney Spears."

Ok, now what?

Is your point that we might as well add Loudon to the pile? That they don't deserve it but she does?

I'm baffled as to what your point might be.

isntitromantic Profile Photo
#29Tony Moments 'Drunk Dorothy' Offensive and Insulting Headline
Posted: 6/12/10 at 4:17pm

Its really a shame BWW would sh*t on a theater legend by denigrating probably what were the Tonys finest hour. Loudon certainly deserves better from a professional site. Curious, too, how everyone seems to like rolling in the mud here and has little respect for anything or anyone else. Curious if Betty Buckley would give an interview to a site which might give her Tony Moment the headline "Coked to the Gills Buckley Shakes the Rafters." Doubtful.

#30Tony Moments 'Drunk Dorothy' Offensive and Insulting Headline
Posted: 6/12/10 at 4:19pm

If there is truth in bk's post, then perpetualanticipatio's statements are . . . well, grotesque is the word that comes to mind.

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#31Tony Moments 'Drunk Dorothy' Offensive and Insulting Headline
Posted: 6/12/10 at 4:28pm

Well, as I said the point for me isn't whether she drank or not. Rather it's calling either of those wonderful performances meltdowns.

JustAGuy Profile Photo
#32Tony Moments 'Drunk Dorothy' Offensive and Insulting Headline
Posted: 6/12/10 at 6:03pm

I have my doubts as to whether she was intoxicated in either of those clips. She seemed to be completely in control of all of her many gifts and her timing,(as it always was) impeccable. What "meltdown"? No meltdown to see here...just a brilliant performance.

I think whomever gave these clips the headline "Drunk Dorothy" needs to go out and buy a clue...because they certainly don't have one.

"Just a Guy. Your feelings are touching. I am gladdened by the thought that you will one day wind up 6 feet under as we all do." - MrRoxy ------ "I do not suggest you walk out the door onto a New York street with your vulnerable child part exposed and not protected..." - Jason Bennett

#33Tony Moments 'Drunk Dorothy' Offensive and Insulting Headline
Posted: 6/12/10 at 6:16pm

No meltdown - no drunk - just brilliance and pure Dorothy - and yes, whoever posted this article should be ashamed.

nmartin Profile Photo
#34Tony Moments 'Drunk Dorothy' Offensive and Insulting Headline
Posted: 6/12/10 at 6:54pm

I love Dorothy Loudon. I had the pleasure of seeing her three times. Her Saloon cd is marvelous. Her rendition of A Cottage for Sale is the best version of that song I have ever heard. I find the Drunk Dorothy headline disrespectful and in very bad taste.

TimesSquared Profile Photo
#35Tony Moments 'Drunk Dorothy' Offensive and Insulting Headline
Posted: 6/12/10 at 7:02pm

Regardless of her relationship with alcohol, no one can prove she was drunk during these performances or any other ones for that matter.
It's a libelous claim about a person who is not around to defend herself. Tasteless and reprehensible, BWW.

#36Tony Moments 'Drunk Dorothy' Offensive and Insulting Headline
Posted: 6/12/10 at 7:14pm

"Regardless of her relationship with alcohol..."

I'd certainly add the word "purported" before relationship because in the seven years in which I knew her I never saw any evidence of a relationship with alcohol - in fact, as I said above, I never saw the woman take a drink and she had plenty of opportunities when we dined.

TimesSquared Profile Photo
#37Tony Moments 'Drunk Dorothy' Offensive and Insulting Headline
Posted: 6/12/10 at 7:18pm

BK "Regardless of her relationship with alcohol" means:
whatever her relationship with alcohol, i.e. whether she was an alcoholic, or whether she never touched a drop.
I'm with you, I think it's slander.

#38Tony Moments 'Drunk Dorothy' Offensive and Insulting Headline
Posted: 6/13/10 at 12:11am

Okay, so wait.

She wasn't an alcoholic? Then lighten up!

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#39Tony Moments 'Drunk Dorothy' Offensive and Insulting Headline
Posted: 6/13/10 at 9:13am

I don't get it. I suppose I could be wrong, but I don't know how anyone could that much hilarity and comic timing if they were bombed. I think the article is not insensitive, but insulting.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

PalJoey Profile Photo
#40Tony Moments 'Drunk Dorothy' Offensive and Insulting Headline
Posted: 6/13/10 at 10:34am

The only person who melted down was Pat Cerasaro, the author of that article.

Anyone remember his screen name before he melted down in a fit of hysteria, lecturing us all?

Pat Cerasaro.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#41Tony Moments 'Drunk Dorothy' Offensive and Insulting Headline
Posted: 6/13/10 at 1:43pm


"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#42Tony Moments 'Drunk Dorothy' Offensive and Insulting Headline
Posted: 6/13/10 at 2:22pm

Is that so, Lizzie? That certainly explains a lot. Thanks.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#43Tony Moments 'Drunk Dorothy' Offensive and Insulting Headline
Posted: 6/13/10 at 3:01pm

Pgenre. Of course.
