
The Late Joan Rivers: 'Does this urn make my ash look fat?'- Page 8

The Late Joan Rivers: 'Does this urn make my ash look fat?'

#175Karma stops Joan Rivers's breathing
Posted: 8/30/14 at 9:54pm

So is my new thread title and none can convince me otherwise.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

DAME Profile Photo
#176Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 9:55pm

Namo; I commend you for changing the title of your thread. Namos Thread

Updated On: 8/30/14 at 09:55 PM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#177Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 10:02pm

I admit your title is very clever Mamo


Jane2 Profile Photo
#178Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 10:02pm

I admit your title is very clever Mamo


songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#179Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 10:11pm

I love her, yes she can be mean spirited with get comedy at times and I can totally understand why people would dislike her for that, I get it. What I don't get is that the people on here who are so offended by her comedy are the ones who are telling mean spirited jokes about an 80 year old mother and grandmother dying and trying to disguise it as ' well Joan did it so I'm just following her lead' that makes no sense to me. Also the fact that it's coming from some on here who can be the nastiest posters on this board and frequently either tear others do?n or tell mean spirited jokes and share vile comments about other celebs in other threads.

Namo i love u but we get it already....you don't like Madonna

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#180Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 10:17pm

Joan has made lots of money, why should a few jokes by some nobodies hurt her?

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#181Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 10:19pm

They don't. She's in a coma and unlikely to live.

I just don't see the point.

Updated On: 8/30/14 at 10:19 PM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#182Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 10:21pm

The jokes aren't hurting Joan. They're reflecting poorly on those who are making them.

Updated On: 8/30/14 at 10:21 PM

dreaming Profile Photo
#183Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 10:27pm

I'll always treasure the night she came and sat with me and a bunch of other fellow theater fans and dished theater (not in her persona-but as Joan, the theater fan). She was so funny and sweet to us.

I will miss her and my thoughts and prayers are with her family now as they face the terrible decision they have to make.

#184Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 11:04pm

Do Joan's nasty jokes reflect horribly on her? On the people who laugh at them? Or ONLY on the people who think the jokes are mean-spirited and nasty?

I am honestly trying to understand you guys here.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#185Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 11:09pm

I think it's the third one, boo.

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#186Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 11:10pm

I have zero problem with people objecting to Joan's having lost her way in her comedy. I think that may well be a valid point. But is this a teachable moment? For whom? Her? Us?

If you honestly believe this was an evil woman who did evil, and should be vilified on her death bed, keep going. I just don't.

#187Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 11:12pm

Name, your TRHEAD TITLE says she "deserves it." That is all I meant. You are flat out saying because she's made jokes you don't like it's funny to mock it and say it's karma she's going likely going to die.

I DO think Joan would like the new thread title and laugh at any actual jokes about her, pulling the plug, etc. However, 90% of what you're spewing isn't even remotely a joke, but a "she said mean things! she's evil!! haha" tone. Write something in an actual joke format and I'll think it's funny. For the record, I've laughed at several jokes about her in heaven I've read online so far so I'm by no means sensitive towards her dying.

Joan was right, everything IS fodder for comedy. Is everything she ever said funny and in perfect taste? Of course not, but that doesn't mean we/you/i/Amy Schumer/WHOEVER shouldn't try. Just like not every joke about Hilter was funny, Mel Brooks can make us laugh and make light of the monster. I'm not saying her jokes about the abducted girls were great, but surely SOMEONE at some time can make us/them feel better about the horrors of that event so they shouldn't be off the table.

Again, I ask you why didn't you spew venom at Robin Williams threads? He also said questionable things in jokes. You seem to be personally anti Joan in reasons that seem beyond "She made jokes I don't think are funny!"

I'll say, in my own opinion, I think what Michael Richards and Tracey Jordan said were said in a comedy club, not in a political essay or personal opinion. It IS a bit of persona, but I've also heard very negative things about them as people, something I can't say for Joan, whom I've always heard glowing things about.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#188Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 11:28pm

I love Amy Schumer.

Updated On: 8/30/14 at 11:28 PM

sabrelady Profile Photo
#189Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 11:29pm

I am mildly intrigued that so many of her supporters here have already got her buried.
Here is the thing- we don't know anything other than 1) she stopped breathing 2) she is in a medically induced coma. There are so many variables here I can't begin to make even an UNeducated guess on this outcome. examples- was it a witnessed arrest? did she then go into cardiac arrest? Did she have CPR? Was she defibrillated? If yes to any of these how long was she" down"? What meds was she given?What was the underlying cause of the arrest? a PE? Stroke?
Since the coma is medically induced it should (at least potentially PLANNED for) be reversible.

Is it just her age? sorry that isn't a definitive element for predicting outcome. I had a 92 yr old who threw a massive PE ( and was on her way out the door!) went to ICU and 3 weeks latter went to rehab and home. She lived another 2 & 1/2 yrs ( i saw the obit.)
I always miss Rachel but it's times like these i especially miss her medical knowledge.

#190Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 11:30pm

I don't really understand why I have to explain how I do or do not feel about Robin Williams but do recognize it as the exact same strategy Joan used when asked by the woman on CNN if she were trying to tweak PETA. "You're wearing leather shoes!" which is not an answer to the question but a deflection filled with anger. You have learned well, Grasshopper. I'm still waiting for answers on the personae question and who gets a pass when using one. I'm really trying to understand people's thinking and have done my best to explain mine.

This is my thread that I started about Joan Rivers. Perhaps you should start a thread calked Namo Didn't Spew Venom at Robin Williams!!!!

Consider my thread title as a work in progress. I'm work shopping the joke to see what works.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

SweetLips Profile Photo
#191Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 11:30pm

I don't feel Joan Rivers humour requires this much discussion-potatoes/pottatas.
She makes you laugh/she doesn't. Why do we laugh when someone farts or falls over-who knows-were we born that way or did it develop?
For whatever reason Joan Rivers made many people LAUGH for many years, so much more important than causing misery that is abundant throughout the world.

Go peacefully Joan .x

PalJoey Profile Photo
#192Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 11:32pm

I love that memory, Dreaming. I'm seeing it retold on social media by dozens of other people with whom Joan was warm and gracious and generous.

As for myself, I'll always treasure the memory of Joan leaving me after a work session for a project that to my great regret was one of Joan's most successful endeavors.
She was leaving the next morning for China, to do Olivia Newton-John's "Great Walk to Beijing," a 228-km breast-cancer benefit along the Great Wall of China. I walked her to the elevator, not really wanting to let her go.

"Have a great time in China," I said.

"Thanks," she replied as the elevator door closed. "I'll bring you back some Chinese."

Updated On: 8/30/14 at 11:32 PM

#193Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 11:33pm

If any topic can be funny then any topic can be analyzed and discussed. If you want to discuss, discuss. If you don't, don't.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#194Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 11:35pm

I was sorry about the death of Robin Williams in the fact that I was sorry about his death, but I never really cared for him as a performer. There. I said it. Thank you for this safe space.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#195Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 11:40pm

Phyllis I personally liked Robin Williams as a performer and esp as the person I met.
I did not mention that there were MANY standup comic that hated him as they felt he had ripped them or friends of theirs off using bits in his act. I can't swear to accuracy of the accusations but I| know they were out there. So There! I repeated bad stuff about Robin Williams.
Continue with what you were doing...

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#196Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 11:46pm

Thank you I will

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#197Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 11:50pm

I understand there should be some modicum of decorum around these things, but I can't begrudge Phyllis and Namo their fun - if we were to truly take events like this to heart, about people we don't know, we would all be emotional and mental basketcases.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

sabrelady Profile Photo
#198Namos Thread
Posted: 8/30/14 at 11:53pm

we would all be emotional and mental basketcases.

NO it's too easy-

larrystyles Profile Photo
#199Namos Thread
Posted: 8/31/14 at 12:42am

good riddance to bad rubbish
