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You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...

You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...

ChrisLovesShows Profile Photo
#0You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 9:34am buy the highlights CD when it comes out, even though you already have the complete recording CD.

(add yours)

"Do you know ChrisLovesShows?" "Yes. Why, yes he does!"

Eastwickian Profile Photo
#1re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 9:39am

You have five different recordings of a show, none of which are in a language you understand. Updated On: 12/15/05 at 09:39 AM

#2re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 9:42am

You own "Late Nite Comic" and you have played it more than once.

You have a cast recording salute to Cyril Ritchard.

"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true. And that would be unacceptable." --Carrie Fisher

Elphaba Profile Photo
#3re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 10:33am

why would I ever want hi-lights if I have the entire thing? I want my money for new complate recordings.....

But I do try to buy things I like in English, German, and if there's a British or Canadian recording....and Hell I own RENT in Icelandic........

You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when you buy a recording based on the name of the musical........whether you know anything about it or not.

It is ridiculous to set a detective story in New York City. New York City is itself a detective story... AGATHA CHRISTIE, Life magazine, May 14, 1956

#4re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 10:48am

You carry around a list of all the recordings you have so you can bore your friends to death telling them about each one and show off your amazing collection. I know...that's scary...

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#5re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 10:51am

well, once you pass one hundred, I think it's important to have a list so as to keep proper inventory. why is that so obsessive?

Patronus Profile Photo
#6re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 11:02am

Elphaba, nice to know I am not the only one who ponied out the cash for Rent Iceland and German recordings. re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...

...when you carry around a list of your recordings to ensure that you don't buy something you already have as well calling friends to look things up on the internet when you feel you've found something rare but aren't sure.

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#7re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 11:02am

you've bought recordings of shows you don't particularly like just because you think your collection "needs" them; in particular the revivals of wonderful town, and sweet charity

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

jasonf Profile Photo
#8re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 11:12am

Why would you get highlight discs when you already have the full thing. That's not obsessive - that's a waste of money.

You're obsessive when you can thumb through a rack at any store as quickly as Danny Kaye can recite Russian composers and know exactly which CDs you have/you want/you have no interest in ever owning.

You're obsessive when you buy cast recordings of shows you know nothing about, because, well, they're cast recordings and your collection wouldn't be complete without them. It's a crapshoot whether or not you'll ever listen to them a second time, but you somehow feel good about having them anyway.

You're obsessive when you're Jewish and the show you have the most versions of is Jesus Christ Superstar.

You're obsessive when you don't feel like you really have a show on CD unless you have every song that was ever recorded for the show in your collection.

You're obsessive when you stop at every record store you pass just so you can see if some moron traded in a cast recording that is now in the discount bin that hopefully the sales clerk had no idea of its actual value.

You're obsessive when you check ebay, amazon, sh-k-boom, jayrecords, footlight, dresscircle, talkinbroadway and psclassics at least once a day to say if anything new is coming out/available.

You're obsessive when people you've "met" online send you a link to this thread knowing you're obsessed (hi Madame X).

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.
Updated On: 12/15/05 at 11:12 AM

whatacharacter Profile Photo
#9re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 11:16am

You bought both versions of the Grease and Wonderful Town Revivals just to hear Brooke Shields' revolutionary take on the characters re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...

ChrisLovesShows Profile Photo
#10re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 11:42am

--You pay extra pounds/dollars to get the London recordings the AS SOON as they are released in the UK because you can't wait for the US release.

--You already own the CD, but you buy the re-issue because it has (sometimes interesting but often lame) BONUS tracks! Or pretty new artwork!

"Do you know ChrisLovesShows?" "Yes. Why, yes he does!"

brdwaybaby17 Profile Photo
#11re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 12:12pm

If you find you don't have all of the music with you, you can't listen to any of it (even if you hate the music you left at home)

See, I think that's just weird, not obsessive... but it's how I am.

Magdalene Profile Photo
#12re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 12:36pm

You buy more than one copy of the same recording in case something happens to the original!


myManCape Profile Photo
#13re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 5:02pm

Chris> its even worse when you get a free DRS Cd at the theatre then buy it for the bonus songs.

"Have they come yet?"

#14re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 5:04pm

"You're obsessive when you're Jewish and the show you have the most versions of is Jesus Christ Superstar."

After Les Mis, AMEN to that!

GClef2 Profile Photo
#15re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 5:38pm

Youre an obsessive recording cast collector when you go to the store to buy a specific CD, and leave with 5 others you had no intention of buying....

You lose hours of sleep when a release date is pushed back....

You sleep with your new recording on the pillow next to you....

You have skipped meals in order to pay for the CD excursions later in the day....

The Audio clerk at Barnes and Noble has asked you personally to apply for a job.....

You can tell what is New in the Musical Theater section within 30 seconds of arriving.....

Barnes and Noble is on your speed-dial....

You miss classes to be the first to pick up a newley released cd....

You cancel all your plans the day a new recording comes out....just so you can listen to each song......

You feel like throwing up when someone mentions a musical you've never heard of .

"The only way we live beyond our lives is to connect and carve ourselves into the souls of those we love." -Little Fish

sally1112 Profile Photo
#16re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 5:45pm

...when you buy the newest CD before you worry about paying rent or having food in the fridge....

best12bars Profile Photo
#17re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 5:51pm have this daily, big debate in your head about whether or not to organize your collection by composer, by date, by star, or alphabetical... and have tried ALL at least once.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

Flahooley Profile Photo
#18re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 5:54pm

You have the original issue of a show you don't really care for, and still buy the re-issue.

Guess, I qualify. Is there a 12-step program for showtune collectors?

umgeoboy Profile Photo
#19re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 5:57pm

You have the original cast, revival cast, and concert cast recordings of a show that you do not like.

You buy the demo recording and original cast recording and listened to both because they are different enough that make it worth listening to the differences.

"Judy Garland, Jimmy Dean, You tragedy Queen" ~ Taboo

"Watching a frat boy realize just what he put his d!ck in...ex's getting std's...schadenfruede" ~ Ave Q

"when dangers near, exploit their fear" ~ Reefer Madness the Musical

uncageg Profile Photo
#20re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 5:59pm

When you have every recording you can get your hands on in every language they are recorded in. Including re-issues and revivals.

You have to see this collection to believe it.

Just give the world Love.

Patronus Profile Photo
#21re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 6:01pm have this daily, big debate in your head about whether or not to organize your collection by composer, by date, by star, or alphabetical... and have tried ALL at least once.

Guilty as charged.

Caroline-Q-or-TBoo Profile Photo
#22re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/15/05 at 6:03pm

you've bought a record player just so you can listen to the OBC's in their original state

"Picture "The View," with the wisecracking, sympathetic sweethearts of that ABC television show replaced by a panel of embittered, suffering or enraged Arab women" -the Times review of Black Eyed

Malice Profile Photo
#23re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/22/05 at 9:04pm

When you have decide on which recording of a show you want to listen to, the original London cast, original bway cast, the complete symphonic recording, or the tenth anniversary cast.

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#24re: You know you're an obsessive cast recording collector when...
Posted: 12/22/05 at 9:09pm

" have this daily, big debate in your head about whether or not to organize your collection by composer, by date, by star, or alphabetical... and have tried ALL at least once. "

hahaha thats funny!
