So tonight I saw RENT for the very first time. I got tickets for free from VFR closing, and I was surprised to find out that the seat was in the orchestra, row O seat 14 specifically. I did not realize the prime location of the theater. For some reason, I thought that the Nederlander was much farther from Times Square than it is. Inside the theater, I was slightly disappointed by how run-down it is, but it ...almsot... fit the style of the show. The set was great; I love that's it's minimalistic nature (if that's a word?) allows the focus of the show to be put on the acting and singing. The only set aspect I did not like was all of the clothes from Christmas Bells through the end of the first act. The band was awesome, but it bothered me that David Truskinoff wore this bright blue shirt while the rest of the band was wearing black. His conducting was OK. I liked the "2, 3, 4" towards the beginning of the show, but other than that, he was highly uninteresting. Reviews of the major songs/performances (and possible spoilers?) to follow:
"Rent" - A great opening to the show. I like the fact that everyone is onstage to start out.
"One Song Glory" - So here's my chance to talk about Declan Bennett. My feelings for him were lukewarm. At times, I loved what he did, including during this song. But at other times, I didn't enjoy his performance. I thought it was funny when his accent would start to slip, and you could catch the British tone to his voice. There seemed to be a few problems with mic volume with him, as he was too quiet at some parts. Overall, he certainly was not bad, but he definitely does not seem like the best Roger ever.
"Light My Candle" - One of my personal favorite songs, I had no complaints, and it was great to see Tamyra as Mimi for the first time in the show.
"Today for You" - I don't know how Justin, or any of the other Angels for that matter can do it. But they do, and I am amazed and humored every time I hear this song. The same went for seeing it live.
"You'll See" - I am a tenor, so I am very partial to tenor songs, including this one. Nothing unexpecting, but still great.
"Tango: Maureen" - Kenna J. Ramsey is not a bad a Joanne, although there were a few times I did not like her inflection/delivery. Her dancing with Harley was amusing, though it can't beat the movie, which is understandable considering it's live theater.
"Out Tonight" - I was floored by Tamyra's performance of this. It was absolutely superb. Her riffs were spot on, and it was definitely the best version of it I've heard.
"Christmas Bells" - I've already expressed my dislike for the scenery addition here. This is certainly a busy scene, but it works well. Matt Caplan was hilarious during the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer part. I also got the part where Collins sees his old coat for the first time tonight. It just never clicked before.
"Over the Moon" - My friend told me the Nicolette is an amazing Maureen, so when I saw that the role was being covered by Karmine Alers tonight, I was slightly upset. But, when that girl came on for the first time, all of my doubts were completely shattered. Her performance was so hysterical, it had some of the actors laughing on stage. Also, when she did the "Moo with me!" line, the audience shouted immediately. Obviously most of them must have seen the show before. I am actually glad I saw Karmine instead of Nicolette. She was a stand out of the show.
"La Vie Boheme" - How could you hate this song? Mark's flop onto the table almost freaked me out, but Harley was great during this, as was everyone. A great closing number for the first act.
"Seasons of Love" - The solos were both original, creative, and well sung, though the female soloist did seem to crack on the one note. Still, they both deserve props for their vocals.
"Take Me or Leave" - Great, as expected. I'm almost getting tired now of saying how excellent everything was.
"I'll Cover You Reprise" - I think this song got the most applause, other than at the end of the show. For some reason, people love this. I don't quite understand it. I like the ending, and it is touching, but I don't consider it the best song in the show. But whatever, I guess I'm part of the minority for thinking so.
"Goodbye, Love" - It went quicker than I thought it would, but Tamyra was heart-wrenching and absolutely wonderful.
"What You Own" - This is my absolute favorite song in the show. Yet, somehow, it seemed new even though I've listened to it many times before. Harley and Declan's rendition was refreshing, and very well sung.
"Finale" - I thought it was funny they only have one video, so Nicolette who was not in the show was still in the video. A minor detail, but other than that, the finale was a good uplifting end to an otherwise emotionally draining second act.
Curtain Call - I don't usually have much to say about this for most shows, but today I do. First, the fact that they went offstage, then came back on just seemed weird. Like they were faking us out. It kinda seemed dumb, but they did deserve the standing ovation. Secondly, Matt Caplan got a bow all by himself. He was the only one to get one. Why?! I undertand he was a lead in the show and came back, but that warrants a separate, special bow? That just seems strange to me.
Overall, the show was great, and I would definitely love to see it again, although I'm sure that won't happen since it's closing this summer. The show will be missed, and it truly is an excellent piece of contemporary theater, no matter what people say.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/05
"Over the Moon" - My friend told me the Nicolette is an amazing Maureen, so when I saw that the role was being covered by Karmine Alers tonight, I was slightly ups
Consider yourself lucky, she is terrible!
Broadway Star Joined: 8/4/07
I concur, she was not great by any means when I saw her. I have to say, I was more impressed when I saw Tamyra than I was with Anthony over the summer, glad you liked her Out Tonight. Her riffs blew me away, I'm so happy she extended.
Neddyfrank I beg to differ.
Stand-by Joined: 6/1/06
Tonight was Matt's last night, hence the separate bow. And yeah, consider yourself lucky that you missed Nicolette. And actually, if you watch the video at the end, there are... I think six people who are no longer with the show, then three who weren't on tonight.
I beg to agree on Nicolette. I wouldn't use the word terrible, but she is definitely far from my favorite Maureen.
Thanks for posting! Glad you had a great time!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
Matt's last night EVER.
Boy, once South Pacific closes, he'll have to find a job.
Alright, that makes a lot of sense if it was his last night... Hahaha And now I am extremely glad that I got to see Karmine. She was wonderful.
Any other comments?
Chorus Member Joined: 12/13/06
Why all the Matt bashing...It appears that he has been living his dream and making a living doing what he loves.....maybe you haven't been and don't...
... I'm not sure I've ever seen someone review a band member before.
Never dull.
Definitely in the Nicolette isn't a great Maureen camp. She and Haven are pretty much tied for my least favorite Maureen. Karmine is awesome!
You don't like the fact that I expressed my opinion about the conductor? Why? He's not just a band member, but the director of all of the music. I think that if it is deserving of criticism, then it is worth mentioning in a review. Glad I keep you entertained with reviews that point out things others might not.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/19/08
I never said I didn't like that you commented on it. I just find it a little bit odd that you felt the need to express that someone who, in theory, isn't supposed to be drawing attention to himself, uninteresting. I have no problem with it, so you can turn your bitchy and defensive levels down a notch; I just found it odd.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/3/06
nicolette was awful. her maureen was horendous. i still am fabbergasted as to why she got the role. she can't sing or act. i agree with everyone else: consider yourself lucky!!!
It's not that I felt he should have been drawing attention to himself, and it's not that I've seen shows where the conducting has been of any interest, but that does not change my opinion that at a show like RENT, full of rock music, that his conducting would be so laid back. Perhaps uninteresting wasn't the proper word, but rather controlled.
I have seen a few shows with the band onstage and the conductor or a band member was distracting. Yankee, I watch those things also. I figured I wasn't the only one!
when i first saw nic in may/june she was ok..i didn't really like her..when i saw her again in sept w/ adam and anthony she was great..when i saw the show last sunday (the 13th 7pm) with caren lyn manuel..i thought caren was MUCH better than nic...
im DYING to see karmine's maureen..and im dying to see caren's mimi
"What Broadway shows have you been to where the conductor was interesting? "
Actually, I enjoyed watching the conductor at Spring Awakening. She was definitely into it, and I thought that it was neat that she was a woman.
I've been to some Rent tour performances where the band/conductor is alot of fun... not that this is a requirement.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/1/08
The last time I saw RENT in October, Roger and the band somehow got mixed up during One Song Glory. The conductor jumped up and quickly got the band back on track, but not before some wrong notes were played. Another time, as the guy with the dreads was putting the shirts out on the railing above the band, one of them fell and hit the conductor on the head. The dreads guy laughed and waved when the conductor looked up.
As for the band at SA, the girl that goes to the piano for Totally F- is distracting to me. Yeah, yeah she's just bopping along the the music, but the way she is kinda convulsing as she "grooves" makes me unable to look away.
Who was Collins and how was he?
Broadway Star Joined: 5/14/03
"What Broadway shows have you been to where the conductor was interesting? "
I *loved* watching the "Full Monty" conductor. Strangely enough....
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
Kim Grigsby is the most distracting conductor in the business. But she's a true professional - eats, sleeps, and breathes the music. You know that you'll get a great show from her, along with whatever's on stage. Watching her during GREASE was the only thing that got me through the show.
And by many accounts, her naked back and gyrating tush (covered by a summery skirt) was the highpoint of TWO GENTLEMEN in Central Park a few summers ago.
Updated On: 1/21/08 at 05:24 PM
Featured Actor Joined: 5/2/06
Nicolette makes my ears bleed.
Steven22 - I really liked Caren as Mimi. I was only slightly impressed with Tamyra.