It took 6 months, but I got Teal Wicks signature on my Playbill AND she threw in 2, 5x7s personalized to me:)
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
Today i got a signed playbill from Speed-The-Plow.
how did u get it signed??? send it to the stagemanger or ask one od the actors to sign????.thanks nicole
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
To get anything signed......
Just send a SASE to the stagedoor. You dont have to send your own playbill. Just write a little note asking for a cast signed playbill.
My recent responses this past week have been;
2 signed photos from Alistair Robins - BATB UK Tour
4 signed photos and a nice note from Richard Tate - BATB UK Tour
2 signed photos and a nice note from Tony Adams - CHITTY UK Tour
1 signed photo and a nice note from Paul Greenwood - CHITTY UK Tour
2 signed photos from Richard O'Brien
Beauty & The Beast UK Tour Poster signed by Dianne Pilkington with a sweet note
1 signed photo from Marissa Dunlop - CHITTY UK Tour
2 signed photos from Louise Plowright - CHITTY UK Tour
1 signed photo from Nic Greenshields - POTO in London
2 signed Elphaba photos from Teal Wicks
1 signed photo from Katie Rowley Jones - London's WICKED
3 signed photos and a nice card from Josh Lamon - WICKED Tour
2 signed photos from Rebecca Thornhill
My BATB 2001 Playbill signed by Sarah Litzsinger
2 signed photos and a nice note from Marilyn Cutts - BATB UK Tour
1 signed Glinda photo from Laura Woyasz
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
how long did Dianne Pilkington take?
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
I sent a request for 13 about a week ago. I will post if i get anything back.
sgv123- Dianne took about 3-4 weeks. Usually it takes her less than that. I sent it to her beginning of October, she was away for nearly a week so I guess she had to catch up with fanmail that was sent whilst she was away.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
oh ok, thanks!
I sent her 2 ticket stubs this past summer, but have not got anything back. I did not send and postage either, so maybe i will try doing that.
I just got a signed Young Frankenstein playbill from Chris Fitzgerald!!!! Its an original playbill with the original cast and it's in color (they don't make them in color anymore)!!!
sorry, this is first time i've gotten something back from someone and i'm really excited!!
Updated On: 11/8/08 at 03:25 PM
Has anyone had any mail back from James Barbour yet? I wrote to him 2 months ago when TOTC started previews but haven't heard back yet. Cheers
what is the address who used for chris fitzgerald?
here is the address for Chris Fitzgerald
Hilton Theater Stage door
214 W 43rd St.
New York, NY 10036
i hope that helps!!
Updated On: 11/7/08 at 03:35 PM
Stand-by Joined: 3/20/08
I'm sure this is posted somewhere in this now monstrously long thread, but how much would people here approximate that round trip from the U.S. West Coast to London West End would cost?
Stand-by Joined: 12/31/69
I got several short, nice letters back from Sondheim. This was 10+ years back.
I got back a playbill from All My Sons today, signed by the cast incl. John Lithgow, Patrick Wilson, Dianne Wiest and even Ms. Katie Holmes!
Same here! Got an All My Sons playbill back signed by the entire cast!
Anyone receive anything from Speed-The-Plow yet? I wrote during early previews but haven't heard back yet.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
^ yes, I wrote to them around the beginning of Oct. and I got something back at the end of October.
I wrote to Jeremy Piven c/o Speed-The-Plow,but have yet to hear back.
Has anyone tried writing to Peter Sarsgaard? I wrote to him about 6 weeks ago, but have yet to hear back. He is on my most-wanted for sure.
i got a signed equus playbill back from daniel radcliffe today!
so, im new to this,... what do you send?
I see that you send a note asking for an autographed playbill and they will do that, but how big do the envelopes have to be? and how much postage?
and does anyone know the address to shrek and if sutton does fan mail?! Thanks!!
My recent responses this week include;
My BEAUTY poster signed by Alex Bourne
2 signed photos from Jo Gibb
2 signed photos from David Henry
1 signed photo from Christopher Fitzgerald
1 signed photo and a nice note from Aaron Tveit
2 photos from Tom Flynn unsigned - I know he's doing WICKED in SFO in January so I'll keep them until then so I can send them to be signed. He sent me a nice note and a WICKED 2008 Calendar the WICKED Tour made though.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
when did you guys send to All My Sons? I sent around previews but have not gotten anything back yet? Has anyone got anything back from Equus ( from the stage manager not DR)?
i sent to roger bart like 3 months ago and he hasn't responded.
i give up