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Welcome, Anthony Rapp!

jlc6314 Profile Photo
#11625Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 10:36am

I just listened to "Without You" and "Losing My Religion," both amazing. I love Anthony, lol. I also read the excerpt from his book...and wow...I can't wait to read the whole thing!

I'm going to do a search on the forums now for his posts...

No day but today.

katygrace84 Profile Photo
#11626Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 10:55am

Where did you read the excerpt?

jlc6314 Profile Photo
#11627Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 11:03am

It's posted a few pages back...

No day but today.

#11628Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 11:04am

isolatingage - in response to your broadway in philly post - RENT is playing in Wilmington, DE in April and Philly in May. for DE and for Philly info.

#11629Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 12:21pm

i don't want to wait anymore for the book to come out its taking way to long, and the dvd i want then to come out really soon maybe if I colose my eyes and pretend its february it will be *closes eyes* shoot it didn't work!!!

renthead1223 Profile Photo
#11630Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 12:39pm

Wow, I haven't been online in like 3 days. That never happens. We had a preview for The Shape of Things last night, which went well, considering the audience was senior citizens and some of the language was not what they usually hear. Opening night tonight! Friday the 13th, I know. Oy, I hope it goes well.

That exerpt from Anthony's book was amazing. I really love how he writes.

What happened to Andrae?

Fan: Oh my god! You're, like, standing right there and, like, looking right at me and, like, oh my god! Anthony Rapp: Yes, that's a pretty accurate discription of reality.

jlc6314 Profile Photo
#11631Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 1:51pm

Rentluvr, I agree...I don't want to wait's almost like torture. The book and DVD will be *amazing*.

No day but today.

StageWhore Profile Photo
#11632Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 2:58pm

I'm surprised opening night would be the 13th. Friday the 13th, no less. I guess your group is a little less superstitious than the majority of theatre people?

"`I grow old... I grow old... I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.` What does that mean, Mr. Marlowe?" "Not a bloody thing. It just sounds good." He smiled. "That is from the `Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.` Here's another one. `In the room women come and go/Talking of Michael Angelo.' Does that suggest anything to you, sir?" "Yeah -- it suggests to me that the guy didn't know very much about women." "My sentiments exactly, sir. Nonetheless I admire T. S. Eliot very much." "Did you say, 'nonetheless'?" - The Long Goodbye by Raymond Chandler

#11633Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 3:02pm

Anthony's book is being released a week earlier than it says on! February 7th! I just got word from his publishers. Check my site for any further details.

guitargeek0624 Profile Photo
#11634Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 3:24pm

I had an awesome RENT moment in French class today! So we were listening to this song in French, and translated into English, it's about living for the moment, you never know what could happen in the future, etc. etc. So I glance up at a friend of mine who is a Renthead as well, our eyes met, and we started singing "Another Day." I love moments like these!

No day but today. Ya think?

"A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing." - Thomas Jefferson

Cheez Whiz
#11635Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 3:41pm

Tanssia: Are you serious? Wilmington DE? Sorry for this sudden outburst, but God damnit. I used to live there. RAWR.

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#11636Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 3:46pm

february 7th? wow thats so much earlier.

Cheez Whiz
#11637Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 3:48pm

More reason to rejoice! Ya think?

#11638Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 4:18pm

*screams really loud* oh my goodness I can't wait!!!!!!!!! *scraems again*

Fantabulous428 Profile Photo
#11639Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 4:46pm

As far as I knew, Without You has always been coming out on February 7. *shrugs*

I recognize the addiction to being alive.

#11640Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 4:55pm

Same here, Fantabulous. Heh. This is how much I need to sleep more: Today, I was looking at the calender, and saw that it was the 13th and thought, 'Oh, my God, only 8 days till Rent comes out- and the booksigning!!!' And then...I remembered that it was the wrong month. Oh well. Ya think?

Grief does not expire like a candle or the beacon on a lighthouse. It simply changes temperature. -Nocturne

#11641Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 5:01pm

so basically i'm going to have anthony's book that tuesday

go to see RENT friday

then in less than two weeks have the dvd

feb is officially the best month this year, which only competes with january so far but i don't see anything else topping this insane amount of amazingness

Wanderingchild5 Profile Photo
#11642Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 5:02pm


I'm Mary ( : I <33 Anthony rapp and Kristoffer Cusick!

#11643Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 5:08pm

*does happy dance* I can't wait

Wanderingchild5 Profile Photo
#11644Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 5:26pm

yea, january is a boring month );

I'm Mary ( : I <33 Anthony rapp and Kristoffer Cusick!

jlc6314 Profile Photo
#11645Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 6:13pm

February is going to be the best month *ever*...first Anthony's book, then that weekend I'm going to see Rent in Cleveland, then the DVD a week later...SO exciting!

No day but today.

#11646Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 6:32pm

Hehe, I've never loved February so much! Winter break, Anthony's book, Anthony's booksigning, and RENT movie! In January there's my mom's birthday, a 3-day weekend, and Spamatlot. Which is great, too, but it doesn't compare at *all*.

Grief does not expire like a candle or the beacon on a lighthouse. It simply changes temperature. -Nocturne
Updated On: 1/13/06 at 06:32 PM

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#11647Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 6:34pm

heyyy January is not a boring month! It's my birthday on the 24th, and that should be the highlight of your week Ya think?. And yay for going to RENT on my birthday.. i'm going to pretend that its December that way I could be like omg, its December 24, LOL jkk

opiv Profile Photo
#11648Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 9:01pm

I agree, EVERYTHING is happening in Feb. But unfortunaly the track season starts Feb. 1, but the book release and signing should make up for that

"I feel god in this chili's..."

#11649Ya think?
Posted: 1/13/06 at 11:18pm

February is going to be the best month, first the book is coming out, then we have our Winter Formal dance, Then the dvd is coming out, and maybe even more!!! I can't wait!!! *does happy dance again*

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