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Wicked in the mail

WickedGrl2006 Profile Photo
#25re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 12/30/04 at 1:26am

how do u do that? do u just send the specific person a pic for them to sign or do you send them a letter saying that you want them to sign it? i was just wondering...

TGIF Profile Photo
#26re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 12/30/04 at 1:33am

Umm, I am no expert on it but I included a birthday card and just said "If you can personalize that and/or anything else you might be able to add..." The card was sent back blank but had the signed picture. I am sure she has a pile of presigned pictures waiting to go. Hey - I would if I was her.

I want to write music. I want to sit down right now at my piano and write a song that people will listen to and remember and do the same thing every morning...for the rest of my life. - Jonathan Larson. Tick, Tick...BOOM!

#27re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 12/30/04 at 2:32am

I can understand how it would take a long time considering what kind of hectic schedule she must have. I mean people on broadway work really hard and she has a good record for showing up for most preformances.I can see how she's be really tired. But I met her after waiting outside the stage door on the 28th literally yesterday. My 4 year old sister sang Defying gravity for her while she signed autogrpahs she though she was so cute that both m e and my lil sister got a hug from Idina. She was really sweet I don't imagine she'd ignore her fanmail on purpose.

broadwayalto01 Profile Photo
#28re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 12/30/04 at 9:39am

Usually Idina sends things back, it just takes a little while. I went in June and sent her a frame (for her) and a playbill (with a return envelope and postage for me). She personalized it and sent it back, but I didn't get it until like the end of August. All I have to say is be patient.. And include postage to send it back.. Good Luck..

Life is like a patio door, you never know which side is open... and then you run into the glass.... ~Connie and Carla

minimel8817 Profile Photo
#29re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 12/30/04 at 11:19am

i sent idina a black witch's hat to sign for me. i included everything from a letter, to a green marker, to return labelebed postage. i was expecting it to come back in a few months with a scribbled signature on it, but i got it in a WEEK, and it was personalized, to me, with love, idina menzel. the signature was realy cause it was identical to the one on my friends poster, which she got signed at the stage door. just keep hoping...your things will come back.

p.s. it's good to incluse SASE, it helps get it back much faster

Idina's BIGGEST fan Profile Photo
Idina's BIGGEST fan
#30re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 12/30/04 at 11:31am

Well, my mom wrote a letter to Idina behind my back and didn't even tell me. So once I finally found out, I got really excited that maybe she'd send something back. I waited a couple weeks and then gave up. But when she did send something back, I knew I couldn't have been forged because she wrote it out, To Heather, With Love, Idina Menzel.Plus, on the envelope that had the autograph, she wrote in green marker and made a little Elphaba. I started crying hysterically when I got it, so I don't think she forged it.

~*DeFy GrAvItY*~

Broadway_Bound_Star Profile Photo
#31re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 12/30/04 at 12:40pm

I have heard some stories about Idina.. that she is a bitch.. but I guess from reading these things it isn't true.. I think when I send a letter to Sutton ill send one to Idina!

#32re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 12/30/04 at 3:41pm

She's def not a btch but she's definitely NOT reliable so don't send her something you care about if you want it signed, especially since shes leaving Wicked the 9th and probably won't get around to signing something for you before then. Sutton's reliable though, I hear

#33re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 12/30/04 at 4:39pm

exactly- don't send her something you def want back... send a playbill if you have 2 or more. andyway, ive had luck with bernadette @ shubert & hunter @ virgina. they both sent back personalized autos on playbills i sent- and fast, too

#34re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 12/30/04 at 4:40pm

is a 37 cent stamp ok to send a playbill or should I get the package weighed?

TGIF Profile Photo
#35re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 12/30/04 at 4:54pm

Just remember she is leaving soon.

I want to write music. I want to sit down right now at my piano and write a song that people will listen to and remember and do the same thing every morning...for the rest of my life. - Jonathan Larson. Tick, Tick...BOOM!

#36re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 12/30/04 at 6:56pm

Anyone know when Michelle is leaving? I want to send her a letter. It's too late (I think) for Idina, but I'd love to send a letter to Michelle. Anyone have an address? Idina contact info, and/or Kristin contact info, and/or Megan Hilty contaxt info will be greatly appreciated, too.

We can't all come and go by bubble...

Crazy4MattMorrison52 Profile Photo
#37re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 12/31/04 at 7:13pm

i wrote to idina in august and got a signed picture back today

"gimme a bottle of bourbon and half a chicken and i'll conquer the world!"

#38re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 12/31/04 at 7:23pm

wow thats really long! When I sent her something, I asked for her and Jennifer Laura Thompson to sign it. I got it back two weeks later!

idinaroxmysox6 Profile Photo
#39re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 12/31/04 at 7:55pm

wow has ne1 done it thru email thru gershwin? thats wat my sis did behind my bak..likei saidb4

Morrible: Yes, yes, of course! Oh, You must be Miss Nessarose, the governor's daughter. What a tragically beautiful face you have! Sees Elphaba, snorts...And you must be. Elphaba: I'm the other daughter. Elphaba. I'm beautifully tragic. Morrible: Yes, yes, I'm sure you're very bright. Galinda: Bright? She's phosphorescent. i love wicked!

#40re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 12/31/04 at 7:58pm

I highly doubt that emailing the Gershwin will get you any kind of response in the mail-- the staff at the Gershwin is good about responding to fan emails (on the Oz interactive site on Wicked's homepage)- they'll write back to you, but it's not going to be Idina or any kind of performer, it's going to be someome whos job is to sit in the office and email people back.

#41re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 1/1/05 at 2:32am

I actually just got a picture back from Idina the other day:)

What is your dream role?
My dream role would be to be myself. To be performing at the Hollywood Bowl and to have an audience there just to see me, as Stephanie. They are there because they like what I do as a singer, an artist and a person (the last being the most important). I enjoy escaping and portraying other characters, but to be accepted and wanted as yourself... that's amazing! --Stephanie J. Block Just one of the many reasons I admire and respect Stephanie!!

ljay889 Profile Photo
#42re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 1/1/05 at 2:45am

Have any of you had luck writing to JLT, and recieving something back. I really want to write her, she seems like a sweetie, so I think she would write back. But have any of you had any experience mailing JLT?

LiTtLeDaNcEr729 Profile Photo
#43re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 1/1/05 at 3:46am

TGIF- My parents do that too- they did it for the second time this year... its really an awesome Birthday present. I have a whole box of stuff I have gotten from various performers. The best was Stephanie D'Abruzzo who had the entire cast of Avenue Q sign the card and she sent me some other stuff with it. Fun stuff!

I have gotten responses from Idina, Kristin, and Michelle (the only three Wicked cast members I have written to)- and they all wrote back pretty quickly. This was waaaay before the Tony awards though (like late November, early December 2003), so that may have had an affect on Idina's response...?

wicked4life51 Profile Photo
#44re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 1/1/05 at 1:44pm

i sent something to shosh and she repiled to me so yeah

"what? what is it? do i have something in my teeth? ok lets get this over with : no im not seasick,yes ive always been green, and no i didnt chew grass as a child "

ElphieDefiesGravity Profile Photo
#45re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 1/1/05 at 8:27pm

To whoever asked when Michelle is leaving~ I wrote to her and she wrote back and said she is leaving in July.

"Blow out the candles, Robert, and make a wish. Want something. Want something."

Wishes come true, not free.

#46re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 1/3/05 at 11:22pm

sorry to bring this thread back up, but thought I'd add something. I wrote to Idina a month or so ago. I sent her a cover of her CD Here, and asked her to sign it and send it back (with SASE). Well today in the mail I see the envelope that I had sent- and it was really really thick. This was kinda weird to me, seeing as the cover to Here is simply one tiny square piece of paper. So i opened it, and inside are two of her standard autograph-request signed pictures, not personalized, and no copy of the Here cover.

It's almost like she lost the cover or something and just sent two signed pictures cause she felt bad.
understandable that this is an extremely busy time for her, but Funny to me

ElphieDefiesGravity Profile Photo
#47re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 1/3/05 at 11:29pm

see post below

"Blow out the candles, Robert, and make a wish. Want something. Want something."

Wishes come true, not free.
Updated On: 1/3/05 at 11:29 PM

ElphieDefiesGravity Profile Photo
#48re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 1/3/05 at 11:30pm

I got a signed pic back from her within the last week!!! Not exactly sure when because I have been out of town. I sent her a letter in early October.
Stupid and pretty pointless question, but which pics did you guys get from her? Mine was her when she first comes to Shiz, with her suitcase and her hand on her stomach.

"Blow out the candles, Robert, and make a wish. Want something. Want something."

Wishes come true, not free.

#49re: Wicked in the mail
Posted: 1/3/05 at 11:54pm

yeah that's the pic she always sends. I just got two copies of it... its standard- she keeps hundreds of them already signs and just throws them in envelopes.
