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saw JERSEY BOYS for the 1st time tonight

saw JERSEY BOYS for the 1st time tonight

#1saw JERSEY BOYS for the 1st time tonight
Posted: 12/21/07 at 1:04am

Was very much not impressed with michael longoria. He does a decent acting job but basically does not have charisma. The audience totally ate up the show tonight, wildly applauding for bromides in act 2 (like about the rock n roll hall of fame is voted on by "the people"- is it? Thought it was industry votes). It's kind of cynical for the producers to put on an actor who's not really up to the starring role, just because he was already the understudy and can sing high (actually, sorry for this whole post to his fans, I found his speaking voice almost comically high). Only partly cause of his perf., I felt the show was lacking the hit electricity I can imagine it having had earlier.

I was so glad no one around me was singing along, I was really anticipating that after reading about it in posts.

by the way- this show is way easier to get into than it used to be. I arrived at 730pm and there was NO cancellation line, even though it was supposedly sold out (there were empty seats in the orchestra though). and there are actually $110 tix on telecharge for various dates in the next week, unlike when JLY was in. (I know some people were able to get the house tix cancellations on telecharge back then but I didnt have luck). incidentally, the apparently regular scalper outside was only asking $80, which tells you something. I'd already bought it on the web.

J Robert Spencer was out tonight, which really bummed me out since I was trying to see 3 original leads before d. reichard leaves, but his part turned out to be a bit of a nonentity in the show, especially in act 1, so I didnt feel so bad when I actually saw it.

I think it's good that eventually they may not be able to sell the whole mezz for 96.50 (gag) as this show is already getting to be way less of a hot ticket than it was. In general, I thought it was a decent show, not great, and I'm bummed that the good tix being $250 for so long had a lot to do with my not seeing it with JLY. I dont usually spend more than about $35 for broadway but I would have spent $110 for a sell-out hit as the only way to see it, if even that hadn't been so hoop-involving. Plus his last week and a half was cancelled by the strike, otherwise i would've been trying telecharge for cancellations like a demon!

sorry this post has been a bit of a downer! The show was good enough to understand why lots of people love it.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#2re: saw JERSEY BOYS for the 1st time tonight
Posted: 12/21/07 at 1:13am

It's kind of cynical for the producers to put on an actor who's not really up to the starring role, just because he was already the understudy and can sing high (actually, sorry for this whole post to his fans, I found his speaking voice almost comically high).

OK, I've only seen Michael Longoria as Joey, but you're making an assumption that he was made principal BECAUSE he used to be the understudy -- I'm sure you don't actually know if that's why. Jersey Boys HAS relied on outside hires for principals before. (Sebastian Arcelus, Zachary Prince, etc...)

I'd like to see him as Frankie. Sorry your experience was less than stellar.

If it makes you feel better, when I saw JLY I hardly had the religious experience that plenty of other people claimed to have. re: saw JERSEY BOYS for the 1st time tonight

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
Updated On: 12/21/07 at 01:13 AM

Neverandy Profile Photo
#2re: saw JERSEY BOYS for the 1st time tonight
Posted: 12/21/07 at 11:01am

Although I enjoyed Michael Longoria, I think it was a foregone conclusion that he would take over full time for JLY.
The producers relied onhim to take the reins for the matinee performances. For a show like JErsey Boys that plays especially to the Matinee demographic, that is no small thing. He has been playing Frankie for the better part of 2 years, I think it was a no brainer.

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?

nealb1 Profile Photo
#3re: saw JERSEY BOYS for the 1st time tonight
Posted: 12/21/07 at 11:08am

I'm looking forward to seeing him as Frankie Vallie. Was just in SF this past weekend and saw the new JB cast and it fantastic.

When someone has completely owned and defined a performance like JLY did in JB, whoever is going to replace him, is damned if they do and damned if they don't. And, that's very unfair to the actor taking over the role.

Updated On: 12/21/07 at 11:08 AM

#4re: saw JERSEY BOYS for the 1st time tonight
Posted: 12/21/07 at 11:15am

I have seen Longoria play the role many, many times & think he's just terrific. The audience eats it up every night. I'm a little surprised by the negativity toward him on various threads. I can imagine that it has something to do w/ loyalty toward his predecessor (although that might not be the case here, so please don't think that I'm accusing YOU of it), but recognize that he just may be missing something people are looking for.

Disclaimer: I have seen the show many times because I am paid to & would never ever CHOOSE to see JB. Nevertheless, I feel I can objectively say that Longoria does a spiffy job.

jigblob Profile Photo
#5re: saw JERSEY BOYS for the 1st time tonight
Posted: 12/21/07 at 11:51am

I am one of those people that had a great experience with JLY, and I dont think anyone can compare, but I've seen Longoria and I've got to say that I am kind of surprised that he is the lead in one of the biggest blockbusters on broadway. I have also seen Jarrod Spector in Chicago and while I dont think he was as good as JLY, he was definitely way better than Michael Longoria. I am kind of surprised he isn't on broadway himself, he was fantastic!

Songsstresss Profile Photo
#6re: saw JERSEY BOYS for the 1st time tonight
Posted: 12/21/07 at 12:01pm

I am definitely one of those people who went crazy for the show after seeing it for the first time. I thought JLY was amazing. When I saw that Michael was going on for him the third time I saw the show, I was really upset, but I left that theater very happily surprised! I thought he was fantastic and I was thrilled to hear he would succeed John in the role. Just an opinion! I thought he gave a performace more than worthy of JLY's!

WickedOne2 Profile Photo
#7re: saw JERSEY BOYS for the 1st time tonight
Posted: 12/21/07 at 2:27pm

I have seen Michael as Frankie and I thought he was great. However, I still greatly prefer JLY who in addition to other misc JB performances, I have seen 3 times as Frankie. My second choice is Jarrod Spector who was fantastic. I did not care too much for Rick Faugno, except he did have a few good moments (i.e. Can't Take My Eyes Off of You).

"I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." Goethe

#8re: saw JERSEY BOYS for the 1st time tonight
Posted: 12/21/07 at 10:34pm

Sorry to hear your experience was not what you hoped it to be. I do, however, disagree with your review on Michael. I've seen him many times, along with JLY, Travis, and most recently Cory, and in my opinion, he will always be my favorite. It's been great seeing him grow from when he was first put in to the role of Frankie, to now, years later, playing the role fulltime. His voice may not have been as strong as JLY's, though I do feel his acting was better.

I do agree that ticket sales haven't been as spectacular as they were, but it's still difficult to get good tickets for. I've been trying to get some decent seats in June or August to no avail. The show still tends to sell out every performance, or, close to it.

#9re: saw JERSEY BOYS for the 1st time tonight
Posted: 12/22/07 at 3:04am

There is NO way Longoria's acting is better than JLY's.... Michael cannot play older Frankie at all. There is no aging in his character. He cannot play Frankie age 16 to age 60 by any means. His voice is definitely not the same as John's, not saying it is bad but he DEF sounds much less like the real Frankie. The only thing Michael has on JLY is dancing, but the real Frankie didn't dance so that is hardly anything that matters. Michael is my least favorite Frankie of the 3 or 4 I've seen/heard.

JB Fan
#10re: saw JERSEY BOYS for the 1st time tonight
Posted: 12/22/07 at 11:11am

Wicked_mimi, I totally agree with you. Michael is completely unconvincing as the older Frankie.
