h6p8gv said: "DO they sell the pies on the tour like they do on broadway?"
Featured Actor Joined: 7/31/03
First Pittsburgh show was last night...
'Waitress' serves up more than just sugar and spice at the Benedum Center
And a clip from the Pittsburgh morning show...
Saw it last night, a few technical squabbles (mics going in and out) but the cast is amazing. Jim Hogan is on for Ogie all week while Jeremy Morse is on vacation and he stole the show.
h6p8gv said: "WHat flavors do they sell?"
In Pittsburgh now at the 1pm matinee. They told me each city can be different, and that sometimes they contract it out and the flavor may be that of a local contest winner. Here they are selling Cherry Pie and Chocolate Salted Caramel Pies. Each are 10$ and come in small containers that are roughly 4oz. There’s a line and they seem to be selling quite well.
The limited supply of “pies” they had look like they sold out before the show started. Right now it’s intermission.
Updated On: 3/11/18 at 02:26 PM
Absolutely loved, loved LOVED this show! Tons and tons of humor (some of it quite adult-rated), lots of great songs (soul-jarring heartbreak evident in one of them), and a cast that was superb. As mentioned above “Jim Hogan is (was) on for Ogie all week while Jeremy Morse is on vacation and he stole the show.”, which he did, and did a great job at it! And Nick Bailey as Earl did a real good job of making you NOT like him. It was funny at the end of the show how he came out with a “don’t throw anything at me” look on his face, putting his hands up, and the audience laughed.
Having listened to the Original Broadway Cast album off-and-on for the past seven weeks the vocals were all very strong and spot on during this show. There was one point during Act Two in the reprise of “Bad Idea” where the on-stage band got quite loud and literally drowned out the lyrics in the last half of the song.
Favorite songs, from a very strong list of musical numbers, but I’ll narrow it down to a few: “Opening Up” (one of those toe-tapping catchy tunes and lyrics, and a great beat); “Never Ever Getting Rid Of Me” (Ogie was all over the stage on this and soooo funny); “Take It From An Old Man” (just adorable on stage, amazing him passing life’s lessons to Jenna, loved this song and its lyrics, and when he tells Jenna “...and if you lack the strength of your own, honey hold out your hands, and take it from old man.); and rendered so very heartbreakingly, the short seconds of “Dear Baby”, and “She Use To Be Mine”, which I sat there listening to with a huge, huge lump in my throat and tears in my eyes, her amazing vocals soaring over the entire theater, and you could feel the pain. The audience so quiet you could her a pin drop.
The ending is so cute, fantastic, and everyone leaves with a HUGE smile on their face LOVING this show.
If you haven’t seen this, and it’s coming to your town, do not miss this.
Just wanted to share that I got to see the touring cast this past Saturday evening. Emily Koch was on as Jenna and Mark Christine was on as Ogie, both were phenomenal. Also fun to see mark and lenne play opposite one another since they’re a real life couple. Also from what I can tell from Instagram, it seemed like there were a bunch of ensemble people out with the show having to have a few split tracks. I didn’t even notice! This production is really going strong and the set is almost an exact replica as the broadway set with only a few minor differences. Chicago seemed to love the show. I hope it continues going strong!
Featured Actor Joined: 12/3/15
Just got out of the show here in Chicago! What a treat! Chicago was loving every second of the show tonight.
For the record, I did rush tickets. I arrived at the box office about 30 minutes after it opened and had no problem getting two tickets, they were great seats orchestra slightly left.
Desi Oakley is in fine voice and had the entire audience eating out of the palm of her hand.
I do have one question, I noticed that during "When He Sees Me" both Jenna and Becky sang with Dawn during some of the song. Every recording I've seen, I hadn't noticed this was the case. Is this new?
The only "weak link" and I say that term VERY loosely was the actress playing Dawn. Her voice wasn't very strong, but her comedic acting made up for it in spades.
Stand-by Joined: 5/17/17
Observation said: "Just got out of the show here in Chicago! What a treat! Chicago was loving every second of the show tonight.
For the record, I did rush tickets. I arrived at the box office about 30 minutes after it opened and had no problem getting two tickets, they were great seats orchestra slightly left.
Desi Oakley is in fine voice and had the entire audience eating out of the palm of her hand.
I do have one question, I noticed that during "When He Sees Me" both Jenna and Becky sang with Dawn during some of the song. Every recording I've seen, I hadn't noticed this was the case. Is this new?
The only "weak link" and I say that term VERY loosely was the actress playing Dawn. Her voice wasn't very strong, but her comedic acting made up for it in spades."
I think they added that for the tour (possibly because Lenne was struggling with the choreography?) I agree her acting is AMAZING, and she can sing but Charity and Desi set the bar extremely high.
Stand-by Joined: 12/31/69
Understudy Joined: 12/20/14
Anyone have ideas who’s replacing desi? And why on earth they won’t put Kyra Kennedy as Jenna??
Looks like Desi is staying on for at least a couple more weeks. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm7bIxggiPl/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=zqxc3enqzvuq
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
JustinLovesSideShow said: "Anyone have ideas who’s replacing desi? And why on earth they won’t put Kyra Kennedy as Jenna??"
No clue but we should hear whomever it is soo and I believe Kyras last is today going by her and Grace's IG story last night of their final Asking For A Friend thing they did.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/10/17
Did anyone else see Kyra Kennedy’s Instagram post? “I hope your next job judges you not on the size of your bust or the size of your hips” that is really disappointing.
For reference:
I wonder where those comments came from. Really shocking to hear considering who the creative team is.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/3/08
Do you think Kyra was supposed to take over for Desi but they rescinded the offer? Desi had announced LA was her last stop but then suddenly said she’d be staying another month. Also, Desi had posted an Instagram story of a card from a friend saying how strong and resilient she was being and that she knew something great would come along for her. I thought that was interesting...
Chorus Member Joined: 11/10/17
I also read that Lenne begged them to let Kyra go on for Dawn or else. Idk if that is true but that could explain why she only went on once
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/25/05
Call_me_jorge said: "I wonder where those comments came from. Really shocking to hear considering who the creative team is."
I didn’t read that as necessarily referencing Waitress, but more the industry in general.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/3/08
It seemed pointed toward Waitress in my opinion, because she’s leaving the job and saying hope the next job values uniqueness over mediocrity, doesn’t judge her for her body, etc. (implying that this one did).
I can't imagine Sara would go on tour for this. I think Abby Mueller is way more likely!
Chorus Member Joined: 11/10/17
Also, someone tweeted that Waitress treated Kyra Kennedy like s***t and she likes the tweet
Broadway Star Joined: 1/3/08
Do you think she was supposed to be next Jenna but something happened?? That would explain Desi last minute extending...
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/26/16
I saw the show on its San Francisco tour stop Saturday night (first week of four). Christine Dwyer is Jenna, and she was good as an actor and singer. Jeremy Morse stole the show for a while as Ogie. While Dwyer has a strong voice and enunciated clearly, I had trouble understanding the words of others a fair amount of the time. (The Golden Gate Theatre can have this problem, but it's usually more of an Orpheum issue, and my rush seats were fine - Row R, center orchestra). It doesn't seem like the sort of musical that should have those issues. But there it was, almost as bad as The Color Purple at times.
As for the musical itself, it was OK. It felt lighter and fluffier than I was expecting. I know a lot of people have really enjoyed this show, and I understand why it has been successful, but it didn't leave me with any desire to see it again.