Is the opening image stil Sherrie sitting on the bed?
Okay, I saw the show tonight. Possible spoilers:
"Madrid" is now the opening number. I really like this change. I liked "My Crazy Heart," but it didn't do much as far as an introduction. It was a little weird to see the taxi drive into Pepa's bedroom, but it starts with the same "Today is a good day, she just doesn't know it yet" monologue from the taxi driver that happened when the song was in act 2.
The second act now does not have an opening song. It starts with Candela climbing back up onto the terrace.
There is still no finale song. The dialogue is basically the same.
Maybe putting "My Crazy Heart" as an Act II opener or finale would serve things better.
It would really work as an Act II finale or 11 o'clock solo number for Sherie.
Some questions
Is there no overture? Does Pepa still rotate on the bed? Are the "Crazy Heart" reprises gone?
It baffles me that we really track changes to a show like this. That there are people who go multiple times to a show in previews so as to be able to report back what has changed within three weeks to the rest of us (myself included) who are eagerly waiting to hear. You'd think we could be patient enough to wait until it opens, but I guess these days with the internet connecting us and letting us share information right away, we just can't wait anymore. I don't suppose this is meant to be particularly critical of anyone in particular, just my musings. After all, I can't pretend I haven't read each and every post in this thread so far.
Ljay - The overture is still there, and Pepa does still rotate on the bed. Both "Crazy Heart" reprises are there, with the one sung by the Taxi Driver, Carlos, and Marisa being the first time you hear that song.
Wow, interesting! So after Ivan's message, The Taxi enters her bedroom?
Please tell me that the hilarious Act 2 opening with the actresses all suspended on cables is still there.
Stand-by Joined: 2/13/09
I love the idea of the taxi being an element of the story telling.
Please tell me that the hilarious Act 2 opening with the actresses all suspended on cables is still there.
Oh, no. I hope that's still there too!
Please tell me that the hilarious Act 2 opening with the actresses all suspended on cables is still there.
Oh, no. I hope that's still there too!
I was hoping it would be, but it's not.
Ljay - Yes, the taxi drives straight into Pepa's bedroom after Ivan's phone message.
Was Lovesick cut? I will be so sad if it was.
Lovesick is still there! After Madrid, it basically is the same beginning.
I was hoping it would be, but it's not.
Well I guess I can live without that! But please tell me they are still suspended at the end of "On The Verge" ?
Sorry for all these questions!!
Not a problem, I would probably be doing the same thing! Hahaha. They are still suspended at the end of the first act, and then the beginning of the second act they are all back in the apartment.
Thanks, I appreciate it!
And I think this is my last question of the night, lol. Did they add vocal parts for the ensemble in "Madrid" ? I think it might seem weird to have the opening sung as just a solo.
They did add vocal parts, plus a bigger dance break for the full company.
Sweet! I can't wait to see it again.
All these changes sound great! Now I really wanna see it again.
Here's hoping they come up with a fierce closer.
They need to come up with a closer, period. The show ends so abruptly.
I agree. There needs to be a closer or a reprise sung at curtain call.
Is the curtain call still only a company bow?
Leading Actor Joined: 10/9/10
the most promising thing i read was the elimination of the lollipop!
i would/could never sit through that show again.... i couldn't sit through the WHOLE thing the first time... BUT, in all sincerity...
i hope all the itjays, assbeavers, nemos and others get what they want from the "final" product!
good luck to all involved and all who believe in this WORK IN PROGRESS!!!!!!!
PATTI, THIS WILL ALL BE OVER SOON!!!!! (i'm glad you don;t have to lick that lollipop anymore!!)
Dear GOD. Why can't you just let us be? You are adding nothing to this topic/discussion.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/9/08
Wow, all these changes sound fantastic. Looks like they're doing some major work.
So does Act II just pick up where Act I left off? Is there an entr'acte or reprise of the overture, or is there no opening?
I'm not sure I like the idea of the show opening with a pointless song sung by a pointless character (Burstein's character did nothing for me).
I'm also very disappointed that the show eliminated one of its best sight gags- the image of the ladies dangling on the wires. It was very funny, particularly Patti with her lollipop.