Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
I hate all of you.
Kidding. Mostly. My computer hates me, though, so I really wasn't expecting nice treatment.
Just remembered my constructive comment, which turns out to be not so constructive. Also kind of needs some backstory. I am a closet Movie Commentary Whore. I love watching directers/writers/actors commentaries on dvd's. I heard somewhere that Chris Colombus, Anthony Rapp, and Adam Pascal lent their voices for commentary. Did anyone else hear anthing similar? And do you think that it was really for interviews and "making of..." things, or actual commentary? And do you think that it was all of the actors, or just those two? And do you think I'm obsessing far too much over this? Because I do.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
I don't know if this is what you meant, but can't you just, if you use gertrudejessalynn's link, click on "my playlist", and then one of the options is to save it?
Let me try...(I've tried forever to save files like this)...
You save the playlist. I wanted to save the actual file so then it could be burned to a dvd or cd. You can't do that. It saves the playlist as a ".wpl" file.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Understudy Joined: 12/14/05
I'm in such a weird mood right now. I was listening to "Seasons of Love," and for no apparant reason, I burst out crying. Then I listened to "Civilian" and felt much better.
I think this sleep deprivation is doing something to me...
Ooh, illegal bootleg? Shweet. But...ain't working for me. My PC doesn't like me anymore. I'll just have to wait...
Hehe magic. :) It's magic.
And, the first time I listened to 'Civilian'--the album (was this yeas, actually...the 23rd of December) was driving to Florida. It was some time in the morning and it was in Georgia. The entire album goes very well with the Georgia scenery. It was a gorgeous day out. The sun shining and me, grinning like an idiot through the entire cd. Good thing no one was paying attention to me,
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!!! *hyperventilates*
I got it to work! It's loading now!
And I just ran screaming through the house shouting, "RENT IS ON MY COMPUTER!"
Phew, okay, back to normal now...
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Everybody loves Civilian! And guitargeek, you are not the only one who's sleep deprived. Go read my post where I rambled on about the commentary to see proof.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69