Stand-by Joined: 5/29/11
I wasn't that impressed with the show but it was worth it to see Karen Olivo perform, Come to Your Senses was so incredible.
My only question: why is Sugar a song in this? It was just such a bizarre moment that took me out of the show.
Jane, that videos correct. He was off-pitch practically the entire show. His acting chops are quite impressive tho! It was cool seeing the show with Stephen Sondheim in attendance. Not my favorite show and I kind of couldn't wait for it to end, but there were some great moments and for $25 and 90 minutes of my time, I'm glad I saw it. Also, it said in the playbill Karen Olivo moved to Wisconsin and is teaching now because she didn't like the city life. She said she just came back to do this because Lin asked her too.
Seems odd to put that your playbill, no?
OK, is it just me, or has After Eight been mysteriously quiet the past week or so? Normally they comment on every City Center show, and there's been a thread about the worst show ever and there was no comment about any Sondheim, Brown , or Tesori work. Not to mention the thread on Merrily...
Thanks Just John. I don't know why Miranda was cast in a musical when he can't sing. There are so many actors who can do both. Oh well. Sondheim attended the show at the Jane also. How could he not when he's part of the story, lol.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/30/08
I didn't see the original t,tB but I saw a production at the Westport Playhouse a few summers ago. I know and love the cast recording and I was amazed at how little there was of any interest other than "Come to Your Senses". I would have gotten a ticket to this if Miranda hadn't been cast. He is a talented guy but singing is just not his strong point. Plus - at least for me - he plays a little old for 30. His singing in MISCAST in March was painful.
I forget the details, but it was announced well in advance that Sondheim would be there, something about a contest that he was judging or somesuch before the show? I know it was a headline on BWW a while back... I remember I checked seat availability when I heard he would be there, but my Saturday seats were way better...
Broadway Star Joined: 12/8/07
I was there last night. It was a contest to re-mix his songs, and he was there to hear the winners apparently. I had tickets for last night and got there early in hopes to past-date my ticket from Wednesday (the house manager kindly did find me seats!!) and while I waited to see if any seats would become available, I heard a few. Some were quite clever, others were a little cringe-worthy/silly. But it was a fun idea, and what an honor to have your version heard by him regardless.
I LOVED the show. I don't think it would have stood on its own as well without such a strong production/cast, but I have to say it was surprising just how well the book held up. Funny, and touching, and credit to Lin Manuel who really made that character work. And of course all of the lines about Stephen Sondheim were extra funny. The audience roared each time his named was mentioned.
Karen Olivo, can't you find a place in Westchester or something? It is such a shame to see a talent like that go back out of the public eye!
Overall I think this is the strongest of the Off-center city center shows they have done.
Rippedman, it wasn't in her bio, but in an interview within the playbill.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
I've waited 15 years to see this show. I've driven down the LIE countless times blasting it and singing along - with friends, by myself... I've played "Louder Than Words" a hundred times on the piano, singing it with all my friends. I didn't know much about the book, but I wore that Cast Recording out. Truly. I had to buy another copy.
I saw it tonight and realized that I could've waited another 15 to finally see it...
Sure, the book is pretty lousy. But is it too much to ask that they hire a Jon who could sing it on pitch? Lin is a wonderful songwriter. He's smart. He's funny. And I'm sure he's a very nice guy. But he's just not a singer, and I'm tired of seeing him handed parts like this because he's "cool". I want more than that. And I thought the score deserved more than that.
Odom and Olivo are magnificent. "Real Life" and "Come To Your Senses" were real highlights for me. I enjoyed the stage's transformation during "Why". A nice, subtle, gradual touch.
But beyond that, I just felt a wave of disappointment. I guess I should've known better. Isn't that what always happens when you wait a long time for something? Ah, well. Still happy to be able to see and hear it live.
Wow, what an incredible night at the theater. I didn't know much about the show, but I really enjoyed it. Lin gives a beautiful, heart-breaking performance and sounded quite good. Karen was incredible, and her voice was stunning as always. Leslie was perfectly cast, and really moving in the part. The sound was perfect tonight, and the band was fantastic.
If you're going this weekend, bring a coat because it was like a freezer in there.
The audience was really into it, no cell phones went off, and there was no munching, crunching of any kind. BLISS.
Great, great show!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
While I disagree mostly, Sutton, we can certainly agree... IT WAS LIKE AN ICEBOX!
Sadly, several cell phones went off in my section...
Aw, that sucks, I was in row A of the orchestra and everyone was totally into the show. I love it when an audience has respect for the performers, since they so often do not. Vultures review was pretty pretty spot on for me.
"Olivo, who has for the most part left the New York stage, amply demonstrates, and not just vocally, why she needs to return. Odom smartly plays against the tragic implications of his character with lightness and charm. But in particular, Miranda’s stupendously likable take on the main character, and his full emotional commitment to even the cliché aspects of the writing, goes a long way toward diluting the material’s goo. If Esparza sang the hell out of the score on the original cast recording, that’s exactly what Miranda (not nearly as good a singer) doesn’t do; he sings the hell into the score."
Was also present and accountable at the Friday evening performance. Had a seat in Row AA of the Orchestra. I don't know... Maybe I set my expectations SO LOW that Lin exceeded them?
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
I feel like a real jerk for ragging on him, because there's no doubt that he is a wonderful guy and he has certainly done a great deal for our community over the past few years. He's not a terrible actor (although I do think he milks too many lines for a laugh), but I just wanted to hear that score sung better.
I'd never really appreciated "Real Life", though, until last night. Odom blew me away.
Real Life is my least favorite song in the show. Oh, alongside Green Green Dress. Is that song still in the show?
Yeah, he killed "Real Life", and she blew the entire theater away with "Come to your Senses". Lin acted so beautifully the entire time she was singing, I could tell how very personal this role was for him. I loved "Green Green Dress" because of their chemistry. Yowza!
Saw it last night in the front row of the orchestra. Entirely blown away. Everybody's comments on Lin's singing must have made my expectations pretty low on that front, because I thought his voice was totally solid on top of impeccably personal acting.
Completely agree, he was great all around.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
::But he's just not a singer, and I'm tired of seeing him handed parts like this because he's "cool".::
He's uncool people's idea of cool.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/24/09
I feel like Lin saw this thread and tweeted this. I love him and this tweet haha!
"I wish I had a BMW of a voice. I have an Chevy with mileage and it squeaks and rattles, but I swear I'm gonna get us where we need to go."
It's all a matter of taste. I like my music to sound correct to my own ears, others don't. It's all good.
I have a question. And this may be dumb but...
The voice mail. Was that recorded for the show? Or was that a real message ______ ______ left for Larson?
He's incredibly cool to everyone, go see his Freestyle Love Supreme shows.
I was wondering the same thing, Prince.
I loved the show and think Lin Manuel was very good in the role. Too bad that Karen Olivo changed gears and left New York because she's really terrific.
Updated On: 6/28/14 at 05:45 PM