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What questions would u ask a broadway actor?

What questions would u ask a broadway actor?

BrOadWayCraZy2 Profile Photo
#0What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/21/06 at 12:52pm

To avoid the shaking and saying things that make u sound like an ass, what kind of general questions would you ask a broadway star if you could meet them in prevention of star-struck brainlessness? Or what would you say to them that doesn't make you sound stupid?

I met taye diggs and i told him he was hott cuz it ws the only thing i could think of. then later i though "sh*t" i sounded like an ass. hehehe oh well. he laughed though.

Updated On: 2/21/06 at 12:52 PM

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel Profile Photo
Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#1re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/21/06 at 12:59pm

Oh geeze...

best12bars Profile Photo
#2re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/21/06 at 1:24pm

I think you should first ask yourself... why are you asking this star anything to begin with? Sounds like you want to be heard by them, as opposed to having a legitimate question for them.

I have done the "stage door" thing in the past (although, not for years now)... but my reason for being there was usually because I felt moved enough about a good performance that I wanted to thank them for it personally.

It was never for my own personal gain.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#3re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/21/06 at 1:44pm

I agree with you best12bars. But I'm sure that if I was able to strike up a conversation with a broadway actor or actress I would say thank you for the awesome show, and ask them what did they do to help their success on Broadway- I don't think that sounds stupid. haha.
(Just be yourself) I don't think I could ever ask someone for their autograph- I'd feel stupid... Maybe that's just me though.
P.S. to broadwaycrazy2- I'm sure Taye got a real kick out of you- I'm pretty sure he was flattered, I highly doubt he thought you were stupid... I bet it was fun meeting him.

*Theres only us, theres only this, forget regret, or life is yours to miss- no other road no other way, NO DAY BUT TODAY! *

#4re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/21/06 at 2:01pm

I'd ask if they ever get to see any shows since they hope they are always working.

'Take me out tonight where's there's music and there's people and they're young and alive.'

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#5re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/21/06 at 4:08pm

I think as fans we are a bit hard on ourselves in terms of thinking we sound stupid and such. I've had an experience where I met an actor and he was really nice and asked me how I was, and I felt so stupid because I couldn't think of anything else to say but...good, how are you? I've talked to him a lot more times since then, and he remembers me and that conversation. He said I seemed perfectly friendly and doesn't understand why I felt embarassed.

I agree--just be yourself. No need to censor, unless you're going to threaten death or something scary like that--I would advise not saying those kinds of things.

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

BSoBW3 Profile Photo
#6re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/21/06 at 4:12pm

I'd ask Idina why she hasn't been returning my calls. Or when she'll give me back my sharpie. Or why a piece of paper can keep us apart.

u get it? gud.

The smallest stream is a valent river. It will drown me if it can.

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#7re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/21/06 at 4:14pm

Poor BSo. She must not like those questions very much. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

sally1112 Profile Photo
#8re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/21/06 at 4:17pm

I would politely ask Patrick Wilson to marry me.

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#9re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/21/06 at 4:20pm

So BSo, you think asking her why she hit you in the head with a playbill is an inappropriate question?

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

BSoBW3 Profile Photo
#10re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/21/06 at 4:21pm

She likes it rough. 'Nough said.

The smallest stream is a valent river. It will drown me if it can.

#11re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/21/06 at 4:22pm

I can tell you one you probably shouldn't ask. Did the stagedoor thing once and was sort of awestruck at the time and I couldn't come up with anything smooth so I asked "When's your contract up?" I'll spare you the dreary aftermath.yeeshh.

BSoBW3 Profile Photo
#12re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/21/06 at 4:23pm

I asked Betty Buckley once when her contract was up.
I think she thought I was talking about a contract she had out on one of the stage hands...

The smallest stream is a valent river. It will drown me if it can.

#13re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/21/06 at 4:36pm

I would love to know if Michael Cerveris has ever taken drugs, and which ones. But I would never ever ask.

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#14re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/22/06 at 2:46am

Jay, what's wrong with that? People ask that a lot--either want to catch them again before they leave or try to be there for their last performance.

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#15re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/22/06 at 2:48am

What's wrong with it depends on the answer you get. Depends on if they're even happy with what they're doing, really.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#16re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/22/06 at 6:34pm

I guess the particular person I asked was a little uptight about there status at the time. But yeah, it seems like a question people would ask.

#17re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/22/06 at 6:40pm

i never ask people anything because im too much "in awe" or dumbstruck if you know what i mean (like i always plan to say something, but when im actually there, i dont).
i usually just compliment on their performance, singing, or congragulate them in the very few words that leave my mouth...

#18re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/22/06 at 7:53pm

I'm the same, bwayondabrain. I mean, I know that actors are regular people, just like the rest of us, but when I see them at the stagedoor, something happens. Maybe it's because I'm seeing them after I'd just saw them in a fabulous performence or something, but I get "starstruck" and can only compliment them on how great they are.

There's a lot I am not certain of...

amcchemist Profile Photo
#19re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/22/06 at 9:54pm

I think that the one thing I'd like to ask some of the actors (any popular one would do) is how they put up with the looney fans! You know, not the average joe fans that will ask for an autograph or photo at the stage door, but the ones that really go overboard and want to be friends, lovers, you name it. I've even heard of fans trying to get themselves "delivered" in a box to an actor's dressing room. I really don't understand that behavior and wonder what the actors really think about fans that are that way. It has got to be very annoying! LOL!

tim10086 Profile Photo
#20re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/22/06 at 9:57pm

"Can you please get me a house seat for the next performace?"

I will climb back up that mountain!

peggyandvelma Profile Photo
#21re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/22/06 at 10:36pm

"Hey, _____---can I have your job??"

No one is alone.

#22re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/22/06 at 11:00pm

just be yourself, even if you feel goofy. most actors know that fans are TOTALLY important to their own success. know when enough is enough, especially if its cold respectful that the actor would like to go home..and finally..never ask..where do you live?..or can i walk with you?
nothing is more creepy than that! blech.
Updated On: 2/23/06 at 11:00 PM

#23re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/23/06 at 3:51pm

I would probably ask him or her what there favorite actor(s)are, besides him or her, in roles that he or she has played.

Maryjoannejean Profile Photo
#24re: What questions would u ask a broadway actor?
Posted: 2/25/06 at 8:24pm

I would ask Kristen Chenowitrh what's wrong with her.
