Yesterday on the way to the Lyceum for [Title of Show] I stopped by the theater because I was coming from the Port Authority. I wanted to see what it was like and I took one glance at it and kept walking because I couldn't really handle it. It wasn't really because I was heart broken about it not being there. It was just the state of the theater. Of course it has always been a crappy theater but with the renovations it just looked like a hell hole. It looked like in the middle of the night a bunch of people just came and trashed the place. It was just very depressing, seeing all the dust and stuff and everything torn apart and the dumpsters. It was just really hard to see.
Damn, my post got eaten.
If I lived in the city, I would take props after a show closes. For example If I saw Orfeh & Rufes's glamour shot, I would take it no brainer.
Leading Actor Joined: 11/14/07
Just curious
When is this work supposed to be done?
When does Guys and Dolls come in?
Why does the mezzanine get so close to the stage in that one pic
"Why does the mezzanine get so close to the stage in that one pic"
That is the box seats... Not the Mezz
March 1st. I would expect them to finish the work around the end of January.
I walked passed The Nederlander on Friday. I was able to see some of the facade of the building that was being covered by the green walls that were eventually written on. And, in side leaning against the wall that the has the box office were three or four chunks of the wall that still had signatures on them. I was really in an almost state of shock over what I was looking at. The sign that they hung up over the theatre that said "Rent last performance september 7th." Was still up there.
Really fascinating article in the Star Ledger about the Nederlander Theatre restoration. A couple of facts from it:
* The theatre didn't begin life as a theatre. It was a carpenters shop and storage facility, with apartments and a tennis court. It was converted to theatrical use in 1921.
* The hotel and parking garage that surround the theatre are the same neighbors it has had since 1921.
* The restoration is costing $9 million.
* The restored theatre will have 1,250 seats
* Restrooms are being increased for men and women.
* The restoration is taking 12 weeks and is slated to be finished in mid-December, with Guys & Dolls moving in for performances in February.
Most of the restoration seems intended to return the interior to its 1921 look, including the boxes and exit sign decorative detailing. Interior colors are still being determined, but seats will be moss green and carpeting with beige and lavender oak leaf patterns.
Star Ledger article
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
I passed by the other day and was amazed at how many layers of building they had taken off...and that there was STILL writing on what was left.
Doors of the theater were wide open...really wanted to walk in, but couldn't.
Was thinking about grabbing some wall that had been removed for posterity.
RENTheads are funny folks. Couldn't agree more with Ljay.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/15/05
Guys moves into the theater in February. I would imagine they're aiming for a December completion.
RentBoy, my post just four posts above this one has a link to the Star-Ledger article that says the renovation is a three month project, slated for completion in mid-December.
If someone would be willing to post pictures as the restoration progresses (at least on the outside), I'd be incredibly grateful.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/15/05
Oh sorry Smaxs. Any idea why it was plastered over in the first place? What show had it plastered, or was there a reasoning behind it?
Even in this picture of the Nederlander from 1958, the detail work on those pillars seems to be covered over, so it must have been that way for a long time. I passed by today and saw that quite a bit of the lower facade has been unearthed and a worker was doing something on some patterns above the exit doors that have been revealed. Most of the upper facade is now stripped of that dull red paint that covered it for decades - and most of the Rent chartreuse is also gone.
Those pictures made me cry! Very, very emotional topic for me =*(
Any updates on the construction?
On 11/2 the Nederlander still had the "No Day But Today" gray thing around it, put there were tarps going around the theatre and construction trucks.
Double post. Updated On: 11/16/08 at 06:58 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/25/08
On 11/9 it was still all "RENT Final Performance September 7th"
Well at least it looked so from 7th.
It probably was, but I wasn't really looking that hard...cause it hurts....
Broadway Star Joined: 3/20/08
Final performance sign was still there on 11/15.
Stand-by Joined: 10/20/08
my aunt took a piece of the wall off... it's hanging in her room
I thought it was strange
I can't imagine the theatre being different :/