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this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!- Page 54

this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!

EugLoven Profile Photo
#1325this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 12/12/08 at 2:05am

Peter's photos from that evening are just incredible... but nothing truly captures how stunning they all looked that evening. And if their attire doesn't impress you enough, you should have heard Heidi sing! And the hilarious skit Susan narrated... much to the joy of a sold-out house. GREAT GREAT EVENING! Glad to have them with us.
Updated On: 12/12/08 at 02:05 AM

Kad Profile Photo
#1326this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 12/12/08 at 3:35am

Susan looks gorgeous.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

logan0215 Profile Photo
#1327this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 12/14/08 at 2:57pm

Carnegie/Gypsy o'Year performance + Listening on the mp3 player = making me muy nostalgic for the show :/

I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America. [turns and winks directly into the camera] - Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock

EugLoven Profile Photo
#1328this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 12/15/08 at 3:03pm

Just caught-wind of Heidi's very touching [blog] post about her positive experience sharing the Carnegie stage with the NYCGMC... I'm totally heart-warmed by her acknowledgment.


lull89 Profile Photo
logan0215 Profile Photo
#1330this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 12/26/08 at 4:02pm

"[tos] reopen" thread is going to make my head explode

I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America. [turns and winks directly into the camera] - Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#1331this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 12/26/08 at 8:17pm

I listen to the cast recording EVERY. DAY.

I miss it more and more with each listen.

I miss it so, so dearly.

D: D: D:

I want them to record something new so badly!

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#1333this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 1/14/09 at 5:50pm

Hey Tossers!

I NEVER realized the original demo thingies (songs like The Wall) were on the internet. I just saw them on supertossers. Is there ANYONE out there who would be willing to send me the mp3s of anything like this? I've been DYING for some more [tos]. Please, please, PLEASE PM me.

#1334this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 2/20/09 at 3:22pm

Bumping this thread. Who's joining Operation Golden Pony?

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#1335this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 2/20/09 at 3:24pm


"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#1336this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 2/20/09 at 4:28pm

I will definitely be joining!

Word to the people who put that together.

#1337this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 2/20/09 at 4:54pm

Operation Golden Pony?

I'm interested! Where can I get more info on this?

feline0favenueQ Profile Photo
#1339this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 2/20/09 at 4:59pm

Well the email address everything is coming from is

I'm sure if you email them and ask how you can join they'll send you the information. No idea who the heck they are, but they seem really nice!

#1340this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 2/20/09 at 5:06pm

Thanks so much for the info!

I'm off to send an email!

Pocketsquared Fanadu Profile Photo
Pocketsquared Fanadu
#1341this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 2/20/09 at 7:27pm

OMFG!! Just got my Golden Pony invite!! [tos] lives!

The last vampire is the mother of all vampires and that is the vampire of despair. It'll wake you up at 4am to say things like: Who do you think you are kidding? You look like a fool! No matter how hard you try, you'll never be good enough! Why is it that if some dude walked up to me on the subway platform and said these things, I'd think he was a mentally ill as-h-le, but if the vampire inside my head says it,It's the voice of reason! DIE VAMPIRE, DIE--[SUSAN in tos]

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#1342this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 2/20/09 at 7:29pm

I'm confused. What are you guys talking about?

#1343this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 2/20/09 at 7:39pm

I'm guessing it's an attempt to get [tos] back to Broadway.

(le sigh)

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#1344this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 2/20/09 at 8:48pm

Operation Golden Pony is essentially that, trying to bring back [tos] anywhere, NOT just broadway. Kind of like Pep Rally all over again.

Spread the [tos]pel, ya'll.

#1345this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 2/20/09 at 9:02pm

Copy of the e-mail:

It's go time, [tos]sers.
You have been contacted to be a part of a massive underground support effort, henceforth known as Operation Golden Pony.

At a recent NYU talkback with members of the [title of show] cast, a comment was made by director Michael Berresse that came across to some of us as a call to action.
"I'm dead serious about this. I am not afraid to give you the producing office's street address because the reality is everybody on Broadway and everybody that saw our show by large would love to see us come back to Broadway. The whole theatre community, every day people approach us on the street and, I'm not kidding, every day, someone will stop us on the street and be like, 'Is it happening? Are you guys coming back? When are you coming back? Is it gonna be in this theatre? Where?' I have press people sending me emails saying, 'The rumor is I heard you guys are going to blah blah blah.' But, it's a matter of real estate and a matter of capital and if we have the money to do it. If there is enough - if the producers believed our fan base is really what it is, if they knew that for a fact, that would actually influence whether or not it happens for us this spring."

We don't know about you guys, but we think the show deserves a chance to return (on or Off-Broadway). The producers clearly have not been paying attention. If they had, there would be no doubt in their mind as to the level of support that is out there for [tos].

Here is YOUR chance to make your voice heard and help out the show that's helped us all in so many ways. All we're asking is for you to mail a letter. Pick up a pen and some paper (or if you're feeling electronic, put those fingers on the keys) and speak from your heart. This show is so special and important to all of us for so many individual reasons, and it's important for the producers to hear that.

Write your letter, sign it, and mail it to:
Kevin McCollum or Jeffrey Seller (choose one)
The Producing Office
145 West 45th Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10036

There is no length limit, but we only ask you to keep it always. If you need help with your letter, or you're stumped for talking points, please email us at and we'd be happy to help. Or, if you're anti snail-mail, email us your letter and we'll send it for you.
Submit your [title of show], folks. With a few minutes and roughly 44 cents (if you're in the US) you could be a part of changing the history books of Broadway. [title of show] has taught us all that no idea is too stupid, small or silly to act upon. Maybe, as a mass, we could the nudge the world to fit our big ol' dreams. Help us help them come back, so they can continue to inspire people the way they have inspired all of us.

Consider this your good deed for the day, pay it forward, and tell nine people.
-The Operation Golden Pony Team

#1346this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 2/20/09 at 9:04pm

Letters don't equal $$.

#1347this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 2/20/09 at 9:05pm

this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

#1348this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 2/20/09 at 10:36pm

Yankeefan & PiraguaGuy:

Why **** all over something? If people want to write letters, let them write letters. It's not going to hurt you in the slightest.

I say brava to anyone who choses to write a letter.

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#1349this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 2/20/09 at 11:01pm

Agreed doubleentendre. SO unnecessary.

#1350this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 2/21/09 at 11:11am

I got my email today. I don't know what to write, though. Have any of you guys sent your letters?
Updated On: 2/21/09 at 11:11 AM
