Ok, so now I recieved my tickets, the ticket price was $101.25 a piece.
Since the total came to $210.50, I figure that there was a $8.00 service charge, unless it was some tax.
I would assume you could purchase it straight from the American Airlines box office, although the phone number given seems to be a general Roundabout ticket service, not the theater.
Man, I was just at the American Airlines today. I should have checked to see if they were available at the box office. Thanks for the info, DRG.
Am I the only one who can't stand Kate Reinders?
While I thought she was a hoot as Dainty June in the "Gypsy" revival a few years ago, I've found her laughably atrocious in everything she's done since. She comes off as annoying and manic extremely easy, and it is only in roles like June where those traits are well served that I can stomach her. I could maybe see her as Janet, but Columbia? No.
Arden, on the other hand, should be great.
You are not alone somethingwicked. Kate is good at one thing: being goofy (though please do not mistake goofy for funny, as evident by her one-note-and-devoid-of-a-character-arch-Glinda). I honestly wouldn't place her in the RHS at all.
I'm sure Cahoon will be perfection.
This is a charity event.
let's be charitable.
These actors are giving their time for free
and stretching some muscles.
Arden might not be who you first think of as Riff,
but he certainly has the chops to sing the sh*t out of that part.
Let the boy rock.
And Kate will certainly be a hoot also.
Cahoon is wel.. the CAHOON!
I know I will be there.
Should be fun.
I'm so happy for Rachel. I know this is her dream and it's great that she's getting to do it.
I wouldn't roll your eyes at her casting herself as Janet, she's very good in the role, especially for only being 18. (She was great in the role at 16 and 17 as well.) I'm sure there are broadway actors who would be much better, but she's doing this for charity, so let her have her fun.
Gil is also a great director, so it's exciting for me to see his name up there as well.
Wish like hell I could be there for this. I was totally in LOVE with Calhoon when I ushered for the revival, but never got to see him go on as Frank. (wah!) I miss this show and wish it was still playing. Anyway, to those that get to go...
Have fun and yell something especially obnoxious for ME!
Swing Joined: 3/1/07
You can see Kevin for a lot less - and doing his own music! Kevin and Ghetto Cowboy are appearing at Don Hill's Friday, March 9th at midnight - I think there's no cover if you're in before midnight.... the band ROCKS!
I have no doubt that Rachel will be good in the role and I think its great that she is seeing her dream come true and all that. However, compared to a star Broadway veteran cast, an unknown is a letdown for such a large role, especially when I am sure there are more than a few Broadway actors who would be more than happy to contribute their talent.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/22/04
I saw Kevin Cahoon as Frank when he understudied Frank... it was during the Sally Jesse/Terrence Mann/Sebastian Bach time of the run. Cahoon's Frank is playful and VERY camp - but REALLY lacks the presence that the character needs. Frank really needs to be dominant and controlling, as he pretty much pushes the show and it's characters around to do his bidding... Cahoon did not have that. I saw the revival 9 times during it's run - and while I wasn't particularly a huge fan of the way Terrence Mann threw away alot of his performance, Tom Hewitt was amazing.
Wow, I actually agree with CurtainPullDowner in this matter. Let them have fun and show off their talents, and let's show up, support a good cause and have fun with them.
I've only seen Reinders in GYPSY and she was a spot-on Dainty June. And Arden...that boy is good at EVERYTHING he does!
The cast list has been updated again. Eddie has been cast, but even more interesting, Arden's name has been removed. I wonder if he has dropped out...
Too bad the role of Janet has already been cast. I can so see Tina Maddigan, for sure!
Howie Michael Smith will be playing Rocky..
Dayum, HMS wearing nothing but boots and a speedo. I cannot wait for production photos.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/16/05
No more Michael Arden and Wayne Wilcox. Sounds like some changes in casting are happening.
Arden got a Pilot
Would have loved to see Wilcox in his underpants