re: RENT Review - Sunday, January 20th, 7 PM Jan 21
2008, 08:07:08 PM
Nicolette makes my ears bleed. Steven22 - I really liked Caren as Mimi. I was only slightly impressed with Tamyra.
Thank you, Jonathan Larson. Jan 16
2008, 11:08:02 PM
Lame. I'm sad.
re: The Les Miz revival Aug 20
2007, 05:37:36 PM
Ann in this show makes me want to scream and kill people (most notably - her!)
re: RENT Tour question Aug 14
2007, 11:37:01 AM
I thought the last tour was great! I can't wait to see Declan on Broadway. I don't know about Tracy, though. I mean, I liked her Maureen the first couple of times, but I got sick of it after...hmm...six different cities.
re: Chip Zien as Thenardier? Aug 7
2007, 06:37:20 PM
Haha. Gary was pretty annoying. Chip is alright, but a little too much.
re: Legally Blonde or Les Miserables? Aug 7
2007, 06:35:41 PM
Les Miz - definitely.
re: Derrick Williams ??? Jul 29
2007, 10:01:00 PM
Ugh, I wish his Chicago contract would be up before the end of August...
re: Drew Sarich as Valjean in Les Miz Jul 24
2007, 10:19:40 PM
Drew's on until sometime in October.
re: Rent Closing Rumors/Marketing - From an Old Renthead Jul 24
2007, 08:30:49 PM
Declan Bennett = fantastic. From September last year to April this year, he developed and grew so well on stage. It was amazing to see what he started off as...and what he became! Excitment!
re: Drew Sarich as Valjean in Les Miz Jul 24
2007, 08:27:34 PM
re: Drew Sarich Concert at The Zipper!! Apr 14
2007, 10:41:09 PM
Yes, everyone go! It's going to be fun!
re: Sarich and Bohmer Set For Frankenstein Mar 31
2007, 11:15:19 PM
Yay! WTF is the Papermill Playhouse, though? I'm dumb!
Actor you have seen in at least two different performances Mar 25
2007, 09:21:19 PM
Drew Sarich - Lestat, Brel, Les Miz Jim Stanek - Lestat, Brel, Carnival Gary Beach - Producers, Les Miz Telly Leung - Wicked, Rent Natascia Diaz - Brel, Carnival Nikki Renee Daniels - Lestat, Les Miz Sean McCourt - Wicked, Mary Poppins Hmm, that's all I can think of right now!
re: Les Miserables 2/17/07 - Drew Sarich as Enjolras Feb 23
2007, 07:15:39 PM
I must be missing something because I don't see how Drew was bad as Grantaire...
re: Jacques Brel Closing 2/25 Feb 11
2007, 08:59:55 PM
re: Constantine in 'Jacques Brel' Jan 25
2007, 10:19:09 PM
Jim was not great? What show did you see?
re: Nikki Renee Daniels On As Fantine Jan 14th Jan 14
2007, 12:23:30 PM
Congrats to Nikki! She's WONDERFUL!
re: Jacques Brel/Constantine Jan 11
2007, 10:17:59 PM
Dang, he was really doing a lot of studying. He was there Saturday night, too!
re: Les Miserables Revival revisited. Jan 8
2007, 07:31:25 PM
Haha! Drew's voice is anything but 'thin!'
re: SRO policy for Poppins? Jan 8
2007, 07:26:15 PM
I had SRO for Friday night's show. There were only two of us standing. Everyone else had a seat, but some people left at intermission, so I was able to sit!