Leading Actor Joined: 12/18/05
indeed. that picture is adoribleisious.
makes me wanna go give him a hug :) hahaha.. i need rent, i'm having a really big withdrawl from that show.
thank you thank you
theres too many adorable pictures, so i am forced to change practically daily
I LOVE the pics of Anthony in Hedwig. I adore that show! My dream is to one day see Anthony in Rocky Horror lol I dont care as what.
Leading Actor Joined: 12/18/05
oh my God i didn't even notice that. how rude!
*Patitioning to get better talkshows for Ant's publicity tour*
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/14/05
Can someone tell me who else was interviewed in this Issac episode? None of the "info" screens about each upcoming episode say anything about Anthony. I don't want to record each show for the next two days if I don't have to. Thanks!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/14/05
Yeah, nevermind. I just went to the style network website, and Anthony's episode isn't scheduled to be on again until WEDNESDAY. ::cries and pouts::
I'd love to see Anthony in Rocky Horror! That'd make my life.
Just got back from Chicago...Wicked was AMAZING!!! I got the understudy (Kristy) and at first was disappointed...that is until she sang Wizard and I! From that point on I was like omg AWESOME! Rent is still number 1 but the cast was FANTABULOUS!
And I had my first stage door experience!!! I met Telly (boq), the wizard (who was soooo nice), Kristoff (FIYERO!! such a sweetheart!), and Kristy! She was so nice and sweet and humble. I got pictures with the wizard and kristy will post and then the other person I met (which was SO FREAKING COOL!)
JESSY!! Yes our Jessy from this board. I'm standing next to a girl and her friend and she starts singing "It Sucks TO Be Me" and I was like yay Avenue Q and we talk about our stage door dorkiness and i was like yea im on a site full of people like me, broadway world" and she was like "im on there too" and I was like "im on the anthony Rapp board full of crazy people" and she was like "Me TOO!" and asked my screen name and it was like AWESOME! haha I thought it was cool. I had fun we were just like cool yo uare on my AIM buddy list. haha im a dork
And thanks for the pics everyone!!! And I dont think I want to watch that interview
We should all bombard Ellen with emails (heck and Oprah too!) begging for Anthony...it could work! Who is with me??
haha im such a nerd, i just sent ellen a message requesting she interview anthony. hehe yea everyone should send one
I'll send her an e-mail! *runs off to do it* Everyone do it!!
Updated On: 12/30/05 at 08:02 PM
He he yea good idea!
Ok Im mad at that stupid Issac interview he didnt let anthony talk at all you can hear anthony trying to slip words in stupid issac
ha ha I emailed ellen and told her how sorry we feel for anthony in that interview and if she could give him a chance on her show
hopefully if he ever is on her show she wont bring that up :]
I keep getting an error when I try to send it. Are you sending it to the "What's on your mind?" thing? =/
I dont think she would do that I mean I bet she thinks that would hurt his feelings but i didnt say what interview it was
yes the whats on your mind thing
heheh. I just sent Ellen a message, too! I mentioned that Anthony couldn't quite get a word in during the interview with Isaac.
If everyone sends in a message, then she probably will try to get him on, which would be awesome!
yay ok everybody email ellen!
o yea im gonna send another.
haha ill send an e-mail too :)
idk how to do it..someone help me.
Updated On: 12/30/05 at 09:42 PM
Understudy Joined: 12/14/05
To email ellen go to http://ellen.warnerbros.com/funstuff/onyourmind/
I'm too lazy to go back and read what I've missed. Anyone want to give me a recap of the past week? Please? I'd love you forever.