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Worst Theatre Experience- Page 2

Worst Theatre Experience

Pgenre Profile Photo
#25re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/19/09 at 4:44pm

"At intermission, the lady behind me taps me on the shoulders and asks me not to sit like I'm sitting because it makes it harder for her to see, and she paid good money for her seats. So, attempting to be a good human being, I comply and sit straight up. Needless to say, I'm uncomfortable..."

The STORY of my LIFE! I'm 6'5 so this is a regular occurrence for me. Though I would never ask the massive woman next to me to please take her fold of flab off the armrest, or at least off of ME and ONTO the armrest, SHE has no problem telling ME exactly HOW to sit! The sheer NERVE that some of these people have...

Just because we are BORN tall we are supposed to be like human accordions and just bend in any direction (and remain relatively comfortable to boot)? As if it weren't bad enough that there is NO legroom whatsoever (and I'm all legs)... But obese people are just "accepted" because they "can't change"... so because I CAN lean forward on my knees, or sit back in my chair straight up, I SHOULD whereas you CANNOT magically take up LESS space or move your OWN mass off of my seat because you chose to be massively obese? Since I'm not carrying around an extra 100 lbs around the middle maybe they're jealous they too can't lean forward onto their knees? And the whole argument that you block too many people is bull because I get more complaints if I sit up straight. And NO, slouching isn't cool. It's not MY fault YOU were born short. Tall people take WAY too much crap from short and/or fat people and the world is only getting taller with each generation, so the shorties and fatties better get used to it or change the seats/theatres.

I haven't expressed this very eloquently, but tall people know what I'm talking about. TOTAL double standard with fat/tall people in theatre seats: one would NEVER call it "rude" or "inconsiderate" to tell a tall person to sit back, but tell a big boat to reign in the masts and it's virtual PC bedlam...


Updated On: 9/19/09 at 04:44 PM

Calvin Profile Photo
#26re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/19/09 at 4:45pm

OK, roxy, you've officially become a parody of yourself.

And sorry guys -- I'm tall (6'2) but I don't feel obligated to sit in the back row or a box every time I go to a show. Seats in all theatres are set so you should always be able to see between the heads in front of you regardless of how tall they are, so long as the person is not wiggling a lot or as long as the person doesn't have a huge head. The biggest problem of people blocking the view are lovebirds who lean up against one another, creating a massive blob out of their two heads and shoulders right in front of your seat.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#27re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/19/09 at 4:59pm

Worst audience experience ever? The second time I saw the Les Miz revival, I was sitting in front of a trio of ladies in their 70s who hadn't seen the show since "that guy... Terrence something was Javert..."

They brought a box of chocolates, unwrapped it, passed it around and talked the whole time. I shushed them several times, they MADE FUN OF ME during intermission, but then kept most of Act 2 quiet.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
Updated On: 9/19/09 at 04:59 PM

#28re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/19/09 at 5:06pm

I completely agree, there really is a double standard. I am very tall. I'm 6'8". I sit wherever I want. No, I am not going to sit in the last row of the mezz everytime see a show, however I do realize that it may be hard to see around me, and I always make it a point to sit perfectly still so those behind me don't have to keep adjusting their view and miss things. But to say that it is our responsibility as tall people to sit in the boxes or in the last row is just unfair.

Cape Twirl of Doom Profile Photo
Cape Twirl of Doom
#29re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/19/09 at 5:28pm

What is it with this board and reading comprehension issues?

It IS NOT tall people that are the problem. It is people OF ALL SIZES who decide to lean forward. Your height in those instances is completely beside the point. Someone who is 5'5" and leans forwards blocks the view for those behind them just the same as someone who is 6'5".

"It's Phantom meets Hamlet... Phamlet!"

#30re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/19/09 at 5:35pm

Don't know if this is the worst or funniest story... maybe both. Orchestra... Great seats (maybe 5 rows from the front... Watching Exit the King and an older couple is sitting to the right of me... man and his wife, I'd guess. Apparently his hearing aid was losing juice. His "What's?" were so frequent they became a part of the text. His wife would then have to reiterate things. It reached a point where he got so lost, he went to sleep. Unfortunately, his snoring was louder than his "whats?"

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#31re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/19/09 at 5:42pm

My worst theare experience, eh?

Unfortunately, my recollection isn't all that crisp anymore, but I can recall ONE incident that happened this past season. I think I was seeing GODOT. Had a seat in the front of the house, and enjoyed it very much. Anyway, let's fast-forward a bit. See, I'm 'a clapper' - When I'm laughing at something hard enough, I'll applaud the comedic efforts accordingly. Irwin and Lane were doing a gag, and I in turn, appreciated it. I'm clapping, when all of the sudden, the woman seated next to me *GRABS* my wrist, and pulls it down. Continuing to shoot glances my way throughout the rest of the show. I was absolutely dumbfounded. Didn't know WTF she was on, but I found that extremely rude. Invasion of personal space? Or am I just looking too deep into it? I'm sorry for 'enjoying' myself at the theater, lady, y'know? Weird.

#32re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/19/09 at 5:44pm

Thank you CapeTwirl. My comment to the person who said he was 6ft 2 was more a response to his comment that he would definitely be leaning forward. A head can be worked around if necessary, but as I said, in the mezzanine that usually isn't a problem because of the raking. I don't care where you sit if you sit up in your seat. What I sad was if you insist on leaning forward, then you should think about the people behind you and sit in the back row. I never said "if you're tall sit in the back row", I said if you insist on leaning forward, sit in the back row of the mezzanine so you can lean forward and not bother anyone.

Weez Profile Photo
#33re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/19/09 at 6:46pm

I think my point got lost in my rantiness. Tall people have my sympathies, as long as they are not obnoxious as well as tall. Obnoxious behaviour includes LEANING FORWARD, and sitting up just as straight and tall and proud as they possibly can, goshdarnit!. I admit asking you to concertina yourselves is unfair, which is why I said slouch. It's not the same thing, and you know. And finally, as a last resort, if you are the sort of audience member who will be going out of their way to block the views of people behind you, then you should make allowances for your selfish behaviour. Tall people can sit where they like. Tall - and, indeed, average and short - people who like to sway like they're on a kayaking holiday can bite me.

legally_popular Profile Photo
#34re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/19/09 at 8:45pm

Count me as one of the people who hate leaning too. I sat in the last row of the balcony at the Palace for West Side Story. There were these girls in the front row of the balcony leaning on the ledge the WHOLE time (an usher or someone should have said something, that shouldn't be allowed at all) - so that caused the people behind them to have to lean forward, then the people in the third row, etc. Like a domino effect. Luckily there was a kid in front of me, so I was able to see without having to lean.

What's even more annoying than leaning is constant moving back and forth. There was this guy in front of me in the mezz at Blithe Spirit and one minute he was leaning forward, the next minute he was sitting back, then he would move his head to the left, then to the right. And subsequently, I had to move to see around him. Luckily I was able to move a couple seats over during the blackout between scenes and it didn't affect me anymore.

#35re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/19/09 at 9:53pm

"What is it with this board and reading comprehension issues?"
I understand that the discussion was about people of all sizes leaning because anyone can obstruct a view by leaning. I was personally replying to Pgenre's and Weez's posts.

Weez said " If you're THAT TALL that you know you will ALWAYS block someone else's view, then don't you think it's your responsibility to consider that when booking your ticket? There's back rows, boxes, aisle seats, all sorts of places where being tall doesn't have to inhibit the enjoyment of those around you. " That is what I was referring to when I said that just because I'm tall shouldn't mean I should compromise my enjoyment of the show by sitting in the back. However, I do sympathize with those behind me, but as I said I try to make its as easy as possible by sitting as still as possible.

So that is what I was referring to trombonist, not your comments about leaning.

Weez Profile Photo
#36re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/20/09 at 4:37am

Like I said, I got lost in my rantiness, and flipped carelessly from "tall" to "person who knows they will be blocking the view of everyone behind them". You do try and make it easy for the people behind you, so I have no problem whatsoever with you, just a lot of gratitude. But "I'M 6'2" SO I HAVTA LEAN FORWARD 8D 8D 8D" makes me cross enough to lose coherence.

#37re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/20/09 at 6:41am

Ok, ok. I'm sorry rich.hanson59.

#38re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/20/09 at 7:09am

"Tall people take WAY too much crap from short and/or fat people and the world is only getting taller with each generation, so the shorties and fatties better get used to it or change the seats/theatres.

I haven't expressed this very eloquently"

Well, no kidding, pgenre, in fact you've expressed it as offensively as you possibly could. Short people do not block others' views, nor do obese people. I tried to pm this to you for I have defended you in the past and did not wish to embarrass you, but was unable for some reason. You have seriously offended me and I imagine many others to the point that I cannot let this go unaddressed.

I think you seriously need to rethink your post. Your anger is much misplaced, and to call people "shorties and fatties" (neither of which block your view) is inexcusable. The fault lies with the theaters and not the "shorties and fatties". It would kill you to slouch for a couple hours?

For the record, though I have literally seen thousands of shows, I cannot think of one that I would qualify as "worst".

ETA:"so because I CAN lean forward on my knees, or sit back in my chair straight up, I SHOULD whereas you CANNOT magically take up LESS space or move your OWN mass off of my seat because you chose to be massively obese? Since I'm not carrying around an extra 100 lbs around the middle maybe they're jealous they too can't lean forward onto their knees? "

Jealous? You add insult to injury by implying that obese people choose to be so. Truly, you have lost any respect I have ever had for you by your posts on this thread alone.

Updated On: 1/22/14 at 07:09 AM

#39re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/20/09 at 7:56am

I went to the Boston Ballet's The Nutcracker a few Christmases ago. Oh my god. In front of us there was a row of Mommies and little girls kicking the seats, jumping up and down, everyone passing around juice boxes, turning around and glowering at us, whining they're tired, with Mommy entertaining all this in her full "outside voice," as though they were in their living rooms watching TV. It was the piggiest behavior I've ever seen in the theater. I'll never go to another "family" show where there might be even one little kid in the audience.

iamchanging9 Profile Photo
#40re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/20/09 at 9:05am

I saw Spamalot in July 2005, which was horrible to begin with, while sitting next to a woman who must have been well over 300 pounds. Not only was it impossible for her to sit in her seat, but the entire show she thought it was ok to eat candy and at one point beef jerky. HORRIBLE.

...everyone was doing the mambo and drinking golden cadillacs...

#41re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/20/09 at 9:18am

I am very short 5'0... and for some reason I always get someone sitting in front of me that is over 6'0.

A couple of years back at Mary Poppins there was this man who was sitting next to me. He spent the entire second act eating chips and drinking soda....very loudly.

At Hair there were about 5 women the the row in front of me who sang many of the songs out loud and danced in their seats. I moved down to standing room at intermission.

Updated On: 9/20/09 at 09:18 AM

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#42re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/20/09 at 10:13am

At West Side Story, I had a couple come in late, sitting in front of me. The leg room in the balcony is bad enough. But, they were leaning on one another, leaning forward, and the girl touched my legs with her hair a couple of times. Then they went around at intermission asking anyone to take pictures of them, and I think they kept doing it because the flash on their camera was too bright, making the pictures less desirable. And people were just annoying coming into my row late after the lights went down for act 2.

My first time seeing In the Heights was not spectacular either. The show as good though. Some woman in front of me tried video taping the show, but got in trouble from an usher. I don't remember if she came back for act 2. And next to them was a family of 4, with 2 kids. The one kid looked extremely bored, and he kept doing things like turning on his camera to have light to read the playbill. He and his sister almost got into a fight at one point as well. Fortunately their dad stopped them at that.

And not as bad as the first 2 experiences, but some guy was practically leaning over my seat at Bye Bye Birdie last week. He did look bored, but I ended up sitting to the left side of my seat because he was leaning on my right. He and the people he was with also had candy and food and were eating them and opening them through the whole show.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

RachelO Profile Photo
#43re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/20/09 at 11:44am

During the recent tour of Jesus Christ Superstar, the woman behind me not only sang along, off-key, but narrated the show to herself, incorrectly.
"And he takes the money! No he doesn't! Yes he does! No he doesn't! ...Oh, yes he does."
"This is when she sings 'I Don't Know How To Love Him'!" (She doesn't.) (A few scenes later, the song begins.) "OHHHHH, NOW SHE DOES!"

Pgenre Profile Photo
#44re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/20/09 at 2:29pm

"It would kill you to slouch for a couple hours?"

Obviously, you have missed the whole point I made in my post by making this statement and instead chose to detail how maligned and/or offended my post made you and explained why THE WAY I SAID something ("shorties/fatties" versus - what - height handicapped and glandularly challenged?! PC POLICE - I called it!) is wrong. Glad others got it and agree, and don't take personal offense. It isn't all about you, lover!


P.S. I do a good enough job "embarrassing" and "defending" myself, as far as I care/know! If you take my comments personally, well... that happens to be your PERSONAL problem, not mine. I defended my point from a more emotional place as opposed to an intellectual one, but that seems to be the vibe of this particular thread. Either way, it is what it is. Life is too hard for hard feelings, but if you wish to have 'em, have 'em. I won't!

Updated On: 9/20/09 at 02:29 PM

aliceidinabernadette Profile Photo
#45re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/20/09 at 2:40pm

Mine was actually when I was performing.

It was the beginning of the second act of the Rocky Horror Show (I played Columbia)and I was watching the bedroom scenes (which we had video taped) on the 3ft high platform in front of the ladder which was right in front of a severely intoxicated male audience member so he can easily climb up the ladder and onto the platform. He had already caused enough trouble to be relocated to that seat, and the assistant director and choreographer were right behind him in case he needed to be removed. The whole time he had been yelling almost indecipherable things at me, and this point was no different. He stood up, took two steps forward, and lunged at me, all the while yelling really inappropriate things. Luckily the AD and choreographer both leaped up and escorted him out of the theatre by force.

So, I didn't get hurt, but it was one of the scariest moments of my life, but I'm pleased to say I didn't break character the whole time :)

Give me a bottle of bourbon and half a chicken and I'll conquer the world!

#46re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/20/09 at 3:39pm

" ("shorties/fatties" versus - what - height handicapped and glandularly challenged?! PC POLICE - I called it!) is wrong. Glad others got it and agree, and don't take personal offense". - Pgenre

I don't see others agreeing with you and you couldn't have used terms like , oh, I don't know, short people vs heavy people? Some woman refused to remove her "fold of flab" from your armrest? Did any of these things obstruct your view of the show? Do you not see how this language is offensive and has nothing whatsoever to do with this thread?

Sorry you have to suffer with your tallness, and the occasional "fatty" that sits next to you. Again, I would have taken this to pm, but even after our previously quite pleasant conversations, I seem to be unable to contact you privately.

"If you take my comments personally, well... that happens to be your PERSONAL problem, not mine. I defended my point from a more emotional place as opposed to an intellectual one"

Take a good hard look at that statement, and think about it. If you wish to carry this further, open up your pms. I considered you a friend until you decided to use offensive language when it wasn't remotely necessary. Please do not reply to me here. My PMs are open to all.

My worst theatrical experiences remain those in which people died - Angels in America was one of these in which it occurred frequently..

Sean2 Profile Photo
#47re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/20/09 at 3:44pm

Although I know this thread refers to the audience side of things, I have to say the worst theatre experience I've ever had was the recent production of 'Othello' in Seattle. Theatre for a New Audience brought out their production to Intiman, with an almost entirely new cast. It was excruciating; the worst acting I've seen in decades. Funny how a horrible production can make any seat seem excruciating. I couldn't get comfortable for the entire performance.

Actually, I noticed that most of the audience squirmed like that. I think collectively we must have looked like some kind of tentacled sea anemone.

Pgenre Profile Photo
#48re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/20/09 at 3:56pm

My PMs are not now, nor have they ever, been turned off.

Once again, it must a problem on your end, not mine.


alightinthedark23 Profile Photo
#49re: Worst Theatre Experience
Posted: 9/20/09 at 7:18pm

In The heights.

The second time I saw the show we were behind a huge group of British high school kids on a trip to New York. Not only were they loud and obnoxious but they laughed during Atencion. It was extremely annoying.

"It's about the Benjamins, not the Bernsteins."-CapnHook
