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suggestions for shows for a NY trip
 Dec 24 2008, 06:20:31 PM
Its been a few years and my wife and I are planning a long weekend of shows in NY. Suggestions and we are pretty well mainstream type of folks.

Over the years we have enjoyed Phantom, Jekyl & Hyde, Wicked, etc. She wanted to see Young Frankenstein but I understand it was cancelled.

Thanks in advance.

Need to take my wife to NY to see some shows - recommendations?
 Apr 23 2008, 10:40:52 AM
She likes fun musicals, comedies, etc. Nothing too serious or thought provoking.

In the past she has enjoyed Wicked, Evita, Phantom, Les Mis, etc.


What are some "must sees"?
 Jun 7 2007, 05:58:42 PM
I take my wife to NY approx every 3 years to see a few shows.

We are planning our next trip for early fall.

What are some shows we should see. She likes musicals and in the past pretty well goes main stream. Nothing too controversial, etc.

Over the years she has liked Phantom, Les Mis, Jekyll & Hyde, Wicked, Mama Mia, Scarlet Pimpernel.

I appreciate any feedback.


Planning a NY trip. What are the "must sees"?
 Sep 7 2006, 10:55:47 AM
I have not been in 2 years. My daughters love Wicked so that is a given.

What else? They are 20 and 18 years old so we are not really limited by rating (although I don't want to see anything really over the top).


re: Wicked in Atlanta questions
 May 22 2006, 09:37:58 AM
I saw the matinee last Saturday. Only the understudy for Elphiba was in as the lead played Glinda.

I was a bit disappointed in the singing of the Elphiba role (but my comparison is having seen Idina twice in New York and the lead in Dallas whose name escapes me). The actress playing Glinda was very good and brought her own cuteness and twists to the role. I saw JLT in New York and thought this actress was very comparable, singing and acting.

I was not particularly fond o

re: Wicked in Atlanta questions
 May 19 2006, 04:55:56 PM
Wicked in Atlanta questions
 May 19 2006, 04:05:17 PM
I have seen Wicked in New York twice and saw the tour last fall in Dallas. I have tickets for Saturday in Atlanta but it appears that the tour actors change a lot.

What can I expect out of the crew that is on tour now and currently in Atlanta.

Any insight will be great

Comparing various Wicked companies
 Nov 3 2005, 09:40:11 AM
It has been awhile since I have been online. My wife wants to travel somewhere and see Wicked again. Anyone offer any insight as to the different companies presenting play, i.e., New York, Chicago and I think there may be one more company out there?

Specifically the main leads and how they sing, etc.

BTW, we are fairly spoiled having seen Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth once and Idina and JLT the second time.

Thanks in advance.

re: Opinions on Eden Espinosa as Elphaba! plz!
 Jul 13 2005, 04:44:26 PM
I heard the Brooklyn cast recording and was disappointed but when I saw the play live, I was amazed at her voice.

In other words, I truly believe she comes across live very well.

You should go and let us know how she was.

Partial view tickets for Wicked
 Jun 19 2005, 11:49:15 PM
There are a couple of posted questions on here for "cheap" Wicked tickets. Some of the responses are less than polite. I will try to give some honest and experienced insight on the subject.

After trying a number of different approaches (ebay, the lottery, etc.) I feel the best alternative for the price are the partial view. You will need to order them a bit ahead of time (I have gotten them within a month of the show). The seats are fine. You really only miss the entrance from

Sorry if asked already but is Eden coming to Wicked?
 May 25 2005, 07:10:20 PM
There are so many posts on here that seem to talk about this as if it is announced. I assumed the first few posts I read on this subject were simply posting what they wanted to happen, but a few posts seem to state Eden coming to the show as if it were fact.

I doubt it is happening but am just wondering.

I saw her 5 years ago in Jekyll & Hyde
 May 25 2005, 03:22:17 PM
She is really beautiful with a voice to match.

I have no idea if she can dance but she can act.

Her natural beauty and sex appeal will play well in Chicago.

Any opinions on Wicked tour?
 May 24 2005, 03:56:48 PM
I have tickets to see Wicked in Chicago. I saw it twice in NY and really liked it.

How does the tour compare?

Any major changes or is it substantially the same.

Any thoughts on the tour cast? Any performers better than NY or dramatically down from their NY counterparts?

Thanks for any information.

re: tickets to Wicked in Chicago
 Apr 7 2005, 03:23:42 PM
As an update I found out that they added some days to the Chicago stop and as of an hour ago some tix were available for the added days beginning with June 24.

From experience, if you have any desire to go in Chicago and don't want to pay through the nose, buy now.

tickets to Wicked in Chicago
 Apr 7 2005, 09:51:38 AM
anyone have an idea how to get tix in Chicago for Wicked in late May? My wife wants to go and I cannot get anything off of Ticketmaster.

Thanks in advance.

Kelli O'Hara
 Feb 28 2005, 09:30:34 PM
1. She is lovely
2. She is Irish
3. I saw her naked in Dracula (omg!) and I am Irish so I can't help it(hey, you asked, just being honest here)
4. I met her and she is incredibly nice.

I liked it.
 Dec 24 2004, 11:29:10 AM
Saw it twice and liked it better the 2nd time.

Only character I did not like was Van Helsing. The accent just did not work for me.

I Agree - The movie rocks
 Dec 23 2004, 01:16:22 PM
I truly believe Emmy Rossum is the next big female star. She just has it, whatever it is.

The movie just rocked.

I cannot believe the critics have been around 50/50 on it. If you like the show at all you will like the movie.

It has differences but retains the core of the show. Cinema allows expansion however, and it is well done.

Go see it.

It was great - exceeded all expectations
 Dec 22 2004, 11:34:47 PM
I saw POTO tonight in a digital projection theater.

The video and sound were great.

The cinemaphotography was beautiful. Emmy Rossum was gorgeous and perfectly cast. She lights up the screen and I think she is destined to be the next great female film star.

The story was true to the play but with logical fill ins.

Please go see it. If you are a fan of the show, you should love it.

FWIW I disagree
 Nov 12 2004, 09:44:25 AM
I have to respectfully disagree. I went to see Brooklyn with no predisposed notion and very little knowledge about the show. It was very good. I will agree that the strength of the show is the performers as vocally this was a very strong group.

I enjoyed the unique presentation and actually liked the book.

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