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Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happened in L.A.?

Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happened in L.A.?

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#1Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happened in L.A.?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 5:37pm

I never understood this huge plot hole. Can someone explain?

TWSFan4Ever Profile Photo
#2re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happened in L.A.?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 5:40pm

I think it's like this: Brooke lived in LA when she was a Delta Nu and filmed her exercise DVD's. But they she moved to Boston (or around there) when she married Wyndham and lived in the mansion there (where the murder took place and where they go for the Bathroom scene).

That explain it?

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#2re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happened in L.A.?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 5:41pm

That's true, it's just weird she happens to live near Harvard.

artscallion Profile Photo
#3re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 6:07pm

I don't know. A pool boy in New England during the school year(fall/winter.) I smell plot hole.

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

#4re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 6:14pm

supsention of disbelief.

People in meat pies?

The entire plot of RENT?

Suspention of disbelief.

Elphabuff2 Profile Photo
#5re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 6:19pm

Yeah, yeah, I agree with what was just said. But, wow, good job. I think I'm the only dumbass who has never spotted this plot hole. I can't believe I never thought of this.

So, then, it's even a plot hole in the movie too, right?

#6re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 6:25pm

That's true, it's just weird she happens to live near Harvard.

That's not really the weird part - after all, she is a client of Professor Callahan's law firm, which is presumably based in Boston, so would have a Boston-area client base. I think the pool boy in the New England fall climate is a bigger plot hole.

thetheatrekook Profile Photo
#7re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 6:26pm

unless it's an indoor

jess20882 Profile Photo
#8re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 6:26pm

maybe it was an indoor pool? re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe

JulianHookbucks Profile Photo
#9re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 6:28pm

I suppose that plot hole is a bit moe gaping than...

Elle semi-seducing the most secretive college admissions board in the country and getting in solely based on love...

Elle winning the case based on getting Chutney to be scared into admitting the murder on the stand when she had been fully prepped by a prosecution lawyer... or... her actualy believing that her alabi would be plausable when she tells Elle that "everyone knows you can't get a perm wet for 48 hours..."

Elle actually becoming the valedictorian when the plot clearly indicates that she hadn't been working at all for the first two months of the school year when to become validictorian you have to get the best grades out of the entire class for the entire 3 years of Law school...

or the fact that the mortar boards that the cast is wearing at the end of the show say 2007 when there is no indication that the whole rest of the show happens in 2004/5.

welcome to musical theatre, babe.

that's a really big mic...

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#10re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 6:35pm

They don't go back to the scene of the crime in the film, so it is an even bigger plot whole in the movie. I just don't get why someone with a fitness empire would like in Boston.

#11re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 6:39pm

She was getting bad grades but improved around Thanksgiving; therefore, by finals, she would have raised her grades.

Or maybe that's not how law school works, but...

I think that there are a ton of LB plotholes, some of which haven't been mentioned here. I just try to ignore them.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

artscallion Profile Photo
#12re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 6:41pm

A private indoor pool in Boston? I don't think so. Or maybe she lived in the surrounding slums. And Cambridge isn't the kind of area that has indoor pools.

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

jess20882 Profile Photo
#13re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 6:44pm

I grew up just outside of Cambridge. We know two families, both in Cambridge, who have indoor pools. So nothing's impossible...

#14re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 6:49pm

Yeah, my boss lives in Lincoln (not too far from Cambridge), and has a huge indoor pool.

Also, I assume the reason Windham lives in the Boston area is that's where her older, wealthy husband lived, so she moved there when she married him.

For what it's worth, in the novel on which the movie was originally based, Elle follows Warner to Stanford Law, not Harvard.

As for grades, in many law school classes, 100% of the grade is based on the final exam.

JulianHookbucks Profile Photo
#15re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 6:51pm

"She was getting bad grades but improved around Thanksgiving; therefore, by finals, she would have raised her grades."

but there are people who would have had better grades in the two and a half months before she brought them up, and subsequently would have had grades as good as hers were for the next year and a half...

2 months of better grades from the rest of the class =/= her becoming valedictorian.

that's a really big mic...

artscallion Profile Photo
#16re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 6:54pm

Right. I think you're making that up. I've lived outside of Cambridge for 38 years and I've never met, or heard of, one person with an indoor pool. Not to mention that the houses there are not of the caliber that would have indoor pools. It's a nice area. But not that nice.

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

#17re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 6:55pm

But you don't get your final grade until after the course is over. If you improve before the course is over enough to ace it, your previous performance doesn't really matter.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#18re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 6:55pm

Kinda off topic, but I have a question. I saw the musical again on MTV and I was wondering when the interns watch the tape of Brooke, how do they make the effects of it being a "real" video tape? (i.e., jump-rope freexing, hair in mid-air, etc.)

jess20882 Profile Photo
#19re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 6:56pm

would you like the addresses so you can go check out their indoor pools? of course i'd never do that to them...but i think it's ridiculous that people question something so trivial.
back to the real issue...i agree, there are a lot of plot holes, but you can possibly make the story entirely perfect.

artscallion Profile Photo
#20re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 7:18pm

Relax, jess. I'm just kiddin' with ya. But why would you think it's ridiculous for people on a theatre discussion forum to discuss the minutia of theatre? It's hard to tell sometimes on this site. Are you just a defender of a show you like? No need. I'm interested in the minutia of all shows. It's not a commentary on whether or not I like them, just interesting discussion of them.

Anyway, of course anything's possible. But it's not very likely.
And the median income in Lincoln is almost double the median income in Cambridge, which is less that $50,000 per household.

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

Ivan2 Profile Photo
#21re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 7:21pm

I don't know about hair staying in midair, but as for the frozen jumprope, I noticed when seeing the show live and sitting in the balcony that Brooke had what looked like a kind of circle around her feet. When she froze, I realized that the circle around her feet was the stiff jumprope that she uses when they pause.

And also, maybe he wasn't working as the poolboy at the time of the murder. He may have been living in the poolhouse as part of his payment.

And some murder trials, especially in the case of a celebrity or semi-celebrity take place quite some time after the murder actually happens.

JulianHookbucks Profile Photo
#22re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 7:24pm

I don't know about what you mean about he hair in the air... her hair style is feathered out anyway...

but the freezing jump rope is a moled piece of wire inside jump rope beads that is laying on the floor on the platform table thing that comes up through the elevator. She quickly drops the actual jump rope and picks up the wire one which actually looks like a real jump rope when she jumps through it.


that's a really big mic...

Ivan2 Profile Photo
#23re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 7:41pm

But then also her hair being feathered could have been for that very reason as well, to make it look like it's frozen.

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#24re: Why is Brooke (legally Blonde) Being Held in Boston if the Murder Happe
Posted: 11/29/07 at 7:50pm

Here's what I mean:

Look from 2:08 to 2:54 on this vid. Sorry if I'm not allowed to post this. IDK.
