He mentioned this a while ago; glad to see it out there!
wow *hugs anthony*
he sorta quoted jonathan larson at the end "It's not how long you're here, but what you do while you're here."
I cannot be any more anxious to read this book, and I cant waittttt for his book signing *counts down the days*
Updated On: 1/3/06 at 05:11 PM
Awww... that makes me happy! Thanks so much for sharing. And he is quite possibly the cutest thing ever. I needed something to put a smile on my face.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/7/05
Thanks for sharing that article!!
I can't wait for the book either... it's getting so close!
february is such a great month--- anthonys book, and RENT DVD
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
wow stagewhore I never thought of it like that now I have to change my pic because its going to remind me of it thanks, lol :)
You know, I always liked Anthony, but I'm finding him more of an inspration to me. I've always been a fan, but there's something about him that I admire, and reading the little article made me realize it.
P.S. M3L2, who is in your avatar?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/13/05
the book, the dvd, AND im going to see the show
what a month
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
isn't it adam pascal....it looks like it
okay does this one look like sperm??? hope not lol
Such a cute article!:)
And Jyn, you're not old, I'm an '80!
hmmmmmmmmm hes more of an insparation to me too
I mean I have lots of loves and fangirl tendencies over people, but Anthony is special lol.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/13/05
this doesn't really pertain to what we're talking about now but i missed the whole "mother" conversation
i just wanted to add that i took both my parents to see the movie after i had seen it twice and after they both thought it was good, not great or anything special, just good. it took only an hour after seeing it for my parents to become completely absorbed in the movie, characters, everything about it. they started google-ing history about the show, bought the cd's, and both said that the more they thought about RENT, the more appreciation they had for it
now they're going to see the show with my feb along with two other friends and it's nice to share something like that with your parents
my dad asked me the other day what the opposite of war was
that was kind of annoying
LOL! See what you started?
My mom ALWAYS...and I don't mean sometimes...I mean ALWAYS wants to listen to Seasons of Love. Its a DAMN good thing I like that song. lol
aw i wish my parents were as into it as i was
after we saw the movie my mom just said it was alright ;x
Understudy Joined: 8/25/05
VivaBohemia- UGH, so does mine. She does the high note and poor little, innocent me has her eardrums bleeding. Ergh.
Swing Joined: 1/3/06
I agree. Can February get any better?
I love your icon by the way :) Adam is love.
Oh and I'd like to take this opportunity to say hi to everyone. I'm new here (obviously).
Swing Joined: 12/31/69
my mom hasnt seen it yet but i can just imagine what she would say, they need to get jobs and stop whinning, and also they shouldn't be cussing so much....or something of the sort.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/13/05
heyyyy Mimi
i'm kinda new here too
i've been reading the boards but i haven't posted that much
so hi to everyone i haven't really introduced myself to!
My parents liked it... and I took my mom to see the show, long before the movie came out. It has become an unspoken mission in life to turn as many people as possible into rentheads.
I turned my friend into a rent fan, and now he calls me pookie to try and piss me off.
Yay movie was awesome again. Can't wait for February... book, dvd, and march 1 I go see the show. Woo.
After I met Anthony I really realized what an inspiration he is. I think I was totally clueless before. Now I'm jumping up and down waiting for the book to be here. 34 days guys!
I really cant wait to meet anthony on the 21st. I've brought some friends to see RENT, none are rentheads but they all loved it and listen to it.
Hmm... Febuary. I turn 22 on the 21st, and I'm not looking forward to it (21 is such a fun age). Ah, well... I know what I'm getting on my birthday.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/13/05