
It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism

It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism

#1It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 10/29/20 at 6:11pm

Cults collapse once the cult leader is removed.

For your sakes, for democracy's sake, I hope the scales fall from the eyes of VivaRoxyVegas, chimeradummyd, paulyallnuts, and yankmefan and that you see how you have been used and tricked and manipulated by this cult you don't even know that you're in.  

You're not stupid (except dummyd), but cults are evil, and you have been methodically groomed to such an extent that you wouldn't even raise a stink if you were abandoned on the side of a freezing Nebraska roadway after a maskless close-quarters rally in the middle of an airborne pandemic. 

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Kad Profile Photo
#2It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 10/29/20 at 6:26pm

But the mass media something something Hunter Biden's laptop something something

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#3It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 10/29/20 at 7:18pm

You can say that again and again and again. And then you can say it again when you ask why nobody ever talks about it? And then ask it yet again!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#4It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 10/29/20 at 8:12pm

Who is misinformed?  Let's review the facts:
1.  Trump excellently renegotiated 3 trade deals, Canada, Mexico, and now China, opening the pathway for more industries and jobs coming back to America.  That is is very important.  Where I live we have a new steel plant.  And Apple has built manufacturing in America.  Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.
2.  Under Trump before the Pandemic, the economy was hot with historic numbers, even for our minorities. Very important, especially for our Hispanic minorities.
3.  Adding to that Trump signed legislation for 500 billion for our inner city neighborhoods, as well as creating the Hispanic Prosperity Initiative, and creating opportunity zones in our inner cities.  Excellent for our minority Americans.  
4.  Trump signed legislation to address sentencing for first timers.
5.  Trump invested more in our military and also addressed issues with the veterans hospital system.
7.  Trump successfully got our country on a path toward energy independence. VERY VERY IMPORTANT.  Gasoline prices are quite low right now.
8.  Trump has addressed our illegal immigration problem.  A country without borders is not a country at all.  It is the flow of MS13 and drug trafficking cartels that must be stopped.  We always welcome legal immigrants and encourage them.
9.  Trump eliminated needless regulations and lowered taxes, which obviously put a shot in the arm of the economy.
10.  Trump has excellently martialed government and industry to create at least 4 new vaccines that should be ready by January.  He even did a good job providing ventilators and bringing in the Navy hospital ship to New York City.  
11.  Trump just lead 3 new peace deals with three Muslim countries and Israel.  Excellent .
12.  Trump has a long run goal of NOT getting us into long, unwinnable wars inn the Mideast.  Excellent for our troops.
13. Trump signed an order to increase the mining of Lithium in this country which is good for building electric cars.  Currently most lithium comes from Asia.
14.  Trump just appointed an excellent Supreme Court judge who use the constitution as law and not try to create law from the bench.
15.  Trump signed a grants order for 250 million dollars to Black colleges in America.  Very important. 

I will encourage the poster to become more informed before posting nonsense on the forum.






#5It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 10/29/20 at 8:24pm

You are not a serious person. If you were, you wouldn't be using phrases like "signed legislation," but this is the thing about cults. They take language that sounds familiar and they DISTORT it, twist it, destroy it. See also, "I'm Just a Bill on Capital Hill" to find out about legislation.  See also the hundreds of bills passed by Congress that have sat on Bitch BcConnell's desk because your cult is not interested in governing. Or words according to their commonly understood meaning.

You are in a cult.  I hope you can get out.  Save yourself.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#6It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 10/29/20 at 8:25pm

Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Obama

and soon ........  BIDEN  !!


Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 10/29/20 at 08:25 PM

#7It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 10/29/20 at 8:42pm

Hell, even Eisenhower! He hated fascists as much as communists. He would have DESPISED Trump.


(Note to too many people who post here: Communism is not socialism. Fascist is what Trump and the other Nazis are.)

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Lavieboheme3090 Profile Photo
#8It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 10/30/20 at 7:21am

And let's not forget that he was impeachment for trying to get political dirt on an opponent from a country with with a very delicate democracy. I need YOU to do us a favor though. It's really sad what he has done to our standing in the world.

#9It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 10/30/20 at 10:47am

Yes. And Trump's cult has convinced his blinded followers that words mean the opposite of their definitions.

For example, only a cult leader could convince his followers that a to-do list is a list of accomplishments. On Vanguard Trvmp's reelection page, he lists "ending Covid-19" as one of his accomplishments. Today, cases are up 42% while deaths are up 16%. Yesterday, his son "Cocaine, Jr." said "Covid deaths are down to almost nothing." Over a thousand people died of Covid yesterday. That's 1/3 of how many people died on 9/11, America's Never Forget Secular Holiday.

But we don't have to look further than this thread to see the list of damage done to the thought process of his victims with a 16 point wish list being touted as things that have been done!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

javero Profile Photo
#10It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 10/30/20 at 9:22pm

There is absolutely nothing appealing to me about the remote possibility of life under a socialist regime. However, even that would be an improvement over the present neo-fascist state led by a scatterbrained, science-denying, morally-bankrupt, narcissistic, race-baiting, misogynist, and Obama-envying charlatan who plays a president on TV. Character & competence matter!

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

uncageg Profile Photo
#11It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 10/31/20 at 2:39pm

FindingNamo said: "Yes. And Trump's cult has convinced his blinded followers that words mean the opposite of their definitions.

For example, only a cult leader could convince his followers that a to-do list is a list of accomplishments. On Vanguard Trvmp's reelection page, he lists "ending Covid-19" as one of his accomplishments. Today, cases are up 42% while deaths are up 16%. Yesterday, his son "Cocaine, Jr." said "Covid deaths are down to almost nothing." Over a thousand people died of Covid yesterday. That's 1/3 of how many people died on 9/11, America's Never Forget Secular Holiday.

But we don't have to look further than this thread to see the list of damage done to the thought process of his victims with a 16 point wish list being touted as things that have been done!


^^^^^^ That part.


Just give the world Love.

#12It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 11/1/20 at 1:01am

I even meant the phrase "remarkably tragic" completely sincerely. In Guyana, Rev. Jim Jones sent an advance team to assassinate Congressman Leo Ryan at the airport before he could get to "Jonestown."  On Saturday, cult members in pick up trucks with Trump flags flying tried to run Joe Biden's campaign bus off the road. It IS a cult and I hope the people in that cult who come here can find their way back to humanity.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

uncageg Profile Photo
#13It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 11/2/20 at 1:45pm

FindingNamo said: "I even meant the phrase "remarkably tragic" completely sincerely. In Guyana, Rev. Jim Jones sent an advance team to assassinate Congressman Leo Ryan at the airport before he could get to "Jonestown." On Saturday, cult members in pick up trucks with Trump flags flying tried to run Joe Biden's campaign bus off the road. It IS a cult and I hope the people in that cult who come here can find their way back to humanity."

That was jaw dropping and could be a sign of things to come if Biden wins. Amazing how the Right can slam the left but NOWHERE do you see Biden supporters pulling dangerous stunts like this. They even closed down a bridge in NYC. 


Just give the world Love.

nealb1 Profile Photo
#14It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 11/3/20 at 4:07pm

I'll support anyone who believes in equality.  Trump never has, and never will.  He led the hate parade on the Barack Obama birth certificate nonsense.  No other former President has ever had his place of birth questioned before.  

How anyone can justify this, and make excuses for this, I just have no understanding of.  Seeing the women at his rallies, who get so excited about him, and wave their MAGA signs, is just so pathetic.  It reminds me of those women who marry prisoners.  

Updated On: 11/3/20 at 04:07 PM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#15It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 11/3/20 at 5:32pm

Tell me about it. I was in line earlier on the UWS and there was a woman behind me. She was excited and kept taking photos of herself with her glittery Starbucks cup, her acrylic nails tapping. She then said "Exciting day! Four more years!". I turned to this fellow woman and said "Yeah, I'm not a fan of rape so I am voting differently". Her cup dropped, her eyes stopped twinkling, she paused her IG session, and turned away for me. She called her husband and told him what I said, I heard him screaming on the phone, outraged. I was incredibly amused yet troubled than any woman would give him their vote. Most likely has to do with their husbands and the control they hold over them. . 

I get seeing these people in Long and Staten Island with 26 flags on their pick ups but it's always jarring seeing one in your own liberal ass neighborhood. 


yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#16It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 11/5/20 at 8:52am

"For your sakes, for democracy's sake, I hope the scales fall from the eyes of VivaRoxyVegas, chimeradummyd, paulyallnuts, and yankmefan and that you see how you have been used and tricked and manipulated by this cult you don't even know that you're in. "

I don't think any of the "cult" mentioned above ever got a "tingle" up our leg like Chris Matthews did with Obama, sorry I could not resist chance to poke fun. Trump has been a public figure for 40 years and it was no secret he has a big ego and can be a bully. I think most people that even vote for him don't like his name calling and his obnoxious tweeting all the time. Just because people may like a few things that Trump has done (tax cuts,trade deals, peace agreement etc) does not mean they are totally blind to his faults (shutting down the government, relationship with Democratic leaders etc)

Biden has basically won, Republicans will probably hold slim majority in the Senate and so far the Democratic majority in the House got a little smaller. So let's hope with Trump gone and Democrats can't totally rubber stamp their wish list that Congress/President actually learns how to negotiate with each other and get something done for the American people.


Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#17It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 11/5/20 at 11:52am

does not mean they are totally blind to his faults (shutting down the government, relationship with Democratic leaders etc)

Sorry, let me edit your post a bit for accuracy sake. 

Does mean they are totally blind to his faults (openly racist, failed to condemn white supremacy, child rapist, sexaul assaults at least 26 women, sociopath, mentally ill, throws temper tantrums, lies as soon as he opens his mouth, is responsible for over 200,000+ deaths, doesn't believe in science, raised ass*ole children, insulted everyone who lost a loved one during a pandemic saying "it's not a big deal!", seeks to divide not unify as LEADER of the country).

There ya go. Your denial about all these things is despicable. But hey, thanks for not voting for him! 

Updated On: 11/8/20 at 11:52 AM

Phantom of London Profile Photo
Phantom of London
#18It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 11/5/20 at 4:34pm

chicagodannyd said: "Who is misinformed? Let's review the facts:
1. Trump excellently renegotiated 3 trade deals, Canada, Mexico, and now China, opening the pathway for more industries and jobs coming back to America. That is is very important. Where I live we have a new steel plant. And Apple has built manufacturing in America. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.
2. Under Trump before the Pandemic, the economy was hot with historic numbers, even for our minorities. Very important, especially for our Hispanic minorities.
3. Adding to that Trump signed legislation for 500 billion for our inner city neighborhoods, as well as creating the Hispanic Prosperity Initiative, and creating opportunity zones in our inner cities. Excellent for our minority Americans.
4. Trump signed legislation to address sentencing for first timers.
5. Trump invested more in our military and also addressed issues with the veterans hospital system.
7. Trump successfully got our country on a path toward energy independence. VERY VERY IMPORTANT. Gasoline prices are quite low right now.
8. Trump has addressed our illegal immigration problem. A country without borders is not a country at all. It is the flow of MS13 and drug trafficking cartels that must be stopped. We always welcome legal immigrants and encourage them.
9. Trump eliminated needless regulations and lowered taxes, which obviously put a shot in the arm of the economy.
10. Trump has excellently martialed government and industry to create at least 4 new vaccines that should be ready by January. He even did a good job providing ventilators and bringing in the Navy hospitalship to New York City.
11. Trump just lead 3 new peace deals with three Muslim countries and Israel. Excellent .
12. Trump has a long run goal of NOT getting us into long, unwinnable wars inn the Mideast. Excellent for our troops.
13. Trump signed an order to increase the mining of Lithium in this country which is good for building electric cars. Currently most lithium comes from Asia.
14. Trump just appointed an excellent Supreme Court judge whouse the constitution as law and not try to create law from the bench.
15. Trump signed a grants order for 250 million dollars to Black colleges in America. Very important.

I will encourage the poster to become more informed before posting nonsense on the forum.

it’s over for you, the fat lady is getting ready for her big number.



Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#19It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 11/5/20 at 6:01pm

Omg that santorum is still around? He is the only person I blocked because the mods refused to delete his threads spreading lies and misinformation about this election. It will be SO amazing that he will go back to his hole in Indiana when President Biden is officially announced! 

It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism




#20It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 11/6/20 at 2:51pm

Kudos on that sobriquet, SR.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#22It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 11/6/20 at 4:49pm

Namo:  I am not a serious person?  Let's review my background:  B.S. degree in chemistry, trained in forensic toxicology, and environmental science.  Former Middle Manager for the U.S. Department of Energy as well as former Plant Manager for an OTC drug company.  As a soldier, I served in the Viet Nam War and was honorably discharged.  I also held the highest security clearance of this nation, and played a key role in developing a technology for saving lives of our soldiers.  My credentials speak for themselves.  I literally put my life on the line for the 1st amendment and the constitution.

Former SP-4, U.S. Army Chemical Corps., Viet Nam War veteran
P.S.  I also have 5 war veterans in my family:  From WWII to Desert Storm. 



Kad Profile Photo
#23It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 11/6/20 at 5:56pm

And Ben Carson is a very good brain surgeon.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#24It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 11/6/20 at 7:00pm

chicagodannyd said: "Namo: I am nota serious person? Let's review my background: B.S. degree in chemistry, trained in forensic toxicology, and environmental science. Former Middle Manager for the U.S. Department of Energy as well as former Plant Manager for an OTC drug company. As a soldier, I served in the Viet Nam War and was honorably discharged. I also held the highest security clearance of this nation, and played a key role in developing a technology for saving lives of our soldiers. My credentials speak for themselves.I literally put my life on the line for the 1st amendment and the constitution.

Former SP-4, U.S. Army Chemical Corps., Viet Nam War veteran
P.S. I also have 5 war veterans in my family: From WWII to Desert Storm.


So how did a guy like you find a Broadway message board to talk politics?

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#25It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 11/6/20 at 7:00pm

chicagodannyd said: "Namo: I am nota serious person? Let's review my background: B.S. degree in chemistry, trained in forensic toxicology, and environmental science. Former Middle Manager for the U.S. Department of Energy as well as former Plant Manager for an OTC drug company. As a soldier, I served in the Viet Nam War and was honorably discharged. I also held the highest security clearance of this nation, and played a key role in developing a technology for saving lives of our soldiers. My credentials speak for themselves.I literally put my life on the line for the 1st amendment and the constitution.

Former SP-4, U.S. Army Chemical Corps., Viet Nam War veteran
P.S. I also have 5 war veterans in my family: From WWII to Desert Storm.


So how did a guy like you find a Broadway message board to talk politics?
