Who liked Dracula?

#0Who liked Dracula?
Posted: 12/24/04 at 9:19am

I loved it but the reviews just killed it.

Tiny-Toon Profile Photo
#1re: Who liked Dracula?
Posted: 12/24/04 at 9:20am

It wasn't THAT bad

#2re: Who liked Dracula?
Posted: 12/24/04 at 10:07am

Faint praise there,tinytoon? Guess I can't fault you - there were some great voices in a very pretty show - but oy! the book!
I don't think it deserved the vicious vitriol it got,though-if you want to see it-do it soon-final performance is Jan 2nd.

Phanfare Profile Photo
#3re: Who liked Dracula?
Posted: 12/24/04 at 10:24am

Honestly, I loved it. I've seen it 8 times, with tickets to closing night. I don't think it's the absolute best show out there, but I also don't think it deserved the horrible reviews that it got. I like it more and more everytime I go. Even though this has nothing to do with the show itself, the cast members are so sweet afterwards as well, especially Tom, which makes the experience better.

Dracula 1/2~ I was born to love you and to need you and to let you go free...

#4re: Who liked Dracula?
Posted: 12/24/04 at 11:09am

couldn't've said it better... it seems almost all bad musicals today are killed by their horrific book... OY is right

cathywellerstein Profile Photo
#5re: Who liked Dracula?
Posted: 12/24/04 at 11:28am

i love dracula so much, i think the show is great, and i'm so disappointed that it's closing. it is true that the cast is exceptionally nice afterwards. i'm gonna miss it!

#6I liked it.
Posted: 12/24/04 at 11:29am

Saw it twice and liked it better the 2nd time.

Only character I did not like was Van Helsing. The accent just did not work for me.

#7I liked it.
Posted: 12/24/04 at 11:32am

I've seen it a couple times. I just can't stand Melissa Errico in the part -- she is bland, boring, and her voice is shot. I saw it once with her cover -- who was heads and tails better than her in every department. I also think the men in the show are quite good.

And, I'd LOVE to see Kelly O'Hara get a Tony nod for this show -- she is GREAT in it -- and her voice...geesh. Amazing.

"Fundamentalism means never having to say 'I'm wrong.'" -- unknown

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#8I liked it.
Posted: 12/24/04 at 1:41pm

Dracula is obviously a bad show, but I saw it in previews and I don't think it was quite as bad as the critics made it out to be. Most of them said it was boring, and I certainly was never bored. They also gave Tom Hewitt a hard time, but I think he was very good, although his voice is a little too light for a character like Dracula. However, Melissa Errico was obviously very pissed off that she was in that show and seemed to be just walking through it. She took time off from the show because of vocal problems? Yeah right. Anyway, the show was bad but not THAT bad. However, it still should have closed a while ago. If this were a generation ago, when Broadway was Broadway, it wouldn't have lasted a month.

Broadwaylady Profile Photo
#9I liked it.
Posted: 12/24/04 at 1:48pm

I loved it also. I had planned to see it again but my tixs were after the closing date. Tom Hewitt is gorgeous. I waited for autographs and everyone was nice. I do not know why the critcs hated it. The special effects were something to see.

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by moments that take our breath away." "Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain."

bronxboundexpress Profile Photo
#10I liked it.
Posted: 12/24/04 at 1:48pm

The show is not as bad as the critics said and everyone knows it. They were just on a power trip and wanted to have some fun and most of all, went into the show already knowing they were going to pan it which is not smart.

#11I liked it.
Posted: 12/24/04 at 2:47pm

Don't talk about about things you "obviously" don't know about-regardless of how you felt about Ms Errico's performance,the woman was in fact quite ill for some time-and when she recovered she returned to the show & hasn't missed a performance since.

For you to suggest her vocal problems did not exist is really shameful & I hope such a thing never happens to you....and Tom Hewitt's voice "too light"?
How can anyone take your posts seriously after you've said something like that?

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#12I liked it.
Posted: 12/24/04 at 2:50pm

My wife & I loved it. We look forward to the cd of the show in whatever form it takes

Poster Emeritus

Carl Magnum Profile Photo
Carl Magnum
#13I liked it.
Posted: 12/24/04 at 2:59pm

Of course you didn't mind it Tiny Toon I mean hell you love that steaming pile called BKLYN!!!!!!!!

I got rid of my teeth at a young age because... I'm straight. Teeth are for gay people. That's why fairies come and get them

Carl Magnum Profile Photo
Carl Magnum
#14I liked it.
Posted: 12/24/04 at 2:59pm

Of course you didn't mind it Tiny Toon I mean hell you love that steaming pile called BKLYN!!!!!!!!

I got rid of my teeth at a young age because... I'm straight. Teeth are for gay people. That's why fairies come and get them

JohnPopa Profile Photo
#15I liked it.
Posted: 12/24/04 at 3:03pm

I love BronxBoundExpress's theories.

I wonder what color the sky is in his world?

AidaNYRent Profile Photo
#16I liked it.
Posted: 12/24/04 at 3:09pm

I saw Dracula last week and really didn't want to see it, I thought it was not going to be my type of show. I was very wrong and very pleased with the show. I am glad I went to see it. I saw Bombay Dreams right after Dracula and thought that was excellent, sorry to see these two shows closing. No one gave them a change.

"I've heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason, bringing something we must learn, and we are lead to those who help us most to grow if we let them and we help them in return" Galinda

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#17I liked it.
Posted: 12/24/04 at 3:17pm

I first saw it in La Jolla and I loved it then. I won't get to see it on Broadway but from everything I've heard and seen I would have liked it. I hope the national tour does surface becasue that would be cool. Can't wait for the studio cast recording either. It's gonna be awesome.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#18I liked it.
Posted: 12/24/04 at 5:42pm

People DID give this show a chance.

And it really is 100% as terrible as the reviews were. It really is garbage. But, compared to BKLYN, it is a brilliant masterpiece.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

#19I liked it.
Posted: 12/24/04 at 5:51pm

i don't think i have ever seen a positive comment from you that was worth while (as i am sure you accidently - like now - slipped in a positive comment while making a negative one).

I saw the show in previews. Hope to see it again next week before it closes. i told the parental units i would drive into the city on my own if plans to see it with friends fell through...

shlamdiddly Profile Photo
#20I liked it.
Posted: 12/24/04 at 5:53pm

I enjoyed it

You aren't feeling overwhelmed are you?

Phantom2 Profile Photo
#21I liked it.
Posted: 12/24/04 at 6:15pm

I thought Dracula was very interesting. Tom Hewitt was wonderful as well as the rest of the cast.

"I'm learning to dig deep down inside and find the truth within myself and put that out. I think what we identify with in popular music more than anything else is when someone just shares a truth that we can relate to. That's what I'm searching for in my music." - Ron Bohmer

"I broke the boundaries. It wasn't cool to be in plays- especially if you were in sports & I was in both." - Ashton Kutcher

TGIF Profile Photo
#22I liked it.
Posted: 12/24/04 at 7:17pm

I saw it I think the day after opening night. I left entertained. There were some nice effects and great voices on the stage. And yes, the cast was very personable afterwards. However, the more I thought about the show the more things I found wrong with it. The book was the problem. I think they tried to hard to stay true to the original novel. Sometimes you do need that freedom to change a few things to make it work. Many novels have been made into musicals and make many changes, Dracula would not have been critized if they changed elements to the plot. Look at Wicked for christ sake.

I want to write music. I want to sit down right now at my piano and write a song that people will listen to and remember and do the same thing every morning...for the rest of my life. - Jonathan Larson. Tick, Tick...BOOM!
Updated On: 12/24/04 at 07:17 PM

#23I liked it.
Posted: 12/24/04 at 9:28pm

I agree the book was the problem, but I don't think the issue was that they stayed true to the novel. I think the problem was that they kept through to the novel, and then only did every third scene. Made it a bit confusing.

bronxboundexpress Profile Photo
#24I liked it.
Posted: 12/25/04 at 12:15am

It is not a great show but it is also not as bad as the critic say. They were correct but they were also very mean and that is what I meant by them being on a power trip because come on, we all know they ejoyed posting those reviews and thought hard on jokes because Frank is so well known for having bashing reviews.
