Broadway Star Joined: 1/6/05
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
I come bearing pictures of Anthony smiling fully! Of course, in the first one, he looks slightly insane, and in the second one, his teeth look heavily Photoshopped, but enjoy, anyway.
For the spaz-hand (not sure if I like that phrase or not, I'm still deciding) picture, two things came in my mind.
"Stop, in the name of love..."
"Stop right now, thank you very much. I need somebody with a human touch. Hey you, always on the run. Gotta slow it down, baby. Gotta have some fun."
Cyber cookies to who can tell me what the 2nd song is.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
I rather him not smile, but he still looks good!
...That's a wierd preference, but, whatever floats your boat.
Hm....I still think that's strange...
...That's, that's enough elipses for now, lads. There's dirty work afoot. (Ok, a manipulated Holy Grail quote; I just had to.)
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
I'm assuming that you mean he just looks really adorable and cute as Broody!Anthony then when he's smiling, and not that you'd rather he not have a reason to smile I think he has a great smile- they just aren't the best pictures.
And when I saw that Spaz!Hand pic (it only works with the exclamation point, Rogue ), I thought it looked as though someone had just accused him of something he was vehemently denying.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Whips his head? Like, how? Is it a habit of his that he does often, or are you referring to one of his "moves" in La Vie Boheme?
By the way, I love his little gesture and head bob during the line "going against the grain".
And when I saw that Spaz!Hand pic (it only works with the exclamation point, Rogue ), I thought it looked as though someone had just accused him of something he was vehemently denying.
Well, I like the hyphen! (Side-note: That isn't spelled right, is it?) But, fine. Spaz!Hand. I used an exclamation point in the middle of a word for no aparent reason. Are you happy now?
Tehe, jusssstttt kidding.
And to address the denying, it's like he's saying: "No no no no no!"
RENTluvr: (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::)
There are your cookies!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
I am most certainally happy now, Rogue And in the pic, maybe he's being hounded by papparazzi (<----- that is *so* not spelled right) or crazy fangirls.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Oooh, I think I know what you're talking about. During the first "How about...". Like he brings his head around really fast to sort of bring himself into the music more...fully? *is even less sure then opiv of how to describe it* But yeah, I remember that. I don't remember him doing it a lot, though- just that one time. Is it something he does just while singing?
My favorite bit of his during SOL is when he gets really into the clapping and is really moving around on's so cute. Oh, and I like the fact that tapping the beat out with his left hand.
Can some explain to me what hot-linking is? I see it EVERYWHERE lol and I want to make sure I'm not doing it.
Like I said, Anthony-isms are awesome. (speaking of the headwhip)
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Not sure, but I think hotlinking is where you put a direct link to a picture on a website. To avoid that, you save the picture and put it on Photobucket or some other image host, and then upload it from there.
All Anthony-isms rock. Can't think of any others right now, but they do.
My favorite bit of his during SOL is when he gets really into the clapping and is really moving around on's so cute. Oh, and I like the fact that tapping the beat out with his left hand.
I love that part too. It never failed to make me smile.
*swipes* Yes, I stole that word. It is definitely now in my vocabulary. Ooooh! I have someone who fits! He will be called adorkable many times today.