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Wicked 1st National Tour to go non-equity?

Wicked 1st National Tour to go non-equity?

#1Wicked 1st National Tour to go non-equity?
Posted: 1/21/15 at 4:08am

The first national tour will "close" after its stop in L.A., but I've heard rumor of the tour being re-contracted and relaunched. I wouldn't think there would be both an equity (2nd national - currently running) and a non-eq tour. Any info on this? Updated On: 1/21/15 at 04:08 AM

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#2Wicked 1st National Tour to go non-equity?
Posted: 1/21/15 at 5:16am

From what I remember it won't be non-equity but they are cutting costs and starting anew under different contracts that will pay the actors less.

#2Wicked 1st National Tour to go non-equity?
Posted: 1/21/15 at 9:30am

That's awful. Wicked is a cash cow, they can afford to put the actors on production contracts.

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#3Wicked 1st National Tour to go non-equity?
Posted: 1/21/15 at 9:44am

^I was thinking the same thing!

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

#4Wicked 1st National Tour to go non-equity?
Posted: 1/21/15 at 10:50am

There are a few ways to look at this.
Yes, Wicked is a cash cow.
Yes, I would safely assume the new company - when it goes back on the road. - will be UNION.
No, Wicked will be on the road in a non-Equity company for years.

As far as new contract types, I think it important to note that it is not always about actor SALARY, so do not necessarily knock that, as you regardless or contract type, you will not know what those actors are being paid. Merely what the contractual. minimum is.

The Wicked first national is a behemoth. I honestly find it a bit illogical. Since opening the first national, Wicked has also found numerous ways to be more efficient and closing this company allows that to start fresh and incorporate all that they have learned.
Yes, that might mean several fewer swings, etc. the show does not necessarily need ten swings and that is a HUGE burden on the road.
It also means that they can clean house easily... It is very difficult to get ride of ensemble members, even if they grow out of a role and are no longer appropriate for the show, and especially if they sign new contract riders and get pay bumps every 6 months. Sometimes you have to say " this ensemble is no longer right for the show" and you can't fix that without closing, or paying out a prohibitive amount of money. I won't bother enumerating here.
A new contract type also may expand the venues they can play. Contract types outline certain venue requirements and they may feel that the first national has saturated that market.

There are endless factors that can be at play here that have NOTHING to do with the actors' salaries.

#5Wicked 1st National Tour to go non-equity?
Posted: 1/21/15 at 10:53am

Elphie can just as easily bounce on a mini-tramp at the end of Defying Gravity.

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#6Wicked 1st National Tour to go non-equity?
Posted: 1/21/15 at 11:37am

Or maybe there is only just so long you can run 2 North American tours.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#7Wicked 1st National Tour to go non-equity?
Posted: 1/21/15 at 11:43am

Not a chance in hell. Equity is already waging a campaign to express their irritation with the amount of non-Eq tours, no way they're going to let something like this happen.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.
Updated On: 1/21/15 at 11:43 AM

#8Wicked 1st National Tour to go non-equity?
Posted: 1/21/15 at 1:17pm

Equity is waging a well intentioned, very political, mostly unrealistic ( from their end ) campaign of misguided attempts at a noble cause.
To be honest, I would relish them going toe to toe with a large producer because, perhaps, a productive dialogue could be had rather than everyone setting their hair on fire.

It is difficult to maintain two tours. Wicked is able to do it. Unfortunately, I think presenters are catching on (finally!) that the second national is leaner and requires less down time for the venues. Therefore, it makes sense to close the first national, retool it and open it again as the third national in a leaner production that maintains the visual integrity if the show while allowing for a speedier load in like the second national, and can offer them flexibility in the venues they book.

#9Wicked 1st National Tour to go non-equity?
Posted: 1/21/15 at 1:26pm

^ If that's all that's happening, there's nothing wrong with that. As long both tours remain Equity and on a good contract.

#10Wicked 1st National Tour to go non-equity?
Posted: 1/21/15 at 1:32pm

It has been on the road for 10 years. Some in house revamp and clean up is necessary. And I am sure presenters aren't dying to book to the show like they have been in the past 3-5 years. Engagements have to be dwindling down. Also, I do not ever think they would want non-equity as part of the Wicked brand.

Tag Profile Photo
#11Wicked 1st National Tour to go non-equity?
Posted: 1/21/15 at 1:34pm

Not a chance in hell. Equity is already waging a campaign to express their irritation with the amount of non-Eq tours, no way they're going to let something like this happen.

Equity doesn't have a say when a non-Equity production company puts out a non-Equity tour. They can't stop it from happening. Updated On: 1/21/15 at 01:34 PM

Liza's Headband
#12Wicked 1st National Tour to go non-equity?
Posted: 1/21/15 at 1:45pm

^ This.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#13Wicked 1st National Tour to go non-equity?
Posted: 1/21/15 at 1:49pm

I didn't mean that Equity could put a stop to it, but they'd be pissed and certainly wouldn't be shy about expressing that. And I'm sure that's a headache the producers of Wicked wouldn't like to deal with.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

DAME Profile Photo
#14Wicked 1st National Tour to go non-equity?
Posted: 1/21/15 at 1:56pm

Equity can't do anything. They have been bitching about this for over 20 years. I remember 17 years ago when Troika had a non union tour of 42 street. The performances were met at every stop with union protests. They were handing out flyers to make sure that people were aware that what they were seeing was a non union, non professional production. It kind of bit them in the ass a little because it happened to be a wonderful first rate production that did very well. The upcoming changes for Wicked will probably be in the way they run the every day production and financials of the tour. I don't think the audience will experience anything differently.


#15Wicked 1st National Tour to go non-equity?
Posted: 1/21/15 at 2:09pm

Equity bites themselves in the behind every time they pull out that "Non-Union employees are not real professionals" card.
It only gets made worse every time you see a dedicated company of non-union actors put their heart into a performance and then turn around and see an Equity tour where a few ensemble members sleep walk through the show and mark everything because they know they won't be fired and will make a mint of free money if they are.

Liza's Headband
#16Wicked 1st National Tour to go non-equity?
Posted: 1/21/15 at 3:11pm

Equity is actually the biggest joke ever. They treat their union members horrendously but then always take advantage of controversies that will attract the most publicity and attention, just so Wyman can smugly proclaim, Seeee??? We LOVE our union members!!!

#17Wicked 1st National Tour to go non-equity?
Posted: 1/21/15 at 3:14pm

"They were handing out flyers to make sure that people were aware that what they were seeing was a non union, non professional production."

Colonel Klink handed me a flyer once!! I wasn't there to see the show because I do not see non-union shows in union houses but I was passing by the place where the show was playing. Colonel Klink was super nice.

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