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Welcome, Anthony Rapp!- Page 397

Welcome, Anthony Rapp!

MarkysSparky Profile Photo
#9900A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 1:38am

So... everyone got a Mark Scarf. ^_^ I eventually got the actual scarf from the RENT online store. My mom brought it out eventually, claiming that 'Santa' had forgotten it. Yeeeah. I'm really happy with it, though. So... I have two striped scarves... they make me giddy.

VivaBohemia, your friend's mother is definitely living under a rock. Us 17 year olds know a bit about the things that happened back then and RENT depicts true culture. My mother wouldn't let me see RENT for quite a while due to the personal and emotional nerve it hit for her.... it relates to all of us. It's sad when someone just doesn't get the values something like RENT can hold. So sad.

I'm gonna say it again: You people rock. I'm glad I found a niche. ^_____^ And I still want that cow.

"And I said, Not in MY backyard, utensils! Go back to {China}!"... bidi BAH...

tacos are great
#9901A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 2:02am

We switched to a cable connection a few weeks ago and can I just say that I miss dial-up? It was a helluva lot faster.

Anyway, VivaBohemia, I did, I liked it a lot. I thought there were a couple of lame moments, but it's a musical, it's supposed to have a couple of those. Overall, I enjoyed it a lot. I lost count of how many times I thought, "Holy f***, he/she's amazing." I'll probably never get La Vie Boheme out of my head, but I really don't mind all that much.

Oh and damn, Rosario Dawson was amazingly beautiful. And Adam Pascal has got some *really* nice eyes. Wow. Really wow.

Um. I think I need to go lift some weights or scratch myself or something else equally masculine now....

Literal tacos! Sheesh. Y'all are nasty....

Shiksa Goddess2
#9902A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 2:27am

I am knitting a Mark Scarf A Very Broadway Holiday, but for X-Mas the Broadway themed gifts I got were Anthony's CD (which is good for my concience), A Beautiful Mind, The Wicked Grimmerie (the best was when my mom saw a pic of Norbert and went on and on about how much he really looks like my hushpuppy stuffed animal that I named after him LOL), Cabaret CD(Alan Cumming version), Evita DVD, The Last Five Years CD, and a 2000 piece puzzle of Times Square that has bilboards for Les Mis, Miss Saigon, Phantom, Lion King, Rent, and more- it's so beautiful!

I hope everyone's holiday went great!

Macavity Profile Photo
#9903A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 4:53am

I agree Mandi A Very Broadway Holiday

Well, i didnt get anything Broadway/Musical for Christmas but i don't mind. I'm very happy with my gifts A Very Broadway Holiday
But i saw the Lion King the day before yesterday and that's some sort of X-mas gift too A Very Broadway Holiday

Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm
Audrey Hepburn

#9904A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 10:05am

Haha, tacos. I think it says something that you're one of a very small number of males, or perhaps the only one, who posts on this thread...

Boo, I didn't get the Mark scarf I was promised. A Very Broadway Holiday Oh well, there's always my birthday.

I also agree to an OT thread. We use up most of our posts here on OT stuff, anyway... A Very Broadway Holiday

JLSatUD Profile Photo
#9905A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 10:10am

I'm watching Regis and Kelly ... they just said the Rent cast was going to be on. I assumed it was a repeat but Regis just said something about putting away the Christmas music CD cause the holidays are over. Hmm...

#9906A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 10:16am

*is confused by Regis, as usual*

JLSatUD Profile Photo
#9907A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 10:22am

must have filmed the intro and then just tacked old stuff on, because now they're interviewing Eva Longoria and asking what they can expect from season 2 of Desperate Housewives.

opiv Profile Photo
#9908A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 11:38am

they need to show a re-run of that breakfast with the arts thing. but i'll still watch regis.

"I feel god in this chili's..."

caitiesus1522 Profile Photo
#9909A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 11:42am

Going to go watrch regis in the family room

haha im not in DC anymore and regis is not onnow (it was there for some strange reason and the view was on at noon)

But my mom tatped it for me woohoo Updated On: 12/26/05 at 11:42 AM

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#9910A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 12:26pm

yeaa..i had missed that, but I had someone send it to me. And tacos, YESSSSS adam, has gorgeous eyes, I am in love/obsessed with them.

p.s i think more guys should post on this thread :) Updated On: 12/26/05 at 12:26 PM

#9911A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 12:38pm

Hey, mel, wanna send it to me? A Very Broadway Holiday I missed R&K both times they showed it... booo.

P.S. Opiv, I'm uploading Breakfast with the Arts for you right now, it's so good. A Very Broadway Holiday

Edit: Okay, it's done... <--Breakfast with the Arts, if anyone else wants it! Updated On: 12/26/05 at 12:38 PM

#9912A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 12:43pm

I loved it when Regis was introducing everyone and then called Taye "Ty", and then Taye kinda lowered his head in defeat. That couldn't have gotten any cuter. A Very Broadway Holiday

Why does every one have a sarcastic, yet witty signature besides me? :-(

opiv Profile Photo
#9913A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 12:52pm

thank you! wow early hanukkah present A Very Broadway Holiday

"I feel god in this chili's..."

#9914A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 12:53pm

No problemo! A Very Broadway Holiday

tacos are great
#9915A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 1:20pm

elphatine, I'm afraid to ask what it says, heh.

I do have my reasons for restricting my postings to mostly this thread and a few on the OT board. And I'll tell you, one of the big reasons is that y'all don't scare me, haha! Y'all were nice to me my first night, so I stuck around. I've been in a lot of other threads and seems like people are always jumping on everyone, especially newbies.

Regis didn't even air here, boo hissss. The stations here always choose to put infomercials or preaching on over the good shows. That's okay though, I'm still on a little high from actually seeing the movieA Very Broadway Holiday And hearing the soundtrack! I was ridiculously giddy, lying in bed listening to it last night, heh. Good times.

Literal tacos! Sheesh. Y'all are nasty....

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#9916A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 1:44pm

i was talking about breakfast w/ the arts--i cant upload the regis and kelly one cause its on VHS, and i dont know how to make a copy of it. Sorry A Very Broadway Holiday Maybe someone else has it?
Updated On: 12/26/05 at 01:44 PM

#9917A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 1:47pm

Ohhh, okay. Don't worry, it's not that big of a deal, and all my recordings are on VHS too. A Very Broadway Holiday

Macavity Profile Photo
#9918A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 4:40pm

Is breakfast with the arts worth to download? I mean, is there a lot of fun stuff and a lot of Anthony? A Very Broadway Holiday

Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm
Audrey Hepburn

#9919A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 4:41pm

YES! Download it, it's quite adorable... as far as I remember (haven't watched it in a little while) he does most of the talking and everybody gets to sing a little. It's cute, you should DL it. A Very Broadway Holiday

Thanks for posting, I was starting to get worried I killed the thread. A Very Broadway Holiday

tacos are great
#9920A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 4:56pm

Didn't someone here mention AIM at one point? I got it today. It's changed a lot since I had it last, but I think I still remember how to use itA Very Broadway Holiday

Noahs taco is my screen name.

Literal tacos! Sheesh. Y'all are nasty....

opiv Profile Photo
#9921A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 4:59pm

yes i really liked breakfast with the arts, especially cause anthony talked the most during the interview, and was in 2 out of the 3 songs

"I feel god in this chili's..."

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#9922A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 5:16pm

theres an AIM chat thats always going on, depending on the time and whose online-- its meccaorbust, you can invite yourself in.

guitargeek0624 Profile Photo
#9923A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 5:27pm


I'm going to go see The Producers tonight! I doubt it'll be as good as the original (Mel Brooks = genius!), but I'm still interested in it. I love Mel Brooks...Blazing Saddles, History of the World Pt. 1, Young Frankenstein, Space Balls, High them all!

"A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing." - Thomas Jefferson

gertrudejessalynn Profile Photo
#9924A Very Broadway Holiday
Posted: 12/26/05 at 6:00pm

For the record, there are at least two guys that post in this thread. Hugh and Noah... sorry, I remember that sort of thing. Heh. A Very Broadway Holiday If there are more, show yourselves. HA

I don't even think The Producers is playing around here, but I got the soundtrack yesterday. *listens*

WAY OFF TOPIC PEEPS! Yes, Off-topic board is where we should venture next. It would make a hell of a lot more sense. Heh.

And yes, join the AIM chat! Darnit! (meccaorbust)

Anthony!! Listen to Look Around or something. Woo, on topic! A Very Broadway Holiday

Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to

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