Broadway Legend Joined: 9/30/08
Jane2 -thank you so much for the story of the original production.
my pleasure, won kit!
Back to the thread topic, I'm so glad I got to see this show, with these actors. The CR is so boring compared to what these three brought to the score. I hope this gets a full scale production somewhere soon!
I doubt it will happen anytime soon with this cast, as Lin-Manuel is committed to Hamilton at the Public (which I would imagine has an eye on further productions).
Oh, it doesn't have to be with this cast, I know that will probably never happen. I would just like to see a full scale production come back to NYC sometime.
Well, if it doesn't sound like it did at the Jane Street, then there's absolutely no point whatsoever.
I feel like the show must be much better at a little Off-Broadway theater.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/30/08
I am not sure what a "full scale" production would actually involve, and I think it might not be effective. I just saw VIOLET last week, and I am convinced that it must be heart-breaking in an intimate space. A big production of a small scale work destroys its immediacy.
""Is it so wrong to want to hear the score sung as well as it possibly can be?
But that is what you got. Lin, Karen, and Leslie sang the score as well as they can sing it."
haterobics, these statements are not one in the same. So if I were cast as Susan instead of Karen, it would be totally ok with you, because I was doing my best? Has professional NY theatre now sunk to the level of "everyone gets a trophy for participating"?
"Why anyone would be complaining in a thread about a show that they haven't seen is beyond me."
What about all the people in the thread who did see it and are complaining about his pitch?
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
Thank you, orangeskittles. They're not the same thing at all.
And no one is saying it had to sound like it sounded at Jane St. NO ONE is saying that. But there are a slew of other performers who would've been able to sing the score better.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
And what I don't understand is why on some level those of us who were disappointed have to be made to feel bad about it. I'm sorry Lin reads BroadwayWorld. I'm sorry he feels the need to tweet about it defensively. But as paying customers, why should we be made to feel bad about a valid opinion?
Who is making you feel bad about it?
It could have been ANY other theater, not just Jane St. The point, my dear friends, is that if it's being sung OFF PITCH, well, there is INDEED no point.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
Just kinda feels like people think it's wrong to say it. Maybe it really is just a matter of taste.
"haterobics, these statements are not one in the same. So if I were cast as Susan instead of Karen, it would be totally ok with you, because I was doing my best? Has professional NY theatre now sunk to the level of "everyone gets a trophy for participating"?"
This is hard to answer, since your analogy about things not being equal is... also pretty unequal as I had no problems with Lin in the role and actually bought my ticket because he was in the role and in a show I enjoy. If I had a problem with what I saw him do onstage, I would have mentioned it, though. I just didn't have those problems.
"Just kinda feels like people think it's wrong to say it. Maybe it really is just a matter of taste."
Well, you're only experiencing the thread from one angle. The people who liked it keep being told how awful it was and what's wrong with us that can't even discern good singing.
"Well, you're only experiencing the thread from one angle. The people who liked it keep being told how awful it was and what's wrong with us that can't even discern good singing. "
I'm sorry that that's what you inferred from the thread. Please post where anyone said that you can't even discern good singing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
I've never said that. Listen - if there were a full production, I'd probably lay off the singing rag. But what I really love about Encores, as I've said before in this thread, is hearing the score at its best level. This was not its best level. I think it really comes down to what each person wants to get out of the experience, and also taste.
I have no doubt that you can discern good singing. I just think we all wanted different things out of it. Lin is a wonderful writer and person, and certainly a strong actor. But I wanted to hear that score at the best it could be.
Though one thing I do like: re-discovering Boho Days and being reminded that Jonathan himself wasn't much of a singer...
"Please post where anyone said that you can't even discern good singing."
Nah, I'm just going to check out of this thread, considering the run of the show is already over, and we're just circling around the same points from different angles.
"The point, my dear friends, is that if it's being sung OFF PITCH, well, there is INDEED no point."
Of course you'd know, you watched a clip and had your fears confirmed by two people and ignored the contrary.
But since the concert's run has now ended, as haterobics noted, there's no point to discussing to death something that's done.
lol, Kad is not a fan of Jane2. Sarcasm doesn't become you, btw.
Anyway, I think it's time to end this debate. I'm sick of it, for one.
Really? You'd think the way you've gone on and on about a show you didn't even see, then taking it off topic because you have nothing to add, might be interpreted another way.
Kad, you have some of the best responses on here. Sarcasm looks amazing on you. Never change..
"But I wanted to hear that score at the best it could be."
And he gave that to you. The best he could be.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/30/08
One little change of a pronoun: QED.
Emmy Rossum sang Phantom as well as SHE can sing it. Russell Crowe sang Les Mis as well as HE can. That doesn't mean it was sung as well as it possibly can be by anyone ever.
"This is hard to answer, since your analogy about things not being equal is... also pretty unequal as I had no problems with Lin in the role"
YOU had no problems with Lin in the role. iluvtheatertrash (and others) did.
iluvtheatertrash asked if he was wrong to hear the score sung as well as it possibly could be [by any actor in all of musical theatre]. You responded that iluvtheatertrash got that- because Lin did his personal best.
These do not mean the same thing. This is a high profile, professional production in NY. He doesn't get a gold star for doing his personal best when audience members in this thread confirm multiple off-nights in a week-long run.
No one will ever confuse Lin-Manuel with a great singer. But he's a great performer, which is far more important. I know it's been said to death, but plenty of the great musical theatre performers of all time are not great singers (if your definition of great is being perfectly on pitch at all times).