Understudy Joined: 9/29/08
i took a peice of the green wall off too. surprisingly i found my first writing on the wall so i grabbed it and now i have it to treasure forever <3 and yea the final perf. sept. 7th thing is still up. i pass by every weekend in case i see it in the garbage im taking it home lmao ill drape it all around my room. and usually the door is open so next time i have my camera ill poke around for a bit.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
Yes, the Rentheads are disgusting. The Nederlanders are working long and had to fully renovate and restore their namesake theatre to it's full and former glory and Rentheads with an attachment to a show that played in that building keep scrawling all over the walls. DEAL WITH IT. It's sad.. they seem to sneak up when the workers are away fro the night and scrawl all over the new work, so then they have to REDO what they have already done.
I will greatly miss Hairspray, but you won't find me trying to impede on work on the theatre after the show closes.
Understudy Joined: 9/29/08
well hairspray obv. didnt have as much as an impact on your life as rent did to us rentheads. dont hate because we have a passion for something. your a pathetic human being bwayguy2. makes me sad that we're part of the same race.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
That made absolutely NO sense. You don't know what impact Hairspray could or could not have had on my life. I am not arguing that Rent didn't impact you. I not arguing that you don't love the show.
What I am stating is a FACT. Not at opinion. Rentheads are VANDALIZING the theatre. That is not an opinion. It is FACT. There are MANY ways to express your passion (your word) for something without vandalizing a building.
Understudy Joined: 9/29/08
they're renovating the theater? wat does it matter if we write on it anymore they're replacing everything anyway.
and sorry about what i said about hairspray impacting you i meant to say that it didnt have as much of an impact that rent had on me.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/4/06
I took a few pictures of the Nederlander on Saturday while in town for Equus and In The Heights.
they're renovating the theater? wat does it matter if we write on it anymore they're replacing everything anyway.
But bwguy was saying that they're scribbling on the bits that have already been replaced - it seems some people just can't move on...
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/29/04
I've loved Rent for a long time. First saw it at NYTW and saw it all over North America many times over the years. I have several friends who have been in the show and it will always have a special place in my heart. I do not, however, understand these kids who thought/think that it was appropriate to deface the walls of the Nederlander. My guess is that most of these kids are new to theatre, and were probably introduced to Rent through the movie. I'm not saying that all such 'new' fans act like idiots and write on the theatre walls but I'm willing to bet that most of them who did it are these newer fans. They're obsessed with Adam and Anthony and they're the ones who created the chaos at stagedoor when A & A returned for their run in 2007. Many of them behaved like morons inside the theatre, too, during the show.
I don't care how much the show 'changed your life' or how important it is to you, or how much you love it and think that the castmembers are your BFFs. It's inappropriate to write on the theatre walls. Period.
I had a dream I was in the nederlander after the renovation watching my sister's high school production of guys and dolls which closed at intermission. LOL!
I think it's disgusting that some people are continuing to write on the walls of the theater, even as it's being renovated and upgraded. Yes, the theater housed Rent for a good number of years and yes, many people have a special connection to the show and the message it proclaims. But that does not give anybody the right to vandalize or deface a Broadway theater, especially a theater that is no longer housing said show.
I wonder what some of these obsessed fans will do when Guys and Dolls settles into the Nederlander. Will they protest on opening night?
What the hell is wrong with some people? Wow.
James885, I agree. While I will admit that I saw Rent more times then I care to admit and that it is a show that has touched me more then words can say. But, I have been a fan from afar. What I mean by that is that I NEVER during any of my visits acted like the stereotypical RentHead. I never understood writing on the wall nor do I understand doing it now that the show has closed. I remember not that long ago when the show was still open the producers cleaned up that mess only to have people write on the walls again. Now that the show is closing it is VERY rude and inconsiderate to the people working on the theatre. Every single time someone writes on that wall they have to go back and clean it up.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
The theater's being redone for it's next tenant: Loretta Swit's one-woman show called SWIZZLE SWITS.
It promises to be amazing!
"i found my first writing on the wall so i grabbed it and now i have it to treasure forever <3"
"didnt have as much as an impact on your life as rent did to us rentheads"
If you ever wrote on the walls of the theater then I am sure you are not a real Renthead. You may call yourself a Renthead but you are just a poser.
Understudy Joined: 7/4/08
** this was not written with any single person in mind**
Simply, it is vandalism to write on the building ; then, there is the whole taking pride in where you work/live/play by taking care of it idea.
However, what really gets me is how some of these people who claim that "Rent changed my life" have barely been on the planet long enough to have a life. They aren't old enough to say "Back in the day..." I assure you that your life will not end simply because Rent closed. There will be ,many events in your life that will change you. Look back at your happy memories, but for goodness sake....one day you will look back and (hopefully) laugh at your angst.
Anyone else out there remember camping out in front of the local ticketmaster outlet for concert tickets?? (seeing AC/DC, Aerosmith, The Who, Rolling Stones, etc definitely CHANGED my life, too. And, I laugh at it now)
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/15/05
Agreed. I love RENT - as indicated by my screename, but I would never scribble on the theater or stalk the stars of the show. I could care less, I'm just simply a fan of the show, but I'm also a fan of theater. I think theaters should be taken care of and should be beautiful, especially a Broadway theater. I think there should be a moment of "awe" when walking into one and they shouldn't be defaced because you love the show. It's not a notebook in 8th grade, it's a Broadway theater.
I can't wait for them to put up the new marquee!
Understudy Joined: 9/29/08
are you guys like really serious? by the day the show closed did you not see how much writing there was on the wall? so ok writing on teh walls of the theater where it was OBVIOUSLY ok to write on the wall being that i wrote on the wall white nederlander employees were outside is bad? writing thank you jonathan larson...a tribute to the man who created RENT is bad and doesnt make me a renthead? seriously? get a life lmao that makes no sense and your all trying to sound cool like oh yea respect the theater! please man writing is so bad! you guys are pathetic i dotn know why i post on this message board anymore lol
i didn't write on the theater after the show closed and they renovated it i just said that to piss the dude off that i was talking to lol but hey...it worked! lmao you guys are seriously nuts and need to open up your tiny little minds lol
We are being completely serious. You are the reason most people on this board hate Rent and Wicked and all those fangirl shows. I personally love Rent and I saw it 15 times. I never wrote on the outside wall. I did once write in the alley but that is where it is supposed to be. What is the point of writing on the theater. It just looked gross and disgusting.
Understudy Joined: 9/29/08
your disgusting
Just because ONE employee didn't care doesn't mean it's right. Were you around when the Nederlanders were so fed up, when they were trying rent the theatre to their next tenants?? They actually had people out atleast oncea week to PAINT OVER IT!! They hated it. These theatres have been around a long time, some over 100 years, writing on one is like scribbling your name on the Constitution because you are fan of what it did. You sound like a blathering ignoramus. Can you even name 10 actors that haven't been in RENT??
...writing on one is like scribbling your name on the Constitution because you are fan of what it did.
I just got a mental image of that and it made me laugh out loud.
Understudy Joined: 9/29/08
lmao yea not gunna lie that was kinda funny
and yea i can name alot of other actors plenty of actors but im not gunna bother lol i really dont see why you guys are getting so defensive i understand that its not right i did it simply beacuse it was aleady covered in marker scribble everywhere so why not people that did it after they already ripped it down shoudlnt have done that i agree but you guys act like its your tehater tho and unless im talking to one of the nederlanders seriously take it easy lol and stop hating on rent fans i love the show with all my heart it was teh show that introduced me to broadway and thast another reason why its so specail to me.
scribbling on the constitution still in my head lmao
withoutyou08, your making it sound like that just because other people did it before you then it was okay to do. That isn't the case. It was wrong to do form the get go and if your smart you would have realized that. What bothered me the most about the writing outside the theatre is that there was a period of time where the Nederlanders paid to have it repainted and to have the writing over the pictures of the actors scrubbed off. Yet, people didn't take a hint and still re wrote over it yet again.
Understudy Joined: 9/29/08
see winston that was the period of time i didnt write on teh wall i first wrote on it i'd say spring 2008 i didnt write on it then because i knew that they were doing that and im not saying that it has more of an impact on me then you or your then me 33 times i wish i could have seen it 33 times i only saw it 8 times. but back to the topic i think seriously i agree with you gys on some points but its like your all blaming me for all of this i didnt start this lol.
one thing i did find disrespectfull was the pictures on the doors. i dont think anyone should have wrote on those that is disrespectfal i disagree with you on that