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MovieGuy1031 Profile Photo
#25B3TA07 is SO cute
Posted: 4/21/07 at 5:24pm


*waits until monday*

"The nice thing about the rain is that it always stops... eventually."

- Eeyore

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#26B3TA07 is SO cute
Posted: 4/21/07 at 5:26pm

You wouldn't give a flying **** if this were about Grey Gardens.


for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world.

Popular Profile Photo
#27B3TA07 THINKS he is SO cute
Posted: 4/21/07 at 5:53pm

I'll tell you what I don't give a flying **** about, Ben. YOU.

You constantly comment on everything I post in attempts to be witty and insulting. It's childish and it's getting old. As you once told me, you're a God loving Christian, right? Act like it! The vulgar and disrespectful PM's you verbally harass me with would not make your church proud.

Since you're too thick to have been getting my point I'll spell it out for you... I've been ignoring you for a reason so please stop trying to get my attention!

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#28B3TA07 really is SO cute
Posted: 4/21/07 at 5:55pm

I'm not Christian. What drunken Irish told you that?

It appears the artichoke is steamed.


bjh2114 Profile Photo
#29B3TA07 really is SO cute
Posted: 4/21/07 at 6:01pm

Popular, what I find more amusing than his childish remarks is the fact that he changed the thread title to "B3TA07 really is SO cute" when clearly that's not the case, lol. Oh I'm sorry, was that mean? But if we are talking about personal attacks on this board, don't you find that a little conceited B3TA07??

Popular Profile Photo
#30B3TA07 really is SO cute
Posted: 4/21/07 at 6:02pm

I'm not Christian. What drunken Irish told you that?

You did, Ben. You did.
Your post from another thread:


1)That first line was great, then it went downhill. I was hoping for a joke about how you were going to offer to my parents to babysit me.
2)Way to condescend. It's good friday. Like all good God-Loving Christians, which you obviously aren't, I've just arrived home from church.

I'm done here. Go back to speculating about the Hilton.

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#31B3TA07 really is SO cute
Posted: 4/21/07 at 6:02pm

What a stalker. Who would take the time to keep a log of all my posts? Geez.


Billy the Kid
#32B3TA07 really is SO cute
Posted: 4/21/07 at 6:33pm

Well it is a fact that the St. James is not getting YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN. What is out there for them to get???

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#33B3TA07 really is SO cute
Posted: 4/21/07 at 6:35pm

Wasn't it rumored that Porgy and Bess was going to transfer? I wonder if it could go in the St. James, or if that theatre is too big.

dented146 Profile Photo
#34B3TA07 really is SO cute
Posted: 4/21/07 at 7:35pm

The Wiz?

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#35B3TA07 really is SO cute
Posted: 4/21/07 at 7:36pm

I was under the impression The Wiz transfer wasn't happening.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

dented146 Profile Photo
#36B3TA07 really is SO cute
Posted: 4/21/07 at 7:50pm

Maybe not. But originally it was rumored that they wanted the St James before Brooks got it and they are the same producers who did Jersey Boys in the same theater chain. We don't even know if this information about YF is true so this is all idle speculation anyway.

Billy the Kid
#37B3TA07 really is SO cute
Posted: 4/21/07 at 8:07pm

Its true YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN is not going to the St. James!!! I also heard The Wiz or The Moon of the Misbegotten. That show has to leave The Brooks on June 24 because Grease will be ready to come in.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#38B3TA07 really is SO cute
Posted: 4/21/07 at 8:12pm

I think Moon was a limited engagment before Grease showed up.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

Posted: 4/21/07 at 8:14pm


Billy the Kid
Posted: 4/21/07 at 8:20pm

What about catch me if you can???

FallintoLight Profile Photo
Posted: 4/21/07 at 10:21pm

I just find it SO funny that Popular bothers you that much! I really don't get it! Life is too short to let stuff on a message board get to you THIS much.

In all honesty I'm just sorry that you feel such hatred toward someone who has done nothing but support a show. It actually makes me feel rather bad for you. I don't think I'd want to live my life with such anger.

Posted: 4/21/07 at 11:42pm

Catch Me If You Can won't be opening anytime soon sadly. From what I hear they're still working on it.

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

Posted: 4/22/07 at 1:49am

People! pull it together. This arguing between children is pointless. Especially when those poor cast members of Pirate Queen are going to be out of a job! Luckily, the show was in rehearsal and previews for so damn long, they probably still qualify for unemployment and got enough weeks for some health insurance. Life will go on with or without the Pirate Queen and whether or not Ben likes Popular. For the love of God, stop, unless you have inside info on Young Frankenstein.

Posted: 4/22/07 at 2:01am

I love how people actually act as if they cared about the workers in Pirate Queen. New shows go in, old shows go out. The five die-hard fans of PQ might care, but do we really care about this issue YET? Once we know for sure, then we'll all start puting on the fake sorrow-mask, but for now, some guy named Billy is telling us "for sure" that he has inside info. Someone who we know nothing about is telling us something we've been speculating ourselves for a while now. B3AT07's comment about Grey Gardens is a TRUE prime example.

I know I'm going to get attacked for this comment, and since people read way too much into things on message boards, I want you to know that all stated above is in my opinion...God, I wish people would understand this so there would be no more bickering and such...

Posted: 4/22/07 at 2:11am

Yay! Ruprecht, Jr! I was being facetious about the poor cast members. I don't really give a f*** what theatre something's going to take over. I just can't stand the children anymore. They make me go off like Alec Baldwin.

Posted: 4/22/07 at 2:22am

I can't tell if I'm getting yelled at or what...

Posted: 4/22/07 at 2:27am

no. I totally agree with you. I think this thread went from something about Young Frankenstein to Ben and Popular arguing about god knows what. and that is irritating. You are NOT irritating, and in fact, make good points.

Posted: 4/22/07 at 2:31am

Whew! Good. You're Alec Baldwin joke is what made me think it might have been sarcastic. Then again, I might have just been reading into it too much...

Slightly off topic: What parent hasn't gone off and said the wrong things to their kid? Nobody's perfect as a parent. Trouble is, he's a celebrity. And he's gone (going?) through a nasty divorce which doesn't help.

Posted: 4/22/07 at 2:35am

I agree! If I had a cell phone at age 11, I would have deserved just such a voicemail from my father.

Alec Baldwin would be a good male lead in YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN (maybe not, but do you like how I brought that back to the topic?)
Updated On: 4/22/07 at 02:35 AM
